Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3639 What is this kid doing here? (2)

When the two arrived, the venue was already full of people.

Not only were there many contestants wearing the robes of the elixir master, but there were also countless ordinary warriors.

"Why are there so many people here? Are there so many people in Chongzi City?" Huang Yueli and Liu Buyan were almost pushed away by the crowd and couldn't help complaining.

A warrior next to him heard this and explained, "Not all people here are from Chongzi City! Although this place is only outside the Ziji Hall, it has never been open to ordinary people! Many people came here from other cities. , not only want to see so many elixir masters compete, but also want to see the legendary Ziji Temple up close!"

Huang Yueli suddenly realized, and looked up at the majestic building in front of her.

The outer walls of the entire Ziji Hall are inlaid with deep purple glazed tiles, which reflect a purple-gold light under the sunlight, making it look extremely solemn and majestic.

From their current positions, they could also see from a distance that there were several very tall minarets inside the Ziji Hall, as if they were inserted directly into the clouds, and the tops of the minarets could not be seen even if they looked up.

Huang Yueli vaguely remembered that this should be the Lightning Induction Tower of the Yunlin Clan.

Li Moying had told her before that the Yunlin clan built such towers to attract sky thunder, and then used the thunder attribute energy in it to build many trial places for the disciples of the clan to practice.

Just as she was thinking, the manager of the Yunlin Clan was already urging the spirit weapon masters who participated in the competition to report for duty.

Liu Buyan looked back at her, "Junior Sister, then I'll pass, you..."

Huang Yueli said: "Didn't it mean that other than the contestants, no one else can enter? I'll just watch you compete here. Don't worry, I won't lose it!"

Liu Buyan also knew that her junior sister was so powerful that no one could bully her.

After thinking for a while, he nodded and squeezed towards the reporting place.

Huang Yueli climbed up a small mountain nearby, found a place with a better view and sat down, waiting for the competition to start.

Another half an hour later, the stewards finished counting the number of people.

At this time, bursts of noise suddenly sounded on the field, and all the audience stood up, scrambling to look in the direction of Ziji Hall.

Huang Yueli took a look, and found that the main entrance of Ziji Hall was opened, and a small group of people walked out from inside, and sat in the private seats specially set aside in the center of the venue with the best view.

"These are all elders of the Yunlin Clan! They are all masters of the Dao Profound Realm! It's too powerful, it's the first time I've seen so many Dao Profound Realm warriors appearing at the same time!"

"Look! Look! That's Li Shihong, the patriarch of the Yunlin Clan! He actually came out in person!"

"Of course, the young master of the Yunlin clan is unconscious, he must be the most anxious, of course he has to come and watch in person!"

"Ah, seeing so many great people, we really came to the right place this time! I hope that there will be surprises in the pharmacist competition!"

Li Shihong stood up, raised his hand, and the field suddenly fell silent.

He didn't pay attention to the tens of thousands of onlookers at all, but just scanned all the pharmacists participating in the competition, and then sighed, "I have nothing else to say. I hope you will come up with some With real skills, as long as Mo Ying’s illness can be cured, the Yunlin Clan will not treat you badly, no matter what requests you have, we can satisfy them!”

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