Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3666 The pinnacle of life for a pharmacist (2)

Huang Yueli was listening at the side, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Many people questioned Liu Buyan's medical skills before, but after he showed an overwhelming advantage, most people's impression of him suddenly changed!

Sure enough, strength is the best way to fight back against rumors!

Outside the arena, it was extremely noisy at this time, but no one inside the arena noticed this.

Facing Liu Buyan, Li Shihong said eagerly: "Doctor Liu doesn't need to be humble, the first place in this competition is none other than you! Please stay in Ziji Palace for a while longer, my family's god-level genius Li Moying has been in a coma for more than a month, and his symptoms are the same as that of Mr. Pei just now, so please take care of him for diagnosis and treatment."

Liu Buyan chuckled, "Well... Since I signed up for this competition, it is my duty to see Young Master Li, and it is naturally my duty."

Li Shihong heard him draw his tone at first, and thought he was dissatisfied, and he was unwilling to treat Li Moying, so his heart suddenly came into his throat.

After hearing the back, I was relieved.

"In this case, on behalf of the entire Yunlin clan, thank you! Don't worry, as long as you can save Moying, the entire Yunlin clan will treat you as a guest of honor in the future. If there is any trouble, we can help you !"

Li Shihong said, nodded to Liu Buyan and said, "Master Liu, please stay with us in Ziji Hall for a while. I have already arranged the best courtyard for you, which is in the clean place behind the mountain. You will love..."

Li Shihong turned around, intending to take him into Ziji Hall himself.

Seeing this, all the elders took a few steps back one after another, and stood by the side respectfully.

To be honest, some people are not quite willing to let their powerful masters of Dao Xuan Realm make way for a weak young elixir master!

However, seeing that Li Shihong was so cautious and polite to Liu Buyan, they did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

The pharmacists all stared at Liu Buyan with envious eyes.

As a pharmacist, isn't that the goal of lifelong struggle?

Use your own medical skills to shock the entire God Realm!

Even the patriarch of the ancient god clan personally came to kiss him to heal his illness. In order to make himself feel better, the entire senior god clan had to make way for him!

Liu Buyan is so lucky! It is impossible not to envy him!

Elder Lu gritted his teeth even more, feeling blood was coming out of his mouth, jealous and depressed at the same time!

Liu Buyan, he actually woke up the person! how is this possible? How could he do such a thing?

Moreover, he can be so beautiful that even the patriarch of the Yunlin clan, who has always been so high-spirited, treats him so politely!

Li Shihong has never looked at Elder Lu directly!

This gap is really too big!

Everyone felt that Liu Buyan had reached the pinnacle of his life, and everyone wished to replace Liu Buyan and stand in his place.

However, to everyone's surprise, after Liu Buyan followed Li Shihong to the gate of Ziji Hall, his footsteps stopped suddenly.

Li Shihong took a few steps forward and found that Liu Buyan hadn't followed, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, "Mr. Liu?"

Liu Buyan turned around and looked up at the crowd outside the arena.

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