Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 238: Thousands Of Blood Letters, Beg Grace To Show Her Face~

"Able to see the future...."

At this time, a very dangerous idea came to Mei's heart.

However, before Aponia's prophecy is fulfilled, Mei still has ten days to try to learn more about Aponia.

So, she temporarily suppressed this idea.

In the subsequent game plot, there are a lot of dialogues.

There are conversations with Pado, there are conversations with Gracie, and there are conversations with Velvet.

During this period, in addition to learning more about Gracie and Velvet, the player also met Aponia and Mei twice again.

And after these two meetings, Mei also discovered a very crucial problem——

Whenever Albonia said "please" to her, Mei's body would subconsciously follow Alponia's words.

For example, when Aponya says "Mei, [please] let me hold your hand", Mei's body will react before her will. ,

This kind of weird ability, even the law of dressing can be tricked......

In this way, the woman Alponia appears even more mysterious and dangerous.

The players subconsciously became worried about Mei.

After all, this is the person who keeps saying that he will kill Mei in ten days. 08

However, what is puzzling is that Aponia just said that it was not her original intention to kill Mei...

[Mi Huyou's plot is starting to be suspenseful?]

【It can only be said that he is worthy of being a former civilization integration fighter, and his complete body is well controlled】

[The feeling that Aponia gives me.....mysterious, holy, but revealing weirdness and's too contradictory]

[I can only look forward to the reversal in ten days~]

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I suggest fast forwarding to ten days later!】

Qiyana was also completely attracted by this kind of suspenseful plot.

At this point, the task in the game is to ask her to talk to Alicia.

When I came to Alicia's side, I found that she was chatting with Gracie.

Alicia: "Oh, it seems... I've been with you for too long

Gracie nodded obediently: "Yeah~"

Alicia chuckled lightly: "It seems that I have to leave quickly~ Some people will be unhappy if this continues."

Just as she was talking, she found Mei Mei walking over at some point.

"Ah, Mei, you came at the right time! I just wanted to find you, to help me [reconcile]~"

"Reconcile?" Mei was puzzled.

Gracie also found Mei, and said hello in a soft voice: "Ah, sister Mei..."

After a long pause, Gracie suddenly changed her tone, imitating Alicia's tone: "Hi~ Miss me?"


During my absence, Alicia has already trained this child into her shape...

"Here, this is what I told you that needs to be reconciled"

" taught this?" Mei asked.

"How should I put it..." Alicia nodded her chin, adjusted her wording a little, and then explained it slowly.

To put it simply, this is not what Alicia did on purpose, but the special feature of little Gracie.

If someone has been in contact with her for too long, Gracie will subconsciously imitate the other person.

However, this situation will not last for too long, so the impact is actually not great, and the renovation still has its own.

"So, Mei, you must also strictly control the time you spend with Gracie~"

"If one day, I hear Gracie say something like [paintbrush, surrender to me]..."

Having said this, Alicia laughed happily.

"No, no, it's really weird~"



【Little Grace is so cute】

【Paintbrush, surrender to me~】

【Pots and pans, surrender to me

[This wave is an official meme hahaha]

【It's still Mi Huyou who knows how to play, Mi Huyou, tell me honestly, does your copywriting team like surfing the Internet very much?】

This famous scene also gave the players a lot of fun.

Even Kiyana giggled "and couldn't help sighing:

"The real Gracie does imitate people~"

While talking, Kiyana also recalled the first time Mo Li and Gracie met.

"Hahaha... I still remember that when Gracie met the boss for the first time, the first sentence that came out of her mouth was—"

"Otto, look at the sword!"


It's not easy to get some of Mo Li's black history out, and Qiyana will certainly not let it go.

A little "revenge" on Mo Li, Chongchong is also very happy.

And her words really caused the barrage to explode.

【Haha... I can imagine the scene where the dog Otto is being chased and hacked by the lovely Gracie (laughing and crying)】

[Sure enough, in reality there is also Xiao Gexiu

【Yes, Aponia also exists in reality, don't ask me how I know, I used to be in the same class as Gracie~】

[Fuck? Tell me which school the one upstairs is from...]

[Don't think about it, Gracie and Kiana Walnut are both out of school, and I can't see them on weekdays]

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... .

【Congchong, Little Grey, come out and show your face?】

[Upstairs +1, millions of blood books, begging little Gracie to show up]

【Want to see Sister Alponia~QAQ】

【Want to hear Gracie shouting "Paintbrush, surrender to me~"】

【I want to hear Gracie shouting "Otto, look at the sword~"】

[So, "Otto, look at the sword!" Little Gracie imitated us sand sculpture netizens? 043

Faced with these requests in the barrage, Qiyana did not agree.

"Don't think about it, the boss said, if the sisters don't want to show up, she won't force it"

"Sister Alponia is not very interested in the Internet, so the boss didn't ask about it"

"As for Sister Gracie․...she prefers a quiet environment, so the boss didn't let her appear in the live broadcast room"

After listening to these explanations, many players expressed deep regret.

However, they have a little more impression of Mo Li - a boss who treats his employees very well.

This point, in fact, players have discovered in the live broadcast again and again.

Whether it's Alicia's live broadcast, or Chongchong's and Jizi's live broadcasts, they are all very natural and will not ask for anything.

Even sometimes accidentally revealed some version information in the live broadcast room, the boss did not blame them.

Occasionally, you can see the scene where employees hate their bosses.

This kind of working atmosphere is indeed the envy of many migrant workers.

【So, what are Mi Huyou's recruitment requirements QAQ】

[If you want to go to Mihuyou to work, even if you want to wash the toilet, you can QAQ]

【I want to audition, I am willing to dub anyone QAQ】

[I can also dub, remember that Mond has many cats and dogs? Let me perform for everyone—woof~meow~]

【Upstairs, no need】

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