Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 265 Mei: She's Just A Younger Sister, There's Nothing To Feel Guilty About~

make money?

For Rita and the other girls, money is enough. (except Pado)

Moreover, now following Mo Li, not only can I make games like "Yuan Shen" and "Honkai III" that are loved by players all over the world, but the atmosphere in the studio is also very harmonious and active.

This kind of life is already what they want most.

No burden, no worries, for them, reading the players' comments and praises every day is the most interesting thing.

Money? Possessions nothing more.

They stay in the studio every day, and they have no place to use money at all.

Just doing what I like every day, the money in the small treasury is rising rapidly.

You won't be able to use it all up in your next life, so why earn so much money?

Therefore, whether they cooperate or not this time, they all want to follow Mo Li's wishes.

And with such great trust from the girls, Yuanli will naturally not be sloppy.

After checking the specific information of [Jade Mirror] with the built-in function of the system, Mo Li felt relieved.

[Yu Jing] It is indeed like the comments on the Internet, and it will not do anything about cutting leeks.

It can indeed be called "the light of domestic products".

Then, it is time to talk about the distribution of benefits of cooperation.

"Negotiating things like this, Rita and Miko are better at it, so it's better for you to go."

"If you can, you need to share the revenue. Every time you sell a mobile phone, you have to get 10% of the net profit."

Rita was a little surprised.

"Do you want to be so tall.........this is just an endorsement"

"And... as far as I know, [Jade Mirror] is independently developed. If the sales volume is not enough, they may lose money."

Mo Li nodded: "I know this, but I still have confidence in your popularity."

Rita: "But........ Will the boss of [Jade Mirror] have confidence in our popularity?"

Mo Li smiled: "If you don't have confidence, don't talk about it, and he can come here, it must be because he understands your popularity."

"One more thing, if I'm not mistaken, this time the new model they want to enter the high-end market"

"Currently, the biggest difficulty for them is that the brand influence is not strong enough"

"I'm sure that if they join forces, they will never lose money. As for whether they dare to cooperate and take a gamble...that's their business"

"Rita understands~ I'll contact her right away." After casting an elegant smile at Mo Li, Rita turned and went out.

"Yes Rita"

"Boss, do you have any orders?"

"That's right... this cooperation, you should ask other Gu Liang for their opinions." After a pause, Mo Li added: "Especially Eden's opinion..."


Mo Li recalled suddenly.

"That's right...Eden is also in our studio!!"

Mo Li will be able to react now.

The boss of [Jade Mirror]... Is there a possibility that he came here for Eden?

Of course, it doesn't rule out that the boss really understands the popularity of the girls.

But at least, if Eden agrees, then there is absolutely no need to worry about the sales of their new models.


Mo Li turned to look at Alicia: "Miss Goblin~ Do you think Eden will agree to the other party's cooperation?"


"The boss finally remembered him~" Alicia pretended to be disappointed, and looked at Mo Li resentfully.

"I thought that after the boss got Mei, he wouldn't notice my cute and charming fairy lady~~"

On the side, Mei's cheeks were slightly red, and she glanced at Rita cautiously.

The "cunning" Rita naturally noticed Mei's eyes, but she just smiled lightly and did not open her mouth to tease.

And Mo Li couldn't help but support his forehead: "Okay, Ellie, I'm fighting for your interests now."

"Be serious..."

"Hey~ okay..." Alicia laughed, and then said with a smile: "If it's Eden..."

"She should have said that, cough..."

As she spoke, she imitated Eden's tone of voice: [Jade Mirror]'s cooperation...but I don't seem to have time recently~"

"How about... Ellie help me refuse~"


So what do you mean by imitating Eden?

Wouldn't it be nice to just say that the other party will refuse...

So, the girl with pink hair is crumbs.

"Okay, then Rita, when you were negotiating with [Jade Mirror]'s boss, you directly said that Eden didn't want to cooperate, and then we'll see if the other party is willing to cooperate."

"As long as the other party hesitates, you just refuse."

Rita understood what Mo Li meant in seconds.

If the other party hesitated, it meant that the other party was coming for Eden.

And the other sisters... are just incidental...

Although the girls (aidc) are usually kind and friendly, they all have their own arrogance as goddesses.

Anyone would be upset to be treated as a "spare tire".

And this cooperation is dispensable to them.

Giving up cooperation is their [Jade Mirror]'s loss.

"Rita understands~"

After the discussion, Rita walked out of Mo Li's office.

The meticulous maid also closed the door by the way.

"Oh~ Ellie was also locked in the room by Rita-san~"

"Boss~ If you play games with Mei, can you take me with you~"

Mo Li:

What kind of tiger-wolf word is this?

No, no, when the pure Alicia said "game", that must mean game.

Absolutely no other colors.

"Okay..." Mo Li naturally wouldn't refuse, and took out her mobile phone: "Get on the number!"



She glanced at Alicia with some resentment.

Why does Alicia, who has always had a high emotional intelligence, suddenly come to make light bulbs......

And this question, she quickly understood.

Because Rita hadn't left for a long time, Kiyana pushed open the door of Mo Li's room with vigor.

"Boss!! I really like this Elf Ellie, can you give me one......"

"Huh? Mei and Airi-san are here too."

Mo Li:


Alicia: "Hee~"

At this time, Qiyana was holding Ellie the Fairy in her arms, and she didn't think much about it when she saw that there were three people in the room.

"Boss, do you still have Ellie the Fairy? I like it so much."

Mo Li: "Isn't this what you have in your hand?"

Qiyana: "This one, it was given to me by Sister Ellie just now...

"Oh yes, originally I wanted to find Mei, but I ran into Miss Ellie on the way, and now Mei also found it."

Mo Li: "...

Bud: ....

Well, Alicia is indeed a high EQ.

But... Ya Yi suddenly felt a little sorry for Qiyana.

Is this... stealing the sun behind Qiyana's back?

No, no, I clearly just treat Qiyana as my younger sister.

How about….. Next time, let’s just secretly tell her about my relationship with Mo Li?

No, no, if you tell her... then everyone in the studio will probably know...

It's even possible that this idiot will slip up in the live broadcast room...

Mei was in a tangle.


At this time, Qiyana was already tired and acted like a baby to Mo Li.

"You must still have some in stock, right~"

Mo Li nodded: "Yes~"

Kiyana: "Then... can you give me one, right~"

Mo Li took a sip of tea seriously.

"That depends on your performance~"

Kiana: "??"

She didn't know what she thought of, but her complexion suddenly turned crimson.

If it's this guy... It's not impossible to be taken advantage of by him...

But you have to get Mei out of the way...

Just as she was thinking this way, Mo Li spoke again.

"From now on, knock on the door first when you enter, don't be so angry, can this be done?"

Kiana: "??"

"That's it?!"

Suddenly, some complicated emotions arose in her heart.

No, this guy is obviously not that kind of person, but why did I have a plot...

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