Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 287 Mature Players Must Learn To Find A Knife To Eat By Themselves

"The data that constitutes her body has disappeared without a trace at this moment; but some traces left by her have been retained by accident"

"In other words, she didn't disappear as completely as Alicia, but...she is also in the state of [unable to find]"

Fortunately, what Su said later did not confirm Sakura's death.

But at the same time, I got an extremely definite answer——

Alicia... is indeed dead.

For a while, the players didn't know whether to be happy or sad...

After finishing this "tracing", several people gathered together again to discuss.

In this "meeting", there is no Alicia.

And the poisonous Mebius is here again...

Discussions gradually turned into arguments.

It wasn't until Mei could hardly stand it any longer that Kevin stepped forward and interrupted Mebius' poisonous tongue.

"It's a big deal, and I'm only saying it once!"

"Before our investigation progresses, it will do no good or harm to all Zero Zero Seven to know about this matter"

"So, unless I take the initiative to speak up, no sixth person in the paradise is allowed to hear the news."

Kevin's words, the rest of the people have no opinion.

But the players are a little puzzled.

【Telling other Ying Jie...... What are the disadvantages?】

【I'm also curious...wouldn't it be better to inform everyone to investigate this together?】

【Think about it, in Eternal Paradise, besides Yingjie and Mei, who else exists?】

【 mean...Alicia's death may have something to do with the memories of the Yingjies?】

[It is inevitable that there will be suspicion...]

【But...why did you kill Alicia QAQ】

【That's right... what is the murderer's motive?】

【The motive for committing the crime...... In other words, will the memory become a Herrscher?】

【Hua's corpse can be turned into a Herrscher, so is there any problem for me to become a Herrscher with just one memory?】

【??? Upstairs!! One word awakens the dreamer!!】

【Fuck!! Isn't this back to the theme? Isn't the story of Honkai III just about fighting against Herrschers?!!】

【Okay, I announce that the next story is the spectacular scene of Thirteen Yingjie's memory against the Rebels!!】

【And then --- Alicia didn't die, she just became a Herrscher and hid herself】

【Then Yingjie's memories personally killed his former comrades in arms!】


[Mature players..Have learned how to find a knife to eat by themselves QAQ]

【Otto: Well said, I give you the pen, you write it!】

Mei was also extremely speechless watching these bullet screens.

But I have to say that their way of thinking is no problem.

If the story is really written according to their ideas... it seems reasonable...

But it's a pity... the story may be far more complicated than they imagined.


After sighing and throwing away the thoughts in her mind, she quickly promoted the plot.

In the game, after Kevin asked the people present to keep the secret, he planned to go to the file room and use the typewriter to confirm the "essence" of the incident

And Aponiya also intends to use his own method to investigate.

Su said that he would continue to observe the unexplored data areas in the paradise.

As for Mei......

"Wait, Kevin"

"I'm also going to the typewriter to confirm something..."

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I don't want to believe any conclusions"

She still couldn't believe the news of Alicia's death.

"Come on, keep up"

On the way, Mei and Kevin meet Gracie and Cosmo.

And Aponia uses Mei as the "intermediary" to bring Gracie a message.

As for the news, even the "intermediary" Mei is not clear.

Gracie just touched Mei's neck, indicating that she had received Aponia's message.

"Mama Aponia...Why did you bring me...【Purple】?"

Mei: "??"

That's all you know?

.......That's all? Did you guys really pass something on? I don't seem to feel it"

Faced with Mei's question, Gracie suddenly crossed her arms and said, "Because it has nothing to do with you"


Cosmo: "..."

The two set their sights on Kevin at the same time.

There is no doubt that Gracie was influenced by Kevin...

Kevin: . . . . "

After being silent for a while, Kevin spoke slowly: "Let's get out of here first, we've been delayed for a long time"

At this moment, Gracie spoke again.

"You... have something to hide from me and Cosmo"


She was about to look at Kevin subconsciously, but she quickly stopped the movement.

Perhaps, they shouldn't have come to see this young girl who could absorb the colors of others before setting off.

"Well...we didn't mean to"

Mei CUP was running wildly, and finally only thought of one.....a lie that was proven.

"Kevin has some private affairs, he doesn't want too many people to know"

"Just ask Cosmo, boys inevitably have their own little secrets"

X: "...?"

Cosmo: "??"

Well, the two did not pursue the matter of deceiving the children.

But... Gracie put her hands on her hips again, imitating Mei's tone and said: "I want to go together too"

"I'm not going to take an answer that anyone forces on me, I'm going to find it myself"

As soon as these words came out, Kevin and Cosmo looked at Mei at the same time...

Mei: "...

...well, I know that's what I said myself"

"But this time, Gracie was influenced by me too quickly."

Shaking her head, Mei said softly, "Gracio, before that, we have some other things to deal with."

"After it's over, we'll come back here and take you with us, okay?"

Gracie: "Really?"

………never mind"

Finally, it was Kevin and Mei's turn to set their sights on Cosmo.

Cosmo scratched the back of his head: "Forget it...well, let's do it like this"

Originally, such a plot was very joyful.

Every time it appears, the barrage will float over the dense [hahaha.....].

However, after experiencing the [Alicia's death] incident, the players haven't recovered from it at all.

Thinking of Alicia's cute smiling face, the players couldn't be happier.

Naturally, the barrage at this time was also quite quiet.

Only a few people were still discussing what Mei had just said to comfort Gracie.

It seems, a bit like imitating Alicia's speech.

After Mei and Kevin left, Gracie quietly followed with Cosmo.

However, Mei and Kevin quickly discovered this kind of tracking.

In the end, Kevin said that he would persuade Gracie to let Mei go to the file room to wait for him first.

However, when Mei came to the archives, 4.5 found that Kevin, who was supposed to persuade Gracie, had also come here.


"Are you sure you convinced Gracie? I've only just arrived here"

Kevin replied lightly: "I temporarily froze all roads"


Well, physical persuasion.....

The two looked at the door of the archive room one after another, and there seemed to be nothing unusual there.


When the two opened the door, they found that the file room was extremely messy.

Countless files are scattered in every corner irregularly.

And on those papers, the same sentence was densely written.

Alicia is dead; Alicia is dead

Alicia is dead; Alicia is dead

Alicia is dead; Alicia is dead

Alicia is dead; Alicia is dead

Alicia is dead; Alicia is dead

PS: Well, I admit to being lazy for 2 days.

I dare not look at the comment area ==.

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