Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3636 I have a way (7)

Huang Yueli deliberately slowed down her movements, but in order not to affect the effect of refining the weapon, there was a limit to how much she could slow down.

After only a quarter of an hour, Huang Yueli stopped.

A low-grade standard spirit weapon has been refined and is lying quietly at the bottom of the refining furnace.

However, both of them didn't even look at the spiritual weapon. Huang Yueli immediately turned to Liu Buyan and asked, "Senior brother, how is it? Did you see clearly what I did just now? Did you?" reward?"

Liu Buyan frowned and pondered, "I probably understand a little bit... The way you build the force field is very special. It is completely through the induction of the energy flow inside the refining material and timely adjustment to achieve such an effect, right?"

"Yes, you're right!" Huang Yueli nodded repeatedly, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Her movements are completely unfamiliar to people in the God Realm, and her movements are too fast to a certain extent. When it was demonstrated at the coalition branch, several Tianbao masters couldn't keep up with her rhythm , until she demonstrated it seven or eight times before she could barely understand it.

However, Liu Buyan has grasped the key to the problem in such a short period of time.

He's not even a Spirit Artifact Master!

Even though pharmacists also use flames to refine pills, there is still a big difference between the two.

Liu Buyan thought for a while, and then said: "I still don't understand some things, please show me again, junior sister, that is where you played thirteen hand formulas in succession just now, and when you heated up for the second time, and also……"

Liu Buyan pointed out several places, and as he asked questions, Huang Yueli's eyes became brighter and brighter.

What Liu Buyan said was the most essential part of her technique, and it was also the part that was most different from the spirit weapon technique of the God Realm!

It can be seen from this that Liu Buyan's understanding is really good!

That's good, it seems that they still have a good chance to win in the competition!

"Brother, in these places, I actually did a little transformation of mystical strength. First, I constructed a small force field through hand formulas, and then injected it into the materials and spliced ​​them together. You can watch me do it again."

Huang Yueli casually threw the spirit weapon of the refining furnace on the ground.

When the spirit weapon landed, there was a crisp bang!

If people from the military department saw this scene, they would definitely tremble three times in their hearts.

This is the dream of all the soldiers in the entire coalition army, an improved version of the spiritual weapon that Master Li personally refined! It is worth tens of thousands of chalcedony! It was thrown on the ground like garbage!

Huang Yueli took out another material, re-ignited the fire, and started refining again.

This time, her movements were faster than last time.

Moreover, there is no further effort to explain.

Liu Buyan's eyes widened, and he concentrated all the time, carefully observing every movement of Huang Yueli, and at the same time released his consciousness to feel the energy changes in the spiritual furnace.

Huang Yueli didn't slow down, and shot with all her strength, making the construction process of this spiritual weapon more perfect.

Liu Buyan's feelings became more real.

This time, within a quarter of an hour, Huang Yueli finished refining.

"Okay, how much do senior brothers understand now?"

Liu Buyan murmured: "I still don't understand something, but I already understand everything that should be understood. You are a completely new way of thinking!"

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