Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3649 Who was kicked out? (6)

For this stinky boy, it would be terrible if he couldn't participate in the next competition.

It's better to wait until the next competition, catch his horse's feet, and then report it to the Yunlin clan, so as to completely discredit this brat!

Elder Lu made up his mind, gave Liu Buyan another hard look, turned around and walked to the other side of the rest area, and stopped looking at him.

Out of sight out of mind! He really can't stand it anymore!

Liu Buyan raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Elder Lu to give up like this, he shook his head regretfully, "Oh, this old man still has a little brains, he's much better than his son. It's not fun! "

The time of two hours was up soon, and the elixir masters who passed the competition came to the rest area one after another.

The remaining pharmacists who are still in the arena, if they fail to refine the elixir, they have already been eliminated.

Huang Yueli watched from a distance the stewards of the Yunlin clan counting the number of people, and she was also silently thinking about it. In this first round of competition, about 50% of the elixir masters were eliminated.

That is to say, more than half of the spirit pharmacists who came to participate in the competition can at least reach the level of earth-level spirit pharmacists, and they must be good hands among earth-level spirit pharmacists!

This ratio can be said to be very high.

It also shows that the level of this competition is so high that it has attracted many truly outstanding pharmacists to participate.

She turned her eyes to the rest area at the back of the arena, wanting to see what Liu Buyan was doing, but she couldn't see anything from this position, so she could only wait silently.

After resting for half an hour, the second round of competition began.

The rules of the second round of competition are similar to those of the first round, except that the pills that need to be refined have been further upgraded and become heaven-level pills.

The number of people participating in the competition on the field has been reduced by half, and the view of the audience has become much clearer.

Liu Buyan was changed this time, from a corner to a central position very close to the high platform where the elders of the Yunlin clan were.

Liu Buyan knew very well that the high-ranking members of the Yunlin Clan had noticed his existence and wanted to observe him closely.

However, this was exactly what he wanted.

Liu Buyan started to ignite the fire without slowing down, refining the medicinal materials, collecting the fire to condense the pill...

One step at a time, all in a leisurely manner.

Of course, this time he didn't dare to use ordinary open fire anymore, but replaced it with the strange fire he collected himself.

Liu Buyan's strange fire, in the eyes of warriors in the God Realm, is quite ordinary.

Therefore, when the elders of the Yunlin clan saw it, they all frowned and looked at each other in surprise.

"Just use this kind of strange fire? If I'm not mistaken, this kind of Liao Xinghuo won't be ranked in the top 50 of the strange fire list, right? A slightly famous genius doctor wouldn't use this kind of flame!"

"Can this really make a heavenly elixir? Or is he really cheating like others said?"

"It's too early to draw conclusions, don't you know after reading it?"

The eyes of the several elders were all attracted by Liu Buyan, and they didn't bother to look at the other elixir masters.

Elder Lu's position is not far from Liu Buyan. He has been secretly observing Liu Buyan. Seeing that he is being followed by so many high-ranking members of the Yunlin Clan, he is both envious and jealous.

"Hmph, brat! Don't think you've won just now! With so many people watching you, if you dare to cheat again, you will die without a place to die!"

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