Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 4124 Why are you so naive? (3)

Li Tianyi never expected that Li Zijun would be so excited when he saw him.

He didn't understand why, not only did he not leave, but he even explained it to Li Zijun.

"Miss Zijun, the young master can't leave the camp now, but you don't have to worry, the young lady has already come to save people in person. It's just...she obviously left before me, and her footsteps are much faster than mine. How did you get there? Haven't arrived yet?"

He knew that Huang Yueli didn't like others following her.

Therefore, even if Li Moying ordered him to follow Huang Yueli, he purposely walked a little slower and opened a distance so as not to be an eyesore to the young lady.

In the end, he followed and he arrived, but the young lady was nowhere to be seen.

Li Tianyi looked puzzled, and Li Zijun was so anxious that he was on the verge of screaming.

Seeing this, Huangbei City laughed loudly, "Tsk tsk, you are still daydreaming here, thinking that Miss Li will come to save people? Let me tell you, Miss Li has already come here just now, and she really defeated me, but , a man in black suddenly appeared just now, his strength is extremely powerful, even your Miss Li is no match, he was chasing him all the way, now both of them don't know where they went, I think... Miss Li is a murderer Dorje is gone!"

"What? What did you say?!"

Li Tianyi changed color in shock!

Li Zijun didn't know the inside story, so he didn't know how serious the matter was.

However, as the most trusted guard commander around Li Moying, he knew very well that the man in black was 99% related to Huang Sanbai!

Even if it wasn't him himself, it must have been sent by him.

Huang Sanbai had ten thousand reasons to put Huang Yueli to death, if he sneaked into Paradise Island, then their young lady would really be in big trouble!

Li Tian's face changed abruptly, and he immediately said: "Miss Zijun, let's go quickly! We must tell the young master the news as soon as possible!"

However, before he could turn around, a fiery blade rushed towards his chest!

"Want to leave? It's too late! Unexpectedly, there are still people who throw themselves into the trap. Now I have eliminated one more Yunlin clan bastard, hahaha!"

Huang Beicheng's loud laughter came from behind him.

Li Tianyi immediately reacted, and suddenly swayed, dodging the attack of the fire blade.

Huang Beicheng couldn't help but let out a "Huh", with a look of surprise on his face.

He also thought that Li Tianyi was just a little-known ordinary warrior of the Yunlin clan, even if he was Li Moying's bodyguard, he was just running errands for Li Moying, and his strength must be very ordinary.

After all, the real top genius in the family, who would want to be a bodyguard behind others?

Therefore, he only used 60% of his power to release a blade of fire, thinking that this would be enough to seriously injure Li Tianyi.

But who knows, not only was Li Tianyi not seriously injured, he didn't even lose a single hair.

As soon as Li Tian was stopped by him, knowing that he could not leave easily this time, his face suddenly became a bit solemn.

However, he was not afraid at all, and just said to Li Zijun beside him: "Miss Zijun, I will stop Huangbei City, you run first, and you must tell the young master about the young lady's distress!"

"Ah?!" Li Zijun was stunned for a moment, "But..."

However, with Li Tianyi's strength, how could he stop Huangbei City? !

Before she could finish her words, Huang Beicheng already sneered and attacked Li Tianyi again.

"Just relying on you kid, you still want to stop me?! It's just a dream!"

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