Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 235 Patuo, Top Translator

in the game.

Mei also followed Patuo on a small path again, and came to the end of the studio.

Before she finished observing the surroundings, a group of strange monsters emerged, completely surrounding the two of them.

Seeing this, Pa Duo was so frightened that the hair on his tail exploded: "Ahh...where did it come from!

Mei: "...Aren't you Yingjie? Just get rid of it"

Patuo wanted to cry but had no tears: "I told you earlier, I'm not good at fighting!"

【Look, look, I'm still hiding my clumsiness】

【You kitty, you're still pretending to be addicted~】

【Mei don't trust her, kittens are definitely not kind!】

The barrage was very lively, but Qiyana had no time to pay attention to it.

After solving these monsters, another dialog box popped up in the game.

...Sorry, Padu, I didn't really..."

...Sister Mei, you don't think.....I'm hiding my strength..." Pa Duo panted heavily, obviously it took a lot of effort for her to run around just now.

Mei nodded silently.


Seeing this, Qiyana and the players in the live broadcast room were a little uncertain.

Fusion fighters... No matter how weak they are, they can't even defeat a few mobs, right?

Otherwise, how could she keep her memory in Paradise and be called "Thirteen Heroes" together with Kevin and others?

Hmm... Thinking about it this way, everything seems to make sense.

Patuo is still pretending!! Definitely pretending!


Just as the players were discussing, the game screen changed.

A cute girl with blue hair and bare feet in a white dress appeared in the picture.

With a paintbrush in her hand and a palette in her hand, she tilted her head and looked over.

At this time, the game music also changed into a kind of... quite childish, but also revealing a little lonely tune.

"Sister Padu...and..."

Patuo smiled awkwardly: "Haha... Long time no see, little Gracie~"

It was also the first time for Kiana to see the image of Sister Gracie in the game, and she was also full of curiosity.

"Hey~ Gracie is hot~"

Gracie in the game looks about eleven or twelve years old, weak and weak, and doesn't look like she has fighting power.

At this time, the barrage surged crazily.


【So cute!! I really want to hug her and pet her head QAQ】

【I really want to be stepped on my face by the little lolita's jinjio~】

【There is a barber shop upstairs!】

[But there is one thing to say, is the pre-civilization reduced to such a small girl on the battlefield? 】

【By the way... Is there a possibility that fusion fighters are not necessarily strong?】

【Isn't Gracie cute? Snakes are cute too? Let's find out about artificial collapse~】

Originally, many players wanted to dispel their doubts about Patuo's combat power, but after seeing [Man-made Collapse] and [Snake], they immediately became suspicious again.

Under Pa Duo's introduction, Mei finally confirmed that the blue-haired little girl in front of her was actually the Yingjie who was called "Graceu"!

It's too small...

"Although I have already expected that this [Gracio] should be very young, but...does such a young child also go to the battlefield?"

Thinking of this, Mei's eyes towards Gracie became much softer.

After a pause, she spoke softly: "...Hello, Gracie, my name is Raiden Mei"

Gracie stared blankly at Mei, and then said something inexplicable: "The color I like..."

Mei: "?"

"Are you......... Do you ask me about my favorite color? I think it should be orange, or red."

At this time, Mei's aura was almost completely restrained, and she still didn't have the strong posture when facing other people before.

When facing Gracie, she seems to have become the gentle cook who can coax children, Mei.

But before Mei and Gracie chatted for too long, Cosmo discovered the movement here.

"Who is there?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... You... you coming for a walk too?"

Hearing Cosmo's voice, Patuo was taken aback and stumbled a little when he spoke. It seemed that he was really frightened.

Mei, on the other hand, was very calm, and nodded to Cosmo calmly: "Hello, Cosmo"

Cosmo: "...

He just looked at Mei silently, then turned his head to look at Patuo, his small expression changed slightly from time to time.

Mei has been waiting for him to speak, but after waiting for a long time, Cosmo still did not say a word.


08: "..."

Several people just looked at each other, silent for a long time.

In the end, Mei had no choice but to look at Pa Duo: "Pa Duo, can you help me?"

What she meant was to ask Patuo to translate the meaning hidden under Cosmo's small expression at this time.

"Oh...yes, I almost forgot..."

Patuo cleared his throat, imitating Cosmo's tone of voice, and said solemnly: "Raiden Mei? Why is she here... oh, it's Patuo"

Looking at Patuo who was translating for her in a serious manner, Mei was shocked.

Is the book "One Hundred Questions of the Silent Boy" written by Alicia really useful?

Cosmo: "...

His expression changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Patuo imitated Cosmo's tone of voice and translated: "...I can't say anything in front of Gracio, let's just turn a blind eye, but... ..

At this time, Gracie also said to Cosmo: "Come with me to the lobby, Cosmo, I seem to have some new inspirations"

"So, I want to go back once, and Cosmo will accompany me"

Cosmo's expression changes: "...

Padu quickly translated: " could she say that? What happened just now..."


【Zhuo...So, "One Hundred Questions about the Mask of Thousand Tribulations" and "One Hundred Questions about the Silent Boy" are really useful?】

【Could it be... that Pa Duo translated it blindly?】

【But the plot is really funny hahaha...】

【There are not many normal people in Paradise (Fu forehead)】

At this time, Cosmo looked at Mei again.

What is different from before is that what sounds in this game is indeed Cosmo's own inner thoughts, which are not translated by Patuo.

(Raiden Mei...she has been looking for a way to enter the deepest place, what is the purpose? Aponia?)

(Should I remind her that she has already been targeted by the other party?)

(But if all this is in Aponia's [seen], then there is no point in being vigilant)

(If you don't do unnecessary things and let them go, she may give up by herself...that will be good for her)


(Forget it, don't say anything)


After watching Cosmo's series of expressions, Patuo was completely silent.


【Hahaha... So, this is why Cosmo is always silent?】

[There is a lot of inner drama, but after thinking everything through, I am too lazy to say it... I died laughing]

【So, Patuo is a blind translation?】

【No...I think...Pado can really understand Cosmo's words, it's just that she dare not translate these words to Mei.】


【It seems that Cosmo and Gracie are not a threat to Mei, but for her benefit】

【Indeed, what you say in your heart will never lie】

【Then...Padu should not be malicious, right】

[From Cosmo's inner words, it can be seen that the only threat is Alponia]

【What about Alicia? It feels like she is guiding Mei to the deepest place intentionally or unconsciously...】

On the other side, looking at the barrage of suspicions and conspiracy theories in the barrage, Mo Li almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Continue to doubt it~ You will cry later.

The players never thought that the word [Fusion Warrior] is not equal to [Strength].

Pado is also a real dish, Alicia, and indeed loves all human beings.

She will project the same sincerity and purity to all human beings; no matter what happens, she will embrace the innocent girl every day with unparalleled enthusiasm.

PS: I'm back, I'm back, I don't know how many people are still watching QAQ.

I wanted to write more today, but I have been sick for a week, and I have to rewrite the plot.

The plot of this Paradise is almost finished, and the next step is the daily life with the girls, and then the opening of "Yuan Shen" Dao Wife; the Paradise is crushed. .

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