Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 276 Is There Really A Girl As Pure As Alicia In The World?

"Sister Alicia~"

At the beginning, there is a picture of little Gracie calling Ellie's sister in that soft and waxy voice.

Alicia also smiled: "No, call me [Sister Alicia]"

Gracie: "??"


Not only Gracie was curious, but the players were equally curious.

Is it to express yourself - younger?

"Because, if everyone heard you call me that, they would—would be shocked!"

"Then everyone will be like, why?"

"Why exactly?"

"Did you see something they couldn't see?"

Alicia let out a cheerful laugh: "The expressions on everyone's faces at that time must be very interesting!"

Players: "...

Indeed...that's what they thought when they heard Gracie call Alicia.

Good guy, I was actually posed by a game character?!

Asking Gracie to call her sister... just to make everyone curious??

As expected of you......Alicia......

But...Alicia like this is really cute~

"Then... I see, sister Alicia"

Alicia smiled brightly: "Also~ Remember to call [Grandma Mebius]

"Grandma... Aunt Mebius won't be angry?"

"Oh, Gracie doesn't understand yet. Compared to [Grandma], [Auntie] makes girls sad~"

Inexplicably, the players felt that Alicia had a disdainful expression when she said this.

"But it doesn't matter, one day you will understand, and it will be too late to change your words at that time~"

"Okay... I always feel that Aunt Mebius is so pitiful. She has been busy late recently and can't even eat."

"Probably there is some urgent project, so I can't rest, how do you know?"

Gracie thought for a while: "Mom wants to go to Dad's place, but she can't stay in the laboratory anymore, so she plans to introduce a new assistant to Aunt Mebius"

"When I heard them talking about their work, it seemed that they were talking about...[reformation]? [surgery]?"

While Alicia and Gracie were talking, Kevin walked slowly past them.

"Yeah, look who's back?"

Kevin ignored Alicia's greetings and left.

Gracie: "Uncle Kevin didn't seem to hear, and...he has a bad face"

Alicia: "Well..... After all, we have just defeated the Seventh Herrscher, and he may not have slowed down~"

The pop-up screen is full of question marks.

This is..... directly skipping the scene of defeating the Sixth Herrscher and the Seventh Herrscher!!

Moreover, Kevin has turned into that ice cube face at this time!

Afterwards, Alicia bid farewell to Gracie, followed Kevin, and comforted Kevin with her own words.

"Are you going to go the [handsome guy with cold face] route? No wonder you have to ignore me. I thought it was because you hated me, so sad~"

Kevin: "Sorry..."

If other people come, the atmosphere at this moment will definitely become colder.

However, Alicia still maintains an optimistic attitude.

"I heard about it, [Fusion Warrior Project]. It's too much, you don't even tell me."

"Obviously there is such a [good thing], but you don't share it with me? Is it to surpass me quietly? Moths chasing fire are fighting openly and secretly? Kevin, you are very cunning now~"


"Thank you for comforting me, but...I want to be alone for a while"

Alicia: "...

Rarely, Alicia's mood became less wonderful.

Now, even she didn't know how to comfort the other party.

After a pause, he apologized again: "I'm sorry."

Alicia: "You've said sorry twice, this sentence doesn't suit you at all~"

Kevin:......Mei said the same thing, but..."

"As long as I close my eyes, I can see Himiko... She is standing there, smiling and reaching out to me, we seem to be back at the dance that night... You are there, mei Also, and, she is also..."

"...Did you know that when I swung that sword, she had the same expression on her face..."

"...just like the Sixth Herrscher"

Seeing this, many players are a little confused.

Because there are no comics in this world, most people don't know who the name [Himiko] is.

However, Mo Li naturally considered this point, so he put a lot of introductions about 【Himiko】in the extra plot and Paradise files.

Many players began to popularize science in the barrage at this time.

And after the barrage science popularization, the players quickly remembered it.

In the previous main storyline - the Herrscher of Knowledge chapter, in Fu Hua's memory, [Himiko] showed up.

At that time, Himeko's death still made the players feel regretful. This woman named [Himiko], who looks very similar to Himeko, naturally left a deep impression on them.

【So, the Seventh Herrscher is Himiko?】

【So, during the time of the Sixth Herrscher, Kevin sacrificed many innocent people because of his soft hands; and during the time of the Seventh Herrscher, he personally took care of his comrades?】

【Ah, this.....This experience is quite similar to Chongchong, but it is also depressing, not bewildering...】

[Blind guessing...the next few Herrschers still have knives QAQ]

【Gan... just the text description makes people feel sorry, if Mi Huyou made animations and added music... how terrifying the power of the knife would be!】

【It turns out that Kevin became a fusion fighter at this time...】

【It seems that he is still the first fusion fighter?】

At the end of the memory, Alicia took the initiative to find Mebius and asked her to fuse the super variable factor for herself.

The memory is over, and the screen returns to Mei.

0...seeking flowers...

"...Yes, I also have such memories. When I was helpless and powerless,

Mei: "Kevin has never been able to get out of the shadow brought by the sixth Honkai, and in the ensuing seventh Honkai, he was forced to kill his former comrades...... "

"It's no wonder...he's a different person"

(No wonder, he hates Honkai so much)

It may be that the memory of this time is too heavy.

Alicia immediately used the typewriter to read another memory.

It was a group photo.

Mei, Kevin, Cosmo, Sakura, and Alicia... There are also two characters that the players don't know.

In the photos, everyone has a sincere smile on their faces, and various gift boxes and exquisite cakes are placed on the table.

"Look, Mei

"Even at that time, I had such happy memories~"


"But...after knowing the result, the happiness...will turn into [sadness], right?"

Alicia did not deny: "Maybe... there is a touch of sentimentality"

"But I think, that should not be [pain], but a kind of [joy]?"

"Happy for having had some kind of happiness, looking forward to miracles in the future"

"Everything has two sides, right?"

"Look" Alicia pointed to the photo: "After experiencing that kind of thing, Kevin can still can a person laugh~"

"If this photo hadn't been left at that time, Kai Yi might not have seen such a scene"

"It's also very difficult to have the opportunity to see Sakura and Mei's well-dressed side, the time when Cosmo has not grown horns, and the appearance of Destabia and Hen..."

"Now, you not only see them, but also remember them, isn't that a joyful thing? At least, I'm very happy~"


She really admired and admired the mentality of this young girl.

Similarly, the players also admire and like Alicia like this.

Even if the former civilization has been destroyed, most of the people she knew have passed away; even if all the memories of fighting against Houkai 50,000 years ago are preserved...

Sad, regretful, happy...all of them.

But... what she cared about were all those happy memories.

Bit by bit, I didn't miss any corners, I kept it very carefully, and I will face those memories with a positive attitude.

Look at Kevin who is still alive, how dazed he has become?

Look at Alicia again...

Not trying to bring Kevin down, but...

A girl like Alicia who always faces each day with a positive really perfect and attractive.

PS: It feels...the quality seems to have dropped a bit.

However, these dialogues are either foreshadowing or paving the way for the knife in the future. It is difficult to choose... I have tried to omit a lot of things. .

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