Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3602 Really crying (3)

The referees had no choice, but it was impossible to give in, so they could only keep a cold face, without even defending themselves, and said directly: "Shut up! Who is the referee? If you dare to make trouble in the Temple of Heaven, you don't want to deal with it in the future." Are you sick?"

It has to be said that the deterrent effect of these words is strong enough.

In an instant, the whole place was quiet again.

Liu Buyan just watched silently from the side, and finally sneered, "Don't think I don't understand your thoughts. Well, I'll just wait and see what Lu can refine!"

Lu Dongfeng was already shocked by this scene, and forgot that he was still making alchemy.

After the leading referee gave him countless glances, he suddenly remembered where he was, and hurriedly looked at the pill furnace in front of him again.

Due to his negligence just now, the flame of the pill furnace has been rushing back and forth, almost going out.

The medicinal materials that had been melted in the alchemy furnace were almost burnt.

Lu Dongfeng frantically carried out the remedy, displaying all his unique skills of pressing the bottom of the box.

The referees have helped him so much, he must now refine this potion of elixir, and he must do so as soon as possible! If he fails, his face will never be regained!

However, people are like this, the more anxious you want to get things done, the more things will backfire.

The firepower of the alchemy furnace fluctuates, which has always been a big taboo in alchemy. Lu Dongfeng was in a hurry, and later he made several mistakes. Several factors superimposed, and a tragedy happened.


A loud noise came from where Lu Dongfeng was standing.

The alchemy furnace in front of him exploded!

Thick black smoke, mixed with the scalding liquid in the alchemy furnace, and the deflagration flames, shot out in all directions!

When Liu Buyan heard the sound, relying on the reaction he had practiced for many years, he rushed to the side immediately, and at the same time, he did not forget to take away his already cooled alchemy furnace.

But the four elixir referees who were blowing black whistles did not react so quickly. By the time they realized that the danger was approaching, the black smoke had already rushed into their faces.

"Not good! Quick! Get out of the way!"

"Damn it!"

Amidst the exclamation, the four elixir referees were sprayed with black smoke all over their heads and faces, and were burnt black in an instant.

Lu Dongfeng was the closest to the alchemy furnace, even if he had Liu Buyan's reaction, he would not be able to avoid it, so he was also the most seriously injured.

The thick black smoke enveloped his whole body, and his clothes were immediately ignited, but in an instant, it turned into a ball of flames.

"not good!"

Before the four referees had time to wipe the ashes off their faces, they heard Lu Dongfeng's screams and hurried over to rescue him.

Fortunately, there was a beautiful man-made pond next to the Temple of Heaven, the four of them splashed water, undressed and slapped them, and quickly extinguished the fire in a hurry.

However, Lu Dongfeng was already burned, curled up into a ball, rolling and howling on the ground.

"I... my eyes! My eyes can't see! Ahhhhh!"

That heart-piercing scream was really worse than killing a pig.

The martial artists who were watching were all shocked by such a sudden change, and they all froze in place, unable to recover for a long time.

Originally thought that Lu Dongfeng would win this match.

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