Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 155 Finally Yu Liang's Blood Bar; Amazing Villain Creation

Leaving aside the barrage discussion.

Eden and Alicia in front of the live broadcast room were deeply attracted by the dialogue between Otto and Kong Kong Wanzang.

The two seem to be discussing Otto's resurrection of Kallen.

But if you think about it, you will find out.

What the two discussed was actually human nature.

"Void Wanzang, do you still remember the letter I wrote to that Walter?"

"We are all too fragile, so that we can only exchange for short-term peace by threatening each other..."

"It is necessary to use high-sounding words such as [order] and [ethics] to cover up those despicable motives."

Otto sneered: "These words are still true today, after all, human beings always repeat the same mistakes and even turn a blind eye to the fact itself"

Void Wanzang agrees with Otto's words very much, but at the same time, he also "kindly" reminded:

"I think...these statements are also used to criticize yourself"

"That's right, everything in the void~" Otto chuckled.

"Whether it's K423, Ulandal, Theresa or Walter... You can say that they all inherited Kallen's mantle from different angles"

"[Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a straw dog], for the world in front of us, it really doesn't need Kallen's brave heart to beat from the grave again"

Hearing Otto's words, Kong Kong Wanzang couldn't help laughing and said: "Some people pretend to be ignorant while pretending to understand, but you should probably be called [Being ignorant while pretending to be ignorant]"

"Hehehe...that's what you don't understand, Void Manzo" Otto laughed.

But careful players discovered that Otto's laughter seemed to be deliberately covering up something.

And when he spoke, his voice was very rare... a little excited.

"The so-called human emotion is originally a kind of desire that would rather harm others than oneself, and would like to release it"

"It's just that in terms of general definitions, [good people] are good at using reason to control emotions after all, while [evil people] are used to letting emotions dominate their rationality."

"As for the so-called [rational villains]...they turn their lives into a machine that only calculates benefits, and they don't even deserve to be called artificial"

Void and Ten Thousand Zang: ...Is that so? I think that you happen to be such a [rational villain] right now."

Xu Kong Wanzang's words were like saying that Otto was simply not worthy of being called a human being.

And when Otto said those words, he didn't take himself off.

It has to be said that Otto is indeed a rational villain.

Rationally, he knew how abhorrent what he was doing, but he still did it.

And facing Void Wanzang, Otto replied very frankly: "I didn't deny that I didn't deserve to be called [human]."

"It's better to say... I know very well that I am the master of this kind of dross"

"Didn't I say it... Humans have always emotionally believed that those we love are immortal and immortal"

"And I'm just a patient who lets this emotion dominate my rationality and constantly calculates benefits for it."

At this moment, Otto's voice seemed extremely excited.

Even, there is a slight trembling feeling.

After hearing these words from Otto, the hearts of the players are also extremely complicated.

To say that Otto is a lunatic...he can recognize himself very clearly again.

It is said that he is not a lunatic, but what he does is no different from a lunatic.

Coupled with his very excited tone at this time, the players felt a strange feeling inexplicably.

It seems... Otto actually didn't want to be such a villain, but... he didn't regret doing this for Kallen.

It's such a contradictory feeling.

But this kind of contradictory feeling makes people can't help but applaud.

This memory plot, this piece of copywriting that explores people's hearts, is really well written.

Among the entertainment works in this world, it is absolutely unique to be able to shape a villain so well... "Honkai King".

Eden couldn't help but be amazed.

"The difference between [wicked people] and [good people] is the difference between reason governing desire and desire governing reason..."

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, treat everything as a straw dog"

"Tsk..... This paragraph of copywriting is really good~"

And the barrage is also frantically touting.

In the past, whenever Otto appeared in the plot, the players would shout to kill Otto.

But this time, apart from exaggerating the plot, the barrage is discussing Otto's mood at this time.

The sound of [Destroy Otto] completely disappeared.

[The plot and copywriting of "Honkai III"'s simply amazing...]

[The role of Otto is really...I cried to death]

【Otto is laughing at himself, he is very clear and fully understands what he has done......】

[I don’t know if it’s an illusion, I always feel that Otto is using a wry smile to show his sadness]

[Indeed, this dubbing is also good...Although it is said that Boss Mi Huyou was a bit inappropriate when he delivered the knife, but the quality of the game really needs to be blown away.]

【This is the best villain I have ever seen...

In the game, after Otto finished laughing at himself, Ulandal had already arrived at the church.

"Look, the first person who wants to settle accounts with me is already close at hand."

Otto greeted in a very cordial tone:

"Welcome, my dear Wangnianfriend, the number one S-rank Valkyrie in Destiny~"

Immediately afterwards, his tone changed again, and the game music also changed suddenly, becoming extremely serious, like a horn before a battle.

"—If it was an hour ago, I would have come to greet you like that, Yolandelle~"

After being silent for a while, Youlandell asked straightforwardly: "Someone told me that you may [destroy the present and choose the past again] in the next plan!"

"What on earth does that mean?"

Otto smiled: "Judging from the statement you quoted, it must be Chang Guang who told you~"

Otto naturally knew the information that Changguang left to Youlandell and others.

"I asked Changguang to design several different world reconstruction schemes—but in short, the scheme with the highest cost is the most stable"

"If I say the conclusion directly, you will inevitably be baffled, so let me take a moment to start from the beginning~"

Another long explanation.

The relationship between [Archive] and [Read File].

Let the world start 500 years ago at the cost of the present.

"Imagine—a disaster like the second collapse can be written off; and modern people like us will bring their own experience to help mankind grow again"

"As a result, the gains far outweigh the losses~"

"Frankly speaking, I don't like the World Snake's stigmata plan. But now, Destiny has missed the best time to stop it. Going back to the original point is also creating opportunities for ourselves and rebuilding the world situation."

"And 【He】, happy to appreciate such a drama that subverts time and space"

"At that time, the will of the collapse will drop the [door] of the tree of imaginary numbers for me; and I will become [His] agent in the human world in this matter."

Ulandell finally fully understands this.


"Bishop, do you want to take the initiative to become a Herrscher?"

Otto did not deny: "It can be understood from the perspective of [power]"

"However [touching the tree of imaginary numbers] will definitely make me an existence different from Herrscher, and even far surpassing it~"

"Although that requires me to pay the price of [self-entity]; but its power is enough for me to reorganize the world"

"I hope to win extra time for everyone to deal with [Death Herrscher] and [Stigmata Project], and the Honkai Will is also satisfied with the result of being reset"

After reading this conversation, the barrage completely exploded.

【Otto is going to become a Herrscher!!!!】

[Fuck! Shocked! Got it! Otto will become the Eleventh Herrscher]

【Who is the Eleventh Herrscher....Restraint!! Damn it!】

[Judging from the tragedy of restraint in the pre-civilization era, this Herrscher seems to be difficult to deal with...  

[Brave! A sinister guy like Otto became the Eleven do you fight?]

【He also said that it will make him an existence far beyond the Herrscher!! Can he also reorganize the ugly world?!】

[Honkai Will is also willing to reorganize the world... Is it because I have been backstabbed too much?]

【Hahaha... The one above is right on point, except for the Herrscher, all the other meows are rebellious】

"This is the cost of [now]..."

Dull Goose was shocked: "You don't like [Stigmata Project], but you plan to make the whole world pay a heavier price than [Stigmata Project]?"

"You're murdering nearly everyone in the world, Bishop!"

Otto smiled: "Well ~ that's right ~"

"As the saying goes, what can't be broken can't be built, and the reorganized world... [Humans] are still human beings"

The goose retorted: "But what's the point of this? We protect human beings, and what we protect is the living free will, not some empty concept!"

"You're wrong, Youlandelle~"

"I... Otto Apocalypse, it is precisely to save a living free will from the vague concept of [human beings]—

"Karen Kaslana"

At this moment, Ulandal felt that the bishop in front of him seemed to be crazy.

She looked at Otto seriously: "This is not the reason for you to murder everyone in the world, what's more, that era is long gone, and the only person involved is still alive"

"Well~every normal person would think so~" Otto chuckled lightly: "So, as a representative of [normal human beings]—"

"Urandale, I will give you a chance"

"Kill my plan will follow and disappear~"

Ulandale: "

She was holding the black abyss and white flowers in her hand, a little at a loss.

Although before coming here, she was ready to draw a sword with Otto.

But when she really came to this step, she was a little hesitant.

Because over the years, Otto has indeed treated her well.

Seeing this, Otto continued to spit out a few 667 words flatly.

"The person standing in front of you is nothing but a collection of sins and desires"

"He knows morality but does not abide by it, knows ethics but tramples on ethics..."

"He longs for wisdom, but only to achieve personal satisfaction; he worships beauty, but only to deny the existence of ugliness"

"He felt that the world was full of superfluous people, so that the price of life was ruined by those people for nothing"

Otto's words that angered Youlandell did not achieve the effect he expected this time.

Although Youlandelle was a bit straightforward, he wasn't stupid either.

"Nice villain speech, but the Bishop——"

"This seems to further verify that you still have reservations. You said that I have the right to know the truth, but your statement is full of rhetoric, which makes people confused."

"I can feel that you are calm and sober now, completely unlike the mental state that a person who wants to destroy the world should have"

Otto chuckled lightly: "Perhaps as you said, I do have something to hide."

"But does that really matter?"

"It's very important!" Youlandelle replied without hesitation: "In the past few years, you have treated me well; it is precisely because of this that I need to know what you really think at this moment."

Otto thought for a while, but just smiled: "But I think you just need to know that if you don't stop me..."

"I will definitely murder everyone in the world"

When the words fall, the game enters a combat state.

"It's useless to talk too much"

Accompanied by Otto's words, the top of his head was finally bleeding!!

Seeing this, the barrage instantly boiled.

Obviously just a second ago, the barrage was still discussing whether Otto really wanted to destroy the world.

But in the next second, the wind direction of the bullet screen will be changed immediately.

【I'm blanching!! I saw Otto's health bar!】

[Only 4 blood tubes? This is not enough to fight!]

【Ari, Ari, beat up Otto!!】

【Come on goose! You must not lose to Otto!!】

[It seems that Otto is looking for death, he can deceive Youlandelle, but he insists on provoking her...

【Don't worry, don't worry, the goose should be fine】

PS: Come, come, sorry for the 3 days.

The grade of this book is still very good, don't worry, it won't be cut.

Of course, I will definitely not look for a gun! There are many, many more that can be written, and the writing will not end until you don’t want to read it.

I will try my best to make up the chapters that are owed in these three days later, baby Meng, don't scold me.

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