Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 252 Now, Mi Huyou Should Not Be My Idol Or Benefactor...

As soon as Mo Li's announcement was made.

Almost everyone was stunned.

Including those game manufacturers who have been paying attention to Mi Huyou's dynamics, as well as player groups.

Who would have thought? Mi Huyou, as a game manufacturer, actually took the initiative to help other manufacturers to promote!!

As the hottest, most concerned and loved game manufacturer in Dragon Kingdom, Mi Huyou's current appeal is beyond doubt.

The moment he posted the announcement, the number of shooting stars on this Weibo began to skyrocket.

And the comment area below is also full of question marks.

【??? Is this Mi Huyou's new game?】

【After looking at the "War Shuang", I found that this game is a masterpiece of a completely unknown small workshop!!】

[Indeed, there is no sign of Mi Huyou's participation at all, and the owner of the studio is not called Mo Li...]

[Don't guess, brother Meng, this game was indeed announced a few days ago, seems to be overwhelmed by the popularity of "Yuanshin" Daozuma...

["Zhan Shuang" is indeed excellent, and it is not a masterpiece for perfunctory players. I’m the server-starting player of “Six Two Three”]

[I was still talking about it before, this game is also unlucky, the opening time of the server was obviously chosen in the time period when there was no new version of Mi Huyou, but the popularity was still overwhelmed]

【The pattern... This is Mi Huyou's pattern!!】

【Penguins come out and get beaten!!】

【Otto is right... I really hope that there will be more people who are serious about making games like "Zhan Shuang" in the Dragon Kingdom game market QAQ】

[I wish the Dragon Kingdom game circle is getting better and better~~]

【Blessings~Looking forward to the early entry into the era of healthy competition in the Dragon Kingdom game circle~】

[Blessings, blessings, I decided to support the game of the small workshop]

[The money can only be reserved for Linghua's wife, I will hold the personal field, the krypton monthly card~]

Players all understand that compared with the pig farm penguins, Mi Huyou's game is indeed very conscientious.

This can be seen from the two games "Honkai III" and "Yuanshin".

After all, Mi Huyou is directly open to play for free even with a gameplay of this size.

They are really serious about making games!

And now, a Weibo post by Mo Li has also made players realize that Mi Huyou is not only serious about making games, but also really wants to set an example.

The boss of a game manufacturer, personally Amway a game produced by his peers...

This pattern opened up at once.

Involuntarily, many players thought of what Tencent did before.

If the acquisition fails, it will be suppressed.

You are a small workshop and want to change the status quo of the game circle? Want to make money from word of mouth?

Wash and sleep.

Looking back at Mi Huyou's really has to be admirable.

At the same time, at a place called Kuro Game Studio.

A group of people were staring at the data in the background of the game with sad faces.

"War Shuang" is the painstaking work of these young people.

Originally, they had already prepared this game a year ago and were ready for public testing.

But halfway through, "Honkai III" was born.

The incomparably exquisite three-rendering-two painting style directly hit the hearts of this group of creative teams.

As young people, they quickly made a bold decision—

Remake "Zhan Shuang"!

Such a decision made the already hard-pressed studio even worse.

However, when they saw the extremely explosive reputation of "Honkai III", they did not regret their decision.

Drawing on the essence of "Honkai III", after a year of rework, the game "Zhan Shuang" finally reached the point where they were extremely satisfied.

After that, what they considered was to announce and release the game at an appropriate time, and to test it publicly at the same time.

And long before the public beta, their funds were almost overdrawn.

The rest of the money... can't even buy a week's worth of advertising space.

In the end, I didn't expect that just after buying the advertising space, the news about Dao Wife in "Yuan Shen" broke out...

This situation caught them off guard.

To be honest, after a year of fermentation, the main creative team of the studio is almost 1.5 meters per capita to fool fans.

Now that my idol has cost me the publicity fee, it's impossible to say that I don't have any small grievances.

But they also knew in their hearts that [Mi Huyou] did not deliberately target this.

After all, they have also been paying attention to Mi Huyou.

Not only because I also make games myself...

Because they are also players and fans of "Yuanshin" and "Hengsan III".

And they will never miss every preview live broadcast of Mi Huyou.

So they also know that "Yuan Shen" actually revealed the news of the new country as early as the last preview live broadcast.

Now that the news broke out, there is nothing wrong with it.

If you want to blame, you can only blame them for being unlucky.

"It's really not possible...I'll mortgage the RV first, plus the little money I borrowed"

"I believe that as long as the announcement is successful, it will only be a matter of time before the money is paid back"

"It's not necessary, boss...this is a matter that concerns your entire's not fair to my sister-in-law"

"I've talked to my sister-in-law, she supports me...... Also, although the staff below didn't say anything, but they are in arrears of wages for so long...... After all, it's not very good"

The short conversation caused the entire creative team to fall into silence.

"Bad luck..."

"You can't say that...Although it is true that luck is not very good, but...the previous publicity fee is really not enough. In fact, I have already borrowed money."

"However, the bank loan has not been repaid, so it is really difficult to borrow..."

"Boss, actually I still have some money, so I can..."

At this moment, the people in the conference room were suddenly violently pushed away...

"Boss!! Great news!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked sideways.

"Mi Huyou..." As he spoke, he pushed the computer over.

"Mi Huyou, advertised us!!"

Everyone: "???"

What do you mean, cheating and advertising for us?

"Youngest, don't you have a fever..."

At this moment, another young man staring at the background data also exclaimed.

"Fuck!! Fuck! The number of people! Boss, come and see!"

The older man who said he was going to sell the house and the car ran over to take a look.

"Number of people! The number of players! More than a dozen times?!"

"Is this data correct?"


And at this moment, the youngest who opened the door and came in also regained his breath.

"As expected... Mi Huyou's appeal is so powerful!"

"Youngest, do you know what happened?"

The youngest pointed to the computer he brought over: "Look at it for yourself!"

Several young people hurriedly surrounded the past.

And what was displayed on the computer was the Weibo that Mo Li had posted before.


The article is not long, and the information can be read in ten seconds, but it took several young people several minutes to read it.

But after reading it, their moods seemed extremely complicated.

Delighted, moved, incredible....

He was named by his idol, performed a performance, and even made a wave of advertisements for himself...

You know, Mi Huyou's popularity in the Dragon Kingdom game circle is extremely terrifying.

Counting the incomparably explosive word-of-mouth, even if the sum of the pig farm and the house is not 5.7 meters, it is not enough to fool you.

It is such a giant game company, but now it takes the initiative to speak out and advertise for them!!

"Just this Weibo is worth more than tens of millions..."

This sentence made everyone in the meeting room agree.

They looked at the Weibo release time, and then looked at the background data of the game...

In just two hours, it brought them 100,000 level gamers!

It is conceivable that if this Weibo is fermented for a few more days, how far their game players can reach.

"Worthy of being my hearty..."

A few sentimental young people now have some red eyes.

Now, Mi Huyou is not only their idol, but also their benefactor...

PS: Originally, I wanted to set the main creative team of Kuro Game as the girls in the game, but after thinking about it [there are too many female characters... it is unnecessary to write it out and not accept it.

So it became a passerby. .

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