Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3617 playing around (6)

These people are relatively strong among the betting warriors, they have all reached the Mind Profound Realm, and they think they are tens of thousands of times stronger than that soft-legged shrimp that was beaten into the air.

Moreover, the thought of losing so much money at once aroused their evil thoughts.

These few people strode out, rushed in front of Huang Yueli, and stopped in front of the table.

"This girl, please speak up if you have something to say, did you do it... Ouch!"



Almost in the blink of an eye, these few people were sent flying by Huang Yueli one after another, screaming one after another, but most of the people didn't even see how Huang Yueli made a move.

When everyone came back to their senses, they saw one figure after another flying over the heads of the crowd, hitting the wall of the elixir Temple of Heaven one after another with bang bang bang bang.

The elixir Temple of Heaven was originally a hut with a rather simple appearance, and it couldn't withstand such an impact at all. Several bricks and stones on the wall fell off, and it was about to be knocked down.

But after Huang Yueli sent these people flying, she rushed towards the small table without even stopping.

At this time, it was too late for other people to come to stop it, and only the dealer was sitting behind the small table.

Seeing Huang Yueli approaching, he was still dying, he had no choice but to lie down on the table and use his body to cover all the chalcedony to prevent Huang Yueli from taking the money.

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to keep the money no matter what!

After today, his reputation has been completely ruined. Even if he becomes a banker in the future, no one would dare to bet with a person like him who backtracks, so he can't lose the pension money!

Unfortunately, what he thought had no effect on Huang Yueli at all.

Huang Yueli stretched out her slender, white hands, grabbed the dealer's collar, and threw him out without any effort!

The onlookers watched dumbfoundedly as the dealer drew a beautiful arc in the air, and finally... it landed on the chimney of the elixir Temple of Heaven!

Inside the elixir Temple of Heaven, there are many elixir masters refining elixirs every day. To generate a lot of smoke and dust, they have to be discharged from this chimney.

Therefore, the chimney was built very high, and thick smoke billowed all year round.

Now the dealer's body landed on the top of the chimney impartially, just blocking the exit.

The dealer immediately howled like a pig being killed, because all the hot smoke hit him, and the taste was almost the same as when Lu Dongfeng was scalded by the pill furnace before.

The thick smoke continued to accumulate at the bottom of the chimney, and finally reached the limit, generating a huge momentum that dragged the dealer's body up.

The dealer was like a bottle cork that was bounced off, his body flew straight into the sky, and then crossed the sky, falling out of everyone's sight.

The onlookers watched mesmerized one by one, and waited until the dealer's voice could no longer be heard, and then they slapped their thighs and suddenly woke up.

"Oh my god! This dealer is really miserable this time!"

"Looking at the arc of his flight is really pleasing to the eye!"

"Did you see what he looked like when he was washed out by the thick smoke? It was so ridiculous, he looked like a dead mouse, and he was still black!"

"This kid is finished now, he might be beaten into a useless person! I really don't know if that girl did it on purpose, or is it just a coincidence?"

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