Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 280 I Suspected An Angel? ! Damn It For Me Riding A Horse...

"I don't know if it's appropriate to say that... Most of the people I've met are still in the process of [progressive tense]..."

"But Yingjie... Most of them seem to have reached the [Complete Time]. Time has left traces and shaped them into what they are today"

"But I think their journey to [completion] is more important than the appearance of [completion]"

"Whether [heroes] are... or not... can't change anything, they are by no means people who can be summed up by results or definitions"

"But their stories are admirable because they are difficult to generalize"

【Mei is so right~】

[We can only see the weird personalities of the Yingjies now, but we don't know what kind of knife made their personalities become what they are today]

【Whether they are heroes or not is not important, but at least they have been doing heroic deeds】

【There are so many characters with distinctive personalities in one breath, Mi Huyou is really a big hand】

[Facts have proved that Mi Huyou can not only imitate a certain person to create characters, they can also beat blockbuster publishers with original ones

in the game.

After Mei finished speaking, soft piano music sounded. A beautiful original 280 painting of Alicia also appeared on the screen.

Under the setting sun, Alicia's smile was still pure and sweet, and the dim sunlight shone on her cheeks, flowing down her fair skin.

The breeze blew her hair and swayed slightly, and some flower petals fell lightly.

This original painting immediately hit the hearts of countless people.

"That's right.....The Paradise of Past Events recorded such a simple story"

"The Yingjies are just ordinary people with complex emotions and [flaws], just like every ordinary human being at that time."

"If you have your own selfishness, you probably won't have any great love, but..."

"They will also do some impulsive and remarkable things because of a moment of emotion or a whim."

"They were never perfect heroes, it was just that they were there at that time"

"I believe that other people will make similar decisions...or even better?"

"This is the eternity of beauty, what I believe in...【True Me】~"

"Mei, you are destined to not be able to read all the stories, and it is even difficult to appreciate a corner of the whole picture. The entire life of thirteen such a complicated and wonderful story"

"In the process of (aici) appreciating these stories, what Mei wants to get depends on what you want to believe"

Mei: "As a result, I didn't jump out of your [trap] until the end...

"Through such a long detour, your purpose has not changed from the beginning to the end"

Alicia laughed happily.

"It's an exaggeration to say the purpose~"

"As I said before, Paradise of the Past has practical significance, as part of the Mebius stigmata plan."

"However... what you said is indeed my little wish... after all [consistent] is my persistence."

"I think...... the current Mei will be able to calmly face [my ending]~"

Mei: "I hope so..."

"However... I'm a little surprised. You, who never like to lie, still told a little lie in your identity as a lawyer."

"The Thirteenth Herrscher...Actually, you don't need to hide it from me for so long..."

After hearing Mei's words, Alicia seemed to think of something.

The innocent smile disappeared from her face rarely.

Coupled with the dim light of the setting sun, Mei seems to see a trace of loneliness in this girl who keeps smiling all the time.

"That's right..."

"Maybe... I really told a big lie, the only lie in my life

After a pause, Alicia regained that iconic smile on her face.

But this smile... seems forced.

"After all, I'm also afraid. If Mei knows my identity as the [Thirteenth Herrscher], maybe.....wouldn't greet me with a smile like before?"

"Would you doubt me? Would you... stay away from me?"

Alicia would also be afraid.

And what she was afraid of was not only that Mei would stay away from her.

In the former civilization, she was also afraid that those people who chased the flames would stay away from her and fear her after they knew her identity as a Herrscher.

In the end, face her sword.

Therefore, the only lie this pure and flawless girl had in her life was to conceal her identity with good intentions.

It was the first time for the players to see such a lonely Alicia.

Recalling how active she was like an elf in the past, it can't help but make people feel distressed.

...It turns out that angels also have troubles.

However, some players think that Alicia is a bit hypocritical at this time.

After all, Mei was originally a Herrscher, so how could she reject Alicia?

Isn't this just fifty steps laughing at a hundred steps?

Players will think so, but they still don't know the situation of the pre-civilization.

They don't know that in the pre-civilization period, Alicia was once suspected.

The Yingjies also deliberately sent her away and held a meeting with the theme of "Alicia".

It is conceivable how sad Alicia would be when she learned of this.

After all, she really treats every human being with all her sincerity.

I just don't know, those people who posted barrage, saying that Alicia was a little hypocritical at this time, would they still be able to sleep after knowing what happened...

"Mei....... Am I, quite disappointing?"

Mei knew the meaning of Alicia's words.

But in her view, such lies are harmless at all.

Besides, who dares to say that he has never lied in his life?

"It really disappoints me that you think so"

Mei's answer made Alicia's heart skip a beat.

In a trance, she recalled what happened in the period of the flame-chasing moths.

"When you called yourself the deputy leader of Zhuhuo Yingjie, I didn't take it lightly. Similarly, the Thirteenth Herrscher will not let me treat you differently."

"Even if you become a Herrscher... so what, am I not also a Herrscher?"

"Is this answer enough?"

With a firm tone, Mei said the most beloved words.

Alicia smiled.

"Well~ enough~"

She smiled in the setting sun, very very heart-warming.

When many players were moved and felt sorry for Alicia, a narration appeared

【This girl who is always thought to have other plans, all her words and deeds in front of Mei, everything she showed...】

【Maybe it was just for this one answer from beginning to end】

[In the distant past, on the day when she was wearing pure white clothes and walking towards the end with a new dress that was only once...

【Did she get the answer she wanted?】

This piece of white paper not only made the players feel panicked.

Aren't they the players who have always doubted Alicia?

Alicia would be sad if she knew

【Damn me for stepping on a horse... woo woo woo~】.

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