Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3482 to get rich (1)

In the end, because the formation suddenly collapsed for the second time, Li Moying had no choice but to retreat, which allowed Huang Sanbai to find a chance to escape from Li Moying's grasp in a very dangerous way.

Huang Sanbai made adjustments, waited until the tremors on the ground had completely stopped, and looked back, Huang Yueli and Li Moying had long since disappeared.

"This is troublesome... It's almost dawn, it seems that I can only go back first!"


Huang Yueli and Li Moying led the four guards forward along the new route.

This route was very different from the optimal route they planned at the beginning, but it seemed much safer, and there were fewer corpses on the roadside than they had seen before.

However, there were still various dangers lurking on the road. Although everyone was careful along the way and strictly obeyed Huang Yueli's command, there would still be occasions where they did not think carefully.

Fortunately, these little accidents did not cause too much damage.

After continuing to advance for a day and two nights and killing several high-level spirit beasts, Huang Yueli finally stopped.

"If I'm not mistaken, the entrance to the secret realm should be near here." She held her chin, her eyes dark.

The guards were a little surprised and turned their heads to look around.

"Are we really getting there? But... it doesn't look any different from the rest of the jungle, does it?"

"That's right, besides, there are no corpses in the vicinity for five or six miles, which means that the vicinity is still very safe. The Evil Shadow Saint has arranged so many organ formations, so he is relaxing on the edge of his cave. alert?"

Everyone has doubts on their faces.

Only Li Moying didn't ask any questions, just looked at the girl beside her with those charming peach blossom eyes, his eyes were full of tenderness and trust.

From the beginning to the end, he believed in all Huang Yueli's judgments, no matter how strange and unreasonable it seemed to outsiders, he also believed that his little Li'er would not make a mistake.

Huang Yue said confidently: "The location of the entrance marked on the map must be right here! There are no corpses around. This abnormality just shows that there are unusual secrets hidden in this area! From the distribution of formations around According to the current situation, what is here should be the source of the evil spirits in the outer formations..."

As she said that, she raised her eyebrows, and looked at Li Tianer with a half-smile.

"That is to say, the level of evil here is much higher than that of the outer area! It's just that we can't feel it when we are in it. However, if Brother Tian Er takes a wrong step here, I'm afraid it won't happen at all." There is a process of petrification, and it will turn into a pile of dust in an instant..."

Hearing this, Li Tianer couldn't help shivering.

Just imagining such a scene makes people feel chills.

The bodyguards all shivered. They cheered up and put on a defensive posture. Just now, they were a little slack and tired, but now they are gone!

Li Moying curled her lips amusedly.

He could see that although this place was dangerous, it was not as exaggerated as what Huang Yueli said. She mainly wanted to scare Li Tianyi and the others.

After scaring the guards, Huang Yueli picked up the map and continued to study.

"This is the source of evil energy, and the way to open the entrance is closely related to the surrounding eyes..."

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