Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 210 Clearing The Level Without Injury, Is This Difficult?

【Otto looks at the sword!!】

【Wow... It's been a long time since I saw Otto the dog thief】

【Tsk tsk... Leaving Otto's identity aside, the moment the boss came out, I was so handsome】

[One thing to say, Otto the dog thief's appearance is really high... 】

As soon as Mo Li appeared, the barrage instantly skyrocketed.

The one who praised him for being handsome, said it had been a long time, and the one who called Otto holding the sword...

And Qiyana also gave up her position.

At the same time, she muttered in disbelief:

"I don't believe will never be able to beat it, the difficulty of this level is obviously unscientific"

"Heh~ You're still not convinced when you say you're good" Mo Li smiled disdainfully.

"Mei, help me take care of Kiyana, don't let her engage in sneak attacks"

Mei covered her mouth with a smile and nodded slightly.

After hearing what Mo Li said, Qiyana blushed a little and pouted: "I won't make any small moves..."

When playing LOL before, Mo Li also bet with her.

In the end, this girl couldn't beat Mo Li, so she made small moves in reality, playing tricks.

However, this time, Mo Li didn't bet with her, but helped her pass the test, so Qiyana didn't have the intention of making small moves.

It's just bringing up old things again, which makes Qiyana feel a little ashamed.

At the same time, the game has re-entered the boss preparation stage.

Mo Li controlled the character and jumped into the boss battle area without hesitation.

"Beep beep beep~"

The siren sounded and the boss was reawakened.

Qiyana, Mei, and the audience in the live broadcast room all watched carefully.

But what puzzled them was that the boss battle had already started, but Mo Li directly left the keyboard with both hands and did not go up to attack the boss.

When the boss attacked, Mo Li didn't dodge and let the boss's attack fall on the character.

Seeing this, Qiyana felt a little off.

"Oh, what are you doing?"


Mo Li chuckled: "Don't worry, I'll show you a non-injured kill today"

This boss is actually not difficult, as long as you understand the characteristics of the boss, the opponent's attack can be easily avoided.

During the urging by Qiyana and the audience, the blood volume of the three characters of Mo Li also dropped to a trace of blood.

Finally, Mo Li moved.

Cut out Mei, jump up and stick to the boss and slash.

And every attack of the boss, Mo Li can easily dodge it.

He didn't even switch roles, just relying on Mei's role, he played and applauded the boss.

Although the injury is a bit scratchy, Mo Li's operation is very watchable.

dodge, counterattack; jump, counterattack...

Auntie Mei's high-frequency attack scraped off a line of blood from the boss before he knew it.

At this time, the boss also fell into a weak state.

Seeing this, Mo Li quickly switched to the protagonist, threw a big move, and then switched to Carol to throw a big move.

In the end, under Carroll's several heavy punch attacks, there are only 2 tubes of blood left in the boss.

At this point, the battle has also entered the second stage.

I saw the boss screaming and screaming, startling a gust of wind, and blowing Auntie Mei far away.

And the shape of the boss has also changed into a giant bird with wings.

Qiyana behind Mo Li looked extremely nervous.

It's not that I feel nervous because I've been slapped in the face.

The pure Qiyana has long since left those things out of the blue.

At this moment, she had completely substituted herself into Mo Li, and the boss's rage made her feel extremely nervous.

There was also a burst of applause from 666 in the barrage.

Even Mei looked very seriously.

On the contrary, Mo Li himself was very calm.

In the game, after the boss changes form, the attack method is also very different.

There are large-scale artillery bombardments, falcon-like impacts from the sky, and close sweeps...  

These attacks are not indicated by the red circle.

But Mo Li can seize the best time to dodge and dodge one of them one by one.

"Shadow clone, flash" 々!"

Mo Li made Mei's big move.

High-frequency attacks, strong blow feedback, plus just the right dodge...

This second stage of battle is even more entertaining!

Qiyana was dumbfounded, and subconsciously murmured: "It's amazing..."

Mo Li smiled lightly: "Now I know how good I am~"

These words woke up Qiyana, making her feel extremely embarrassed.

...Damn it, isn't it just a little stronger than me?"

At this time, the boss has also entered the final stage.

Mo Li jumped onto the high platform skillfully and beat the boss into a weak state.

Finally, Carol came on the stage, with a few heavy punches, the boss' blood volume finally bottomed out.


Mo Li left the keyboard with both hands and turned to look at the barrage.

【Is this an operation that can be typed by humans?】

[Although I have passed this level, but I can't pass it without injury at all...... Work

【Worthy of being a game boss, this reaction is really strong...】

【Ah~ Boss is so skilled~】

【Great is indeed great...but rookie players can't make it through QAQ】

[+1, this rookie suggests lowering the difficulty a bit QAQ]

Looking at these bullet screens, Mo Li couldn't help but touch his forehead.

"`"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of rookie players"

While talking, Mo Li also clicked to return to the game interface.

"When your main line is here, there are actually a lot of rewards you can claim."

"Before fighting the boss, everyone can claim these rewards first."

Like this..."

Mo Li controls the mouse and selects one of the rewards.

"This is a potion that can revive the Valkyrie in place. Even if you add these resurrection potions, you can easily pass the main level."

Seeing this, the players were instantly excited.

As expected of Mi Huyou...

It not only takes care of the technical party, but also allows rookie players to clear the main storyline.

【6666, Boss is grand~】

【In exchange for a penguin, this resurrection potion doesn’t cost 2 yuan each?】

[(Qian Zhao) The people upstairs still don’t know about penguins, how come they have to be put in the blind box, can’t beat it? It’s okay, buy the blind box to open the resurrection potion, can’t open it? Then your character is not good, and then Charge a few hundred!】

[How much money can the resurrection potion make? Why should we add the stigmata weapon to it?]

[666, increase the difficulty a bit, and then open the stigmata, weapons, skin pool, you don't want to recharge? Then don't watch the main storyline】

The barrage was still praising Mo Li at the beginning.

But boasting and boasting, the topic turned to penguins.

Seeing this, Mo Li smiled instead: "Every company has its own way of operating."

"Everyone, don't forget that Penguin is not a pure game company after all, but an investment company..."

"However, Penguin Games Studio is also making progress now, as you can see from their new games, they have taken a lot of care."

"In short, give them some time, and there will definitely be more and more high-quality games appearing in the future~".

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