Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3993 Hanging sea (6)

"How is it possible? How could such a thing happen??"

Even though Steward Jiang had already made a promise, Mr. Chen still couldn't believe it.

And the martial artists who were watching around had completely exploded at this time.

"Li Moying of the Yunlin Clan! So he is Li Moying!! No wonder he dared to write that he is at the late stage of the Mind Profound Realm!"

"In this way, he really looks like Li Moying. According to rumors, Young Master Li is not only extremely talented, but also extremely handsome. Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation!"

"Oh my god, I actually saw a living god-level genius with my own eyes! I am really lucky today!"

"I thought he was lying just now! Now it seems that I am ignorant..."

Aware of Li Moying's identity, all the warriors present crowded towards this direction one after another, wanting to see with their own eyes what the legendary number one genius and number one handsome man in the God Realm looks like.

The people at the back of the line kept pushing forward, while the people in front who had submitted the forms were still pushing back, unwilling to leave.

The scene became extremely chaotic for a while.

"Enough is enough, you are not allowed to squeeze any further! Everyone stand where you are, and if you don't obey the order, your registration will be cancelled!"

Steward Jiang and Mr. Chen yelled at them sharply, trying to maintain order, but the effect was not good.

Being able to be so close to a god-level genius is, for many people, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Everyone was extremely curious about Li Moying.

It's not something the two stewards can stop with a few words.

Seeing that the scene was getting more and more chaotic, Steward Jiang coughed hastily, "Okay, Young Master Li, I'd better personally escort you back to the Yunlin tribe's residence! If you stay here any longer, we won't be able to continue working. "

Li Moying nodded and was about to leave.

But Chen Lao suddenly yelled again, "Wait a minute, wait! I still have a question."

Steward Jiang paused, "What else is there, Mr. Chen?"

Old Chen looked at Li Moying, then at Huang Yueli beside him, his eyes were full of doubts.

"You said that the Yunlin tribe has a god-level genius, well, then it's a kid! But, can't the human race also have a god-level genius?"

Jiang Guanshi was taken aback, "What... do you mean? Why didn't I understand?"

Elder Chen pointed to another registration form, "As I said just now, I received two registration forms, not just one! This Mr. Li said that he is at the late stage of the Mind Profound Realm, and this Li The girl is even more powerful, she said that she is only eighteen years old, but she has a cultivation level in the middle stage of the Mind Profound Realm! Then she must also be a god-level genius?"

"What? Is there such a thing?"

After hearing this, Steward Jiang hurriedly went to see the second form Mr. Chen said.

After he recognized Li Moying just now, he was too excited to continue looking down.

Seeing this, he was stunned.

As expected, Mr. Chen was right. The girl beside Li Moying also filled in very exaggerated information.

If what is written above is true, then she must also be a god-level talent, moreover, I'm afraid her talent is even higher than Li Moying's!

But how is this possible?

Jiang Guanshi couldn't help frowning, "Strange, this is really strange! When I was traveling last year, I only heard of Li Shaozhu, a god-level genius, but I never heard of it. There is a second one! Besides, she looks like she is still a human race. This is impossible? Could it be..."

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