Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3619 Liu Buyan's encounter (2)

Hearing this, Huang Yueli couldn't help but give him a blank look, "I've never seen you so narcissistic!"

Liu Buyan smiled nonchalantly: "What narcissism? What I said is true! Didn't you notice that when I was daring with that young master just now, there were many girls staring at me?"

Huang Yueli could only hehe.

When standing next to Li Moying before, Liu Buyan didn't dare to be so arrogant.

It has only been two years since Li Moying left, and Liu Buyan has returned to her self-proclaimed romantic nature.

Liu Buyan was stared at by Huang Yueli for a few times, so he could only touch his nose and return to the main topic: "Well, I really didn't find anything wrong with you before, everyone bet that I would lose badly, Only you placed such a big bet all of a sudden, betting that I would win, made me think you were interested in me..."

When Huang Yueli heard this, she glanced at him coldly.

Liu Buyan was not afraid, but he was afraid that Huang Yueli, a little junior sister, would be cowarded again after being swept away by her, so he could only laugh dryly: "I knew I was wrong later on! However, after I left , I felt that there must be a reason for you to suddenly jump out to help me, so I didn't leave immediately, I hid on purpose and waited for you, and then I saw you showing off your femininity, and beat up those who didn't have eyes!"

"I'm still very familiar with your shots. Besides, how many talented girls can be so powerful at such a young age, so I naturally think of you."

Huang Yueli nodded after listening, "As expected of my senior brother, you are quite smart!"

"That's not right!" Liu Buyan was still a little embarrassed.

At this moment, there were bursts of chaotic footsteps not far away.

Huang Yueli hurriedly looked around, pulled Liu Buyan and left, "This is not a place to talk, let's go to the inn where you are staying first!"

Liu Buyan followed Huang Yueli's words and brought Huang Yueli back to where he was staying. It was indeed the largest and most expensive inn in Chongzi City.

Huang Yueli sat down on the chair, looked at the decorations in the room, and said with a smile: "You really enjoy yourself so much! This house should be very expensive, so tell me, how did you get promoted so quickly? ? And, looking at you, it seems that you are doing well in the God Realm! You will become an earth-level pharmacist so soon!"

When it comes to this matter, Liu Buyan is most proud of it.

However, he doesn't have many acquaintances in the God Realm, and he has no place to show off his pride.

When I met Huang Yueli, I was able to explain my situation in the past two years.

"Actually, it has been twenty years since I reached the peak of the Ninth Layer Realm. In terms of cultivation alone, when Li Moying ascended, I had already reached the level before his soul splitting, but the combat power was not as good as yours. However, ascension What I was looking at was cultivation, not actual combat. After the space barrier was broken through, I was lucky enough to find an ancient relic, practiced in seclusion for more than a year, and successfully ascended."

Huang Yueli nodded thoughtfully.

Although Liu Buyan said it lightly, Huang Yueli also knew that the ancient ruins Liu Buyan found must be extraordinary.

Otherwise, Liu Buyan's talent can only be said to be ordinary compared with the warriors of the gods, and it is not so easy to ascend, plus he is of human blood...

"Huh? Wait! Why do I think your bloodline breath is a little different from before? Did you accept some protoss relics and change your bloodline talent?"

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