Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3652 This person is... (3)

After the stewards gave an order, all the pharmacists quickly returned to their positions.

Outside the arena, tens of thousands of onlookers also fell silent, staring at the arena without blinking.

The game has entered the most critical moment!

Li Yuntao stood up from his seat, walked to the center in person, and announced the rules for the third round of competition.

"The rules of this round are different from those of the previous two rounds. You have proved that you are a very good pharmacist by passing the previous two rounds of assessment. However, you must also know that our Yunlin clan organized this competition , not to find the best pharmacist, but to find someone who can cure our young master! Therefore, this third round of competition..."

When Li Yuntao said this, he paused for a moment, and raised his hand to compare the open space behind the venue that was covered by a high platform.

"This time, we specially found warriors from all over the God Realm who had similar illnesses to the young master. Although the causes of these injuries were different, the symptoms were similar. All of them were not seriously damaged in the meridians and dantian, but they were unconscious. Wake up. This third round of competition is to invite you to randomly select a wounded person and try to heal him, if you can wake up one of them, even if you have passed the competition, you can go to see the young master."

When Li Yuntao said this, everyone froze for a moment.

It took a while before someone responded.

"This is the third round of competition?? This... this is too difficult!"

"Where did the Yunlin clan find so many warriors with similar illnesses?"

"No wonder it is said that this round of competition requires the strength of a holy pharmacist to pass..."

"It's more than that? This kind of disease is very rare, and there must not be many people who can be cured. Even a holy-level pharmacist may not be able to do it?"

Huang Yueli raised her eyebrows when she heard Li Yuntao's words, and after being slightly surprised, she fully understood.

This time, the Yunlin clan really broke their hearts because of Li Moying's illness.

I'm afraid that during the past few months when Li Moying was in a coma, the Yunlin clan had tried everything, including finding so many warriors with similar symptoms to Li Moying from all over the God Realm, and bringing them to test the medicine.

This kind of symptom is actually very rare, otherwise it would not be curable. It is difficult for the Yunlin clan to find so many cases, and I don't know how much effort and painstaking effort they have spent secretly.

Unfortunately, Li Moying still couldn't be cured...

As for the family members of these unconscious warriors, they had already given up hope. Suddenly, the Yunlin tribe intervened, even if it was to test the medicine for the young master, but after all, there was still a little hope for a cure.

It's better than lying here like a living dead all the time.

So, it's a win-win thing.

Just when Huang Yueli was thinking, the stewards of the Yunlin Clan had already pushed out the warriors who needed to be seen from behind the high platform, and there were indeed quite a few of them, at least one of the elixir masters present was enough.

Huang Yueli glanced at the faces of these people, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

She is too far away from the competition venue, so she can't see why these fighters are unconscious.

However, it is obvious that the Yunlin clan recruited these warriors only because their symptoms were similar to those of Li Moying, and the causes may be different.

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