Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 244 Honkai Iii Gains Another Heavyweight Fan!

【Mi Huyou, you have no heart QAQ】

In this case, it is actually very common on the Internet, especially in the game circle.

But in all the posts and videos where Mi Huyou made a knife, such a sentence will appear below.

And it was actually Eden who yelled this sentence at first and made it famous.

Just because the "Last Lesson" of "Honkai III" made Eden burst into tears, she "rebuked" Mi Huyou in the middle of the night.

Then the word went viral.

Nowadays, whenever someone sees someone posting this sentence on the Internet, netizens can guess that the high probability of posting this sentence is a new player of "Honkai III".

Generally speaking, netizens just laughed it off.

But this time it's different...

Because the person who posted this Weibo is a university professor!!

Among young people, this professor is actually not well-known.

So at the beginning, it actually caused some sensation in the opera circle.

Netizens were really shocked until someone later found out that the host was actually a professor at the Academy of Chinese Opera.

Then, this Weibo exploded.

There are a lot of comments below, all kinds of complaints and jokes, it is very lively, and the comment area is full of happy atmosphere.

In fact, in the eyes of most young people, the weight of the word "professor" is just that, it just puts on an impression of "old-fashioned".

Therefore, it is a bit too rare for a game to break the defense of this "old-fashioned" professor.

That's why netizens are so enthusiastic.

And when netizens dug up the professor's information, they discovered that the professor is not actually old.

Quite a beautiful woman.

But the rows of honor lists below it are very bluffing.

The representative inheritor of the Longguo intangible cultural heritage project, a leading figure in the opera world, and a century-old family... …

Of course, the most important thing is that this person is still a representative figure of the Beijing opera school and is currently a professor at the Beijing Opera Academy.

In the comments below, there are many people she has taught students.

[6666, since Eden, "Honkai III" has added another heavy fan]

【The face of the card~ This is called the face of the card~】

【From now on, I will proudly tell my mother that all the professors at Beijing Academy of Traditional Chinese Opera are playing "Honkai III", what reason should I not play "Honkai III"? (funny)】

【What the upstairs said is very good, how about Ma Ma rewarding you with your favorite big mouth?】

[I'm curious about Professor Han's mental state (funny)]

[I'm curious which chapter of the plot made Professor Han break his defense (laughing and crying)]

At this time, this Professor Han was sitting on the balcony of his home, enjoying the afternoon.

On the side, her daughter Yun Jin was flipping through the information on Weibo with great interest.

During Mi Huyou's live broadcast yesterday, Yunjin was watching almost the whole time.

Naturally, her mother has always been with her.

Maybe they want to know what their daughter is interested in, or they want to know about the game company Mihuyou.

Then she had the idea to experience these two games.

The scenery of Liyue, the original god, really surprised her.

After that, she asked Yun Jin about "Honkai III", and then she learned that the plot of this game is very good.

She has watched all the things that young people like, such as idol dramas and excellent anime.

So it's just a mobile game, she fell asleep very quickly.

After a preliminary understanding of the world view, such novel settings as the sea of ​​quantum and the number of imaginary numbers also aroused her curiosity.

Then, after learning that the characters in it all existed in reality, Professor Han was even more surprised.

He directly sighed: "Unexpectedly, there are so many girls who are as lovely as my daughter in Mi Huyou's studio¨``

With Yun Jin's help, she found some videos dedicated to compiling the plots of "Honkai III".

One afternoon and one night, she directly saw the main line of "Honkai III".

Then she thought of the weibo post that Eden sent back then.

It seemed to be playing tricks, but it also seemed to be really complaining... She also posted a Weibo following the trend, "cursing" Mi Huyou for being heartless...

The result was a fire.

Up to Chapter 17, if she is asked to evaluate the plot of Honkai III, she will give the evaluation of "very excellent".

Although the emotional mobilization ability of the plot is very strong, in her opinion, there is still some connotation missing.

This evaluation is already very high in her place.

And now, after reading the chapter of Thousand Heralds, even she couldn't help sighing——it's a pity to make it into a game...

With the theme of "Inheritance of the Fire", from Ragnar to Jizi, and then to Kiyana... there are regrets and emotions interspersed in it, and after pulling the audience's emotions to the peak...

Then explode with a short film.

In the past, she didn't know what "hot blood" in the mouth of young people meant.

But now she knows, the feeling of tears in her eyes and extremely complicated emotions... the feeling of distress and relief because of Qiyana's growth... is really unforgettable.

After singing operas for so many years, she has heard and sung all kinds of classic stories.

But only this game gave her that different feeling.

"Is this something for young people..."

"Looks like I'm not old yet~"

A subconscious exclamation drew Yunjin's attention.

"Mom is not old at all~"

"Baby's mouth is so sweet~" Professor Han pursed his lips and chuckled, exuding an elegant and intellectual taste all over his body.

"By the way, when you went to Mihuyou, did you meet that girl named Qiyana?"

Yunjin nodded.

"Is she the same as in the game?"

Yun Jin thought for a while before asking, "Which stage of Qiyana is Mom referring to?"

"That's right, that Kiyana at the back"

Yun Jin shook her head: "Qiana in real life is very lively and cheerful, I quite like playing games with her"

"That's it..." Professor Han pursed his lips and smiled: "I like this girl very much too~"

"Then, the next time I go to Mihuyou, take my mother to meet her?"

Professor Han nodded with satisfaction: "That's great~"

"However, now... baby, do you want to tell me about other girls?"

After watching the plot of "Honkai III", she has a strong curiosity about these characters that exist in reality.

Especially Qiyana, she really likes a sunny and cheerful girl like Qiyana.

And Yunjin was also very interested in discussing their topic.

The afternoon sun was warm and pleasant, and the mother and daughter discussed happily on the terrace.

Whenever Yun Jin mentioned that Mo Li (by Zhao's) "bullyed" Kiyana and made her angry, there would be a series of slightly charming laughter from the terrace.

"Why is it compared to [puffer fish]?"

Without saying a word, Yun Jin dug out the screenshots from yesterday's live broadcast.

Seeing that swollen look, Professor Han was overflowing with maternal love.

"I like this girl more and more~"

After saying that, she hugged her daughter again: "Of course, my favorite is my little padded jacket~"


On the other side, Cai Huyou Studio C.

Chong Chong, who just finished his lunch, is wandering around the studio.

Last night's canyon laning was naturally rubbed by Mo Li on the ground.

After it was over, the other party actually provoked her and lied to Meili in front of her.

What to say... I have a blowfish in my room, why don't you come and see it.

What does this mean? Do you think she is an idiot? This is obviously mocking her for being like a puffer fish when she is angry!

"But... Where did Mei go? I haven't seen her all morning"

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