Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3610 really crying (11)

Seeing this scene, the other three referees were startled and angry, and could no longer hide behind the leader, so they quickly stood up and questioned Liu Buyan and Xingshi together.

Liu Buyan blinked his eyes, and said innocently: "What do you mean by this? Violence? How can I be violent?"

" threw your purse into Dr. Chen's face, and you said you didn't get rough? You're clearly insulting him!" a pharmacist said angrily.

Liu Buyan still looked innocent, "This...what did you say? Throwing a money bag at the face, isn't it the etiquette among the pharmacists of the Chongzi City Spirit? This doctor Chen just gave the money to me in the same way. Mine? I learned from him because I was afraid that I would not be well-mannered when I first arrived here!"


Huang Yueli was listening below, and almost couldn't help laughing.

Her senior brother is also very black-bellied. Don't look at him in the lower realm, he was quite stable in front of her and Li Moying. In fact, if you provoke him, the consequences will be very serious!

Today, these elixir masters provoked him, and it was bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Huang Yueli's smile broke the silence in the crowd.

All the people who were stunned just now came back to their senses at this moment, and laughed mockingly one after another.

Liu Buyan's move is really amazing!

If others are rude to him, he will return it as it is!

Not only that, but he was able to act so innocent, knowing that what he said was ironic, but it was irrefutable!

Several referees blushed with anger, but there was nothing they could do.

However, what made them even more desperate was yet to come.

Liu Buyan walked under the small plaque with the price, pointed to a line of small characters on it, and said, "Actually, everyone is a colleague of the elixir Temple of Heaven, and the method of diagnosis and treatment I just had is very simple. I'm also a bit embarrassed about the middle-grade crystal jade, but the money...forget it!"

Liu Buyan's words surprised everyone.

Does he... feel that he has achieved his goal, and decides to accept it?

The referees and Lu Dongfeng who was lying on the stretcher all looked at him in surprise, and couldn't believe that Liu Buyan would be so kind.

"You... What are you planning? Would you be willing not to take money?" Lu Dongfeng said in a trembling voice.

Liu Buyan said with a smile: "Does Dr. Lu misunderstand me? I said that there is no fee for diagnosis and treatment, but I just don't charge treatment fee! But..."

He paused, and then said: "However, for the sake of everyone being a pharmacist, the diagnosis and treatment fee may not be charged, but you still have to give me the money for the elixir? It is written on the plaque that if you are in the In the process of diagnosis and treatment, elixirs were used, and the elixirs will be charged separately. The elixirs I took out just now are holy-level elixirs! I am just an earth-level pharmacist, and I am very poor. I can’t give away such things for free .”

Hearing this, the faces of Lu Dongfeng and others turned green!

I knew...he wouldn't be so kind!

He also said that the diagnosis and treatment fee will not be charged. It turns out that he is waiting to collect the money for their elixir!

Lu Dongfeng really wanted to say that he didn't want to take this elixir, but Liu Buyan forced it to him. If he had known earlier that this was a holy elixir and had to pay for it, then he would rather suffer for a few more days than take it casually!

But now, he has eaten everything, and his injury has healed. It is too late to say this again!

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