Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3674 The evil melon seed shell (6)

Huang Yueli just listened, the smile on her face did not change at all.

In fact, whether it was the boy who jumped out suddenly to accuse her, or Li Yuntao reluctantly lowered his head, it seemed that it had no effect on her emotions.

Huang Yueli glanced at the thorny boy lightly, and said nonchalantly: "What are you punishing him for? He didn't lie? I did see the portrait, but I didn't follow them down."

"Miss Li, you are..." Li Yuntao never expected that Huang Yueli would recognize her, and immediately froze, "Why didn't you tell them your identity? If you knew you were here, We don't have to look for you everywhere!"

Huang Yueli blinked her eyes, and said with an innocent face: "Why should I tell you? My senior brother said that there are many bad guys when going out, especially a weak woman like me who has no strength to restrain a chicken. It’s even more important to be careful. Who knows what you are looking for me for? Seeing that you are so yelling and screaming, you are obviously not a good person!"

"you you……"

This time, Li Yuntao was not about to vomit blood, but really vomited blood!

The red lump on his back was still growing to death, but he used all his willpower to not immediately take off his clothes and roll around on the ground, but managed to stand still and talk to Huang Yueli here.

Most of the profound energy in his body was used to suppress the lump on his back. Being provoked one after another, the circulation of profound energy was affected. Caught off guard, a mouthful of blood spurted out!

Seeing that Li Yuntao's face turned blue and he was unable to stand still, his disciples rushed up and surrounded him anxiously.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Elder Tao, what... what's going on here? Could it be that something happened during the practice yesterday?"

"Then what should I do? Careless practice can easily leave meridian damage!"

His symptoms looked like he was insane.

The young Yunlin tribe warriors were more or less knowledgeable, and after recognizing these symptoms, they were all anxious, and the scene became even more out of control for a while.

Huang Yueli watched coldly from the side, and secretly sneered.

It's just vomited blood. Is a dignified elder of the ancient gods so fragile? Who are you pretending to be pitiful for?

Do you think it would make her feel guilty?

Hehe, she still remembers how Li Yuntao made the choice when she and Li Moying were both seriously injured at the entrance to the secret realm of the Evil Shadow Saint!

In the eyes of their so-called superior god clan elders, the life of a human girl is worthless at all!

Huang Yueli's eyes were icy cold, and she really wanted to add another fire, directly to kill Li Yuntao here.

However, seeing that it was getting late, she was still worried about Li Moying's condition, so she decided to let him go today.

Huang Yueli took a few steps forward, stopped beside Li Yuntao, and said in a cold voice: "Elder, didn't you just say that my brother is looking for me? Where is he, when will I see him? If you didn't bring me If you go to him, then I don't have time to waste time here with you, I'll take a step first!"

With that said, she turned around and pretended to leave.

When Li Yuntao saw it, his face turned green immediately.

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