Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 4026th chapter kills the heart plan (4)

Eyeliner still thought it was impossible, and shook his head again and again, "It's impossible! This kind of thing, if you think about it, you know it can't be true. How can you convince them?"

Huang Sanbai smiled, and said: "It's actually not difficult to convince the people of the Holy Phoenix Clan, but you haven't figured out the key point. Think about it, in just two years, the God Realm unexpectedly There are so many god-level geniuses, one from the Yunlin clan, one from our Holy Phoenix clan, and now, even the human race has a god-level genius! Don’t you think it’s strange? When did the god-level geniuses become the stuff of the street? ?”

"So, if you tell Li Shihong that the so-called god-level genius of the human race is the one who disappeared from the Holy Phoenix Clan, even if he didn't believe it at the time, he will inevitably have doubts and associations afterwards. If the members of the Phoenix Clan have any similarities, Li Shihong will definitely find her more suspicious the more he looks at her."

Eyeliner thought for a while, frowned, and said hesitantly: "Elder Sanbai, what you said is indeed reasonable. But... how does Miss Li resemble the Holy Phoenix Clan? She is a human race! And she is also a pharmacist. If we want to talk about it, it is only similar in age to the god-level genius we killed, but the Yunlin clan will definitely not doubt her because of her outrageous young age?"

Huang Sanbai smiled mysteriously again, and said slowly: "As far as I know, this Miss Li also seems to be majoring in fire attribute exercises."

The eyeliner widened his eyes in shock, "Elder Sanbai, is this true? Where did this news come from?"

As the most important pawn of the Holy Phoenix Clan under the eyes of the Yunlin Clan, he doesn't know anything about it!

Huang Sanbai laughed and said: "Don't worry about it, the old man also found out by accident. Tell me, isn't this too coincidental? Miss Li is so talented, she is so young, and she has the fire attribute. These three points, saying that she is not from the Holy Phoenix Clan, probably no one will believe it? If there are other coincidences in normal times, I am afraid that people from the Yunlin Clan will not be suspicious!"

Eyeliner frowned and thought for a while, still hesitating.

After all, it is definitely not a trivial matter to deal with the young lady of the Yunlin clan.

As long as he is a little careless, his eyeliner will be completely exposed, and at that time there must be only a dead end.

"This...but... Elder Sanbai, is your news reliable or not? If Miss Li is really of the fire attribute, it is impossible for the people of the Yunlin clan to have no suspicion all the time and only want to match her with Young Master Li. Unless she has never made a move in front of the high-level Yunlin clan, but in this case, Li Shihong can't be sure of her true talent, right?"

Huang Sanbai snorted, and said, "Why don't you even understand this? Didn't you tell me just now that Li Shihong treated Li Shihong differently because of Miss Li's amazing performance in the phantom formation of the Yunlin clan? What kind of place, I, an outsider, has heard of it, so it’s impossible for you to be ignorant of it?”

Hearing what he said, the eyeliner came back to his senses.

The situation inside the phantom array cannot be seen from the outside at all.

In other words, when the little girl made a move, the high-level members of the Yunlin Clan didn't actually see it with their own eyes at all, but only saw her phantom array points.

In this way, it makes sense.

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