Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 308 Please Don't Mess With Our Music Circle

Since the last time they were ridiculed by the crowd, the players of Bangzi Kingdom have not been active on Youtube for a long time.

During this period of time, they basically grew up in the inner circle of their own country.

But now, after seeing the map of [Dao Wife] so detailed, the players of Bangzi Kingdom are very unconvinced.

In their view, why doesn't Bangzi, who is also a big country in Asia, have no exclusive map?

But if you are angry, you still have to play the game.

Therefore, the smart players of Bangzi Kingdom collectively joined the largest consortium in Bangzi Kingdom—Steaming Stars.

And the reason for Aite...

He actually hoped that Sang Xing would acquire Mi Huyou......

There is one thing to say, Sang Xing does have the strength to acquire the current Mi Huyou.

But the problem is, this is not something you can buy if you want to buy it... It mainly depends on whether people are willing to sell it, right?

Seeing that Sangxing Group completely ignored them, those players changed to an Aite target.

And this time Aite's... is a game company...

To their surprise, the game company really responded to these players.

He also said that he is already developing a two-dimensional open world game.

The Bangzi Country players got excited when they got the news.

They seemed to finally have a vent after holding back their breath for a long time, and quickly spread the news on the Youtube.

I thought that this would make players from other countries envious.

But... the last thing I received was still ridicule...

Especially the players of Sakura Country, the intensity of ridicule is extremely heart-rending.

An ordinary game player can see the gold-absorbing ability of "Yuanshin" and "Honkai III".

How could those big game companies be indifferent?

Since Yuanshen became popular, all game companies around the world are paying attention to Mi Huyou.

It’s not just the players in your Bangzi Kingdom who are making Yuanshen games? There are too many Yuanshen games in the world, right?

That's right, "Original God" has been divided into a separate category in this world.

Two-dimensional, three renderings and two, open exploration.

As long as there are these three elements, they are collectively referred to as [original god games.

There is no way, the game development in this world is too backward.

The release of "Yuanshin" and "Honkai III" has given gamers too many surprises.

Whether it's "Honkai III" that focuses on the plot, or "Yuan Shen" with an open world, or it's free to play, switch to the card draw model...

With all these innovations, "Yuan Shen" was finally awarded such an honor.

Therefore, even if Bangzi successfully develops a two-dimensional open world game, it will always be trampled by Mi Huyou.

There is even a risk of being branded as [plagiarism].

The only way to break through the siege is to surpass "Yuan Shen".

But it's easier said than done...

Even if Bangziguo really thought of a more novel gameplay, the money and time required for research and development are extremely huge.

Don't expect to see the results in three to five years.

And in the past three to five years, how could Mi Huyou not make any progress?

"Honkai III" seems to be an unsurpassed game at present.

As a result, less than half a year later, "Original God" interviewed again.

Each of these activities can be independently made into a game.

From this, one can imagine how terrifying Cai Huyou's creative ability is.

Besides! Mi Huyou still has a trump card——


Even if Bangziguo really made a game comparable to "Yuan Shen", but if Mi Huyou added the Eden character card to "Yuan Shen", how would you deal with it?


In the future, the original god games can only be dominated by Mi Huyou's family.

The rest of the manufacturers are top-notch, so they are popular in their own countries, and the players can only enclose themselves.

If you want to be popular all over the world like the original god, you can only start from other genres, or completely abandon the shadow of the original god, and really make a brand new two-dimensional open world game.

This is also the reason why other countries feel very disdain for the inexplicable excitement of the Bangzi Kingdom.

When the players of Bangzi Kingdom saw these explanations, they immediately broke their defenses.

They scolded these people for their lack of ambition, and said that they believed in the game manufacturers in their own country.

And some Bangzi Country players are also trying their best to explain how good the game manufacturers in their country are.

However, at this time, an extremely explosive piece of news suddenly appeared, attracting the attention of countless people.

The news comes from a 30s video.

This video is naturally the chorus of Eden and Alicia.

Hot searches at this time——



#米妻# (burst)


The news related to Mi Huyou and Eden almost dominated the hot search boards of all web pages at home and abroad.

Even the content of the first [Inazuma] version of "Yuanshin" has been suppressed.

As for the new game of Bangzi Kingdom... It has long been forgotten in a corner.

There is no way, the poisonous information in the 305 video is too obvious.

At the same time, the bottom of Eden's Weibo is also unprecedentedly lively.

Most of the messages are asking when her new song will be released.

Unfortunately, Eden never responded.

However, the topic of this song has not dissipated.

It was not until several days later that Eden finally updated a Weibo.

【The stars and the moon fall, weaving a gentle fairy tale】

[The land is fertile, nourishing the new sprouts]

【A flawless girl walks through the world, taking in the beauty of people】

【My true hero dances in the last days, and will always be good at love】

[Human herrschers turn into newborn seeds, blooming flying flowers of human nature on the twigs]

【The name of the flower is——Alicia...】

【Now, the time of the end is coming; now, the time to return has come】

【Farewell, beautiful world...】

[And you, pure and pure soul

【You will let the unsung songs sing again】

【You will continue to write a new chapter for the dusty story of history】

[May there be stars shining from now on~]

【May there be hundreds of flowers blooming from now on~】

[Chapter 31 of the main storyline of "Honkai III" --- "The Story Because of You" impression song "TruE" has been released on the music network]

Web links

As soon as this Weibo was posted, countless people climaxed in place.

Since Qiyana exposed the 30s singing recording a few days ago, players have already begun to look forward to it.

I thought it would be more than half a month before there would be follow-up news, but I didn't want to. In just a few days, Eden released the new song.


This song is also the theme song of the new main line of "Honkai III"!!

After all, the long list of texts above Eden clearly mentioned "Herserscher" and "Alicia".

And this also makes those players who are new to "Honkai III" because of Eden extremely excited.

The old players also reacted at this time.

The story of 【Paradise of the Past】, I'm afraid it will be finished in the next update......

Looking back on the past, there will be theme songs and animated short films at the end of each major chapter of "Honkai III".

And the effects of these short films combined with music and plot theory... never disappoints!


[Although I don't know what the ending will be like, but this music has already made me feel how spectacular the climax of the happy ending would be QAQ]

[Thirteen Yingjie... I hope the ending will not be a tragedy again QAQ]

[From the point of view of the music style, it should be the type that makes people excited and moved like "Salary Flames Forever Burning"]

【What the above said is reasonable, but....Who will the villain be?】423【Stop discussing the plot, let’s discuss this song QAQ is so nice...]

【Ahhhh...... Eden and Alicia's chorus is so nice ahhhhh

【I want to see this song top the chart within one day!!】

【How much do the people upstairs look down on Eden? And... this is still linked with "Honkai III", fans of the three groups of Eden, Ellie, and "Honkai III"... …Let’s go straight to the top of the list in 1 hour!]

【Ah~~ How I long for a hug. The future that breaks ground from the shadow of the past...... Is this lyrics written by Ellie QAQ]

[The melody is not sad, listening to self-sorrow, woo woo woo...]

【This is the charm of music QAQ】

Not just ordinary players.

Musicians at home and abroad are paying close attention to Eden's new song.

And when they auditioned...

Immediately numb.

Regardless of the story, the song alone made their scalps tingle.

Not to mention...this is a song based on a story...

What kind of game do you, Mi Huyou, have this strength? Can't you just come to the music circle......

Now being fooled by you like this... People are saying that we specialize in music, and we are not as good as a game company like you...

It's very worrying, isn't it?

I don't know if I want to grab a wave of popularity, or there are so many singers with true temperament.

They opened their social software very tacitly, and at the same time, Aite opened the social accounts of Eden and Mi Huyou—

【You are just a game company... don't mess with our music circle anymore, okay?】

Although the speeches are different, but the meaning.....they all roughly mean this.

Although there is a hint of joking in it, it is also a disguised acknowledgment of the quality of the song.

Even if you put aside Eden's reputation and evaluate this song alone, it is the best of the best (in this world).

This is true at home and abroad!.

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