Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 317 Maomao, Don't Wear That Hat!

Even Qiyana, who is a high school girl, was extremely moved by this copywriting.

They are heroes fighting for the survival of civilization.

They are heroes.

But they themselves don't think of themselves as heroes.

the other side.

Mei and Weiwei are still looking for clues.

On the way, the two met that [faded monster] several times.

However, the monster's ability to escape is too strong, Mei and the great magician Weiwei can only stop and reason.

And the reasoning results...

Mei believes that the faded monster has many similarities with the monster drawn by Gracie. Although she doesn't think Gracie is behind the scenes, she feels that she is too simple and easy to be used by others.

After some reasoning, the two still couldn't figure out why.

But on the way, they met Patuo.

At this time, Patuo had already investigated all the secret passages and alleys according to Eden's instructions.

As a result... naturally nothing was found.

Seeing this, the players are actually very curious about what Padu looked like when he investigated those small roads.

Cowardly and cute cat... It's fun to think about.

"Then... what are we going to do now? Find that elf that looks like Ellie-san, right?"

For Pa Duo's question, Mei did not answer, but stared at Pa Duo with strange eyes.

"Pado, you were secretly following us just now, just because you were afraid of being rejected?"

Being stared at by Mei like this, Maomao expressed a little fear:

"When, of course, in this tense moment like "zero five three", how could I still think about the purchase... Even if I did, it was just thinking about it."

"That's why... I wanted to join you, but I was afraid that I was too weak..."

Speaking of this, Pa Duo seemed to have thought of something terrifying, and his whole body trembled: "Wait, wait..."

"Sister Mei, you are not doubting me, are you?"

Mei didn't speak, still staring at Patuo.

"Sister are taking a big joke, even if I have ten courages, I wouldn't dare to do anything to Boss Kevin..."

"If I really have the ability, I will definitely get Sister Eden's Golden Garden first, and then ask Boss Kevin and Brother Jie to deliver the goods to me, eh..."

"By the way! It's not bad to ask Sister Ellie and Hua to help me look at the store......"

Seeing this, the players were a little bit overwhelmed.

It's really you, doctor

As for doubts...

After reading Yingjie's files, the players already have a good understanding of Maomao.

This is just a weak, cute and timid kitten.

At most...that's just a billion points of luck.

Therefore, even if the players don't have anyone, they won't suspect Maomao.

Therefore, players in this plot are just watching for fun.

In the game, Wei Wei also stood up and vouched for Pa Duo.

"I can vouch for her, after all, this is what Little Patuo would do."

After Mei thought for a while, she also nodded.

"...Well, without mentioning the motive, you do not seem to have the ability to be the mastermind behind the scenes

Laughing to death, Mao Mao was directly ruled out of suspicion by Mei because she was too useless.

You know, she even doubted the 10-year-old Gracie.

Naturally, Patuo also joined the investigation team, and went back to the amusement park to look for Ellie the Fairy.

However, the three of them searched for several times but did not see the shadow of Ellie the Fairy.

Just when Mei was frowning, the great magician Weiwei jumped out again, and took out her secret weapon——

Consciousness collector.

"In short, this hat will help you get inside someone else's brain. Check their memory"

"Through it, everyone's alibi can be checked, and of course we can be proved innocent"

"Consciousness extractor..." Mei is still in a very sensitive stage.

She still didn't fully trust Wei Wei, so she was naturally unwilling to use such unknown props.

So she flatly refused.

However, Pa Duo stood up again at this time, saying that she could be used as an experimental subject for this prop.

It can be seen from here that Patuo also maintains absolute trust in the rest of Yingjie.

However, the players did not notice this detail.

And Mei also expressed some surprise at Patuo's decisiveness

"How about Ms. Mei, do you really want to let me and little Patuo trust you?"


Now, she has no other choice.

"ok, I get it"

Afterwards, Mei took the hat and put it on Pa Duo's head according to Wei Wei's guidance.

At the same time, Mei noticed the smirk on Wei Wei's mouth.

It's a pity that the deal is done, and Mei doesn't have much time to think.

Because the scene in front of her has become Pa Duo's recent memory.

Among them, there is the scene before Mei and Patuo got acquainted.

There is also something that happened before Mei entered the deepest place.

And these memories are some of Patuo's soliloquies, as well as her complaints about the complicated situation at that time.

"Really, can't everyone just sit down and have a good chat?"

"I know.....everyone is not a character who is willing to chat well, and there is still a very complicated past between each other"

"But...why do you have to fight endlessly? They are partners who have experienced death together...should they be considered partners? Canned food?

"Don't comfort me, don't worry, canned food, I finally found a place to stay, so I won't just watch my companions fall into infighting."

"After all, even if it's just the last one, I'm still a member of the Thirteen Heroes recognized by Sister Ellie."

"Wow... It's like a dream~ I, an orphan born in Twilight Street, will be called [Ying Jie] one day"

"Canned food, what do you think...if my parents are still here, what would they think?"

"Will they be proud of me?"

Although there is no very important clue in this part of Patuo's monologue.

But it also made the players... a little laughing.

After all, they all learned about Patuo's past in the files.

Before she joined Flame Chaser, she had been living a wandering life.

From her few words, it can be seen that Patuo is very satisfied with the life in the paradise now.

She also cares about these companions.

It can be said that this should be the paradise of her dreams.

There are sunbaths, naps, and business to do.

There is a companion who has experienced death together, and... Mei, the wronged... generous guest...

A monologue, coupled with the cheerful bgm, made the players smile unconsciously.

They are all happy for Patuo's happy life now.

When Mei in the game saw these memories, she couldn't help but smile slightly.

Although, in Patuo's eyes, she is "taken for granted"

"Continue to look forward..."

She looked all the way, and finally saw the night before Kevin disappeared.

Seeing this, Mei also became serious.

But looking at it, Mei was a little speechless.....


"Unexpectedly, there are so many treasures hidden here. I will ask sister Mei to take me to find treasures tomorrow?"


This cat actually counted the treasures all night...  

It wasn't until dawn that she hugged her "babies" and fell asleep.

"Mechanical parts can be sold to Sister Weiwei, and beautiful trinkets to Sister Aili. As for these weird decorations, just fool Amo and the others to buy them."

"'re getting rich now"


"This is indeed in line with Patuo's character..."

Just when Mei was about to leave, Patuo's dream came suddenly.

...... You must keep this matter from Ellie-san"

"Hmm...that's right, there's also Sister Mei, otherwise, she won't be able to spare me..."

These two sentences are related to Aili and herself, and Mei frowned, feeling a little nervous......

However, after that, Patuo never revealed even a single word.

Before Mei could think any more, the memory extractor pulled her consciousness back.

After she woke up again, she found that Pa Duo and Wei Wei were watching her quietly.

The great magician Weiwei spoke first: "It seems that this side is also over, so dear audience, what have you seen?"

Patuo also asked nervously: "Sister Mei, you should have seen it, the day Boss Kevin had an accident, I didn't see him at all."


She didn't answer, just stared at Patuo quietly.

08: "..."

She turned her head away somewhat unnaturally, not daring to meet Mei's eyes, obviously she had a ghost in her heart.

"Don't...don't look at me like that, Mei-san, it makes people nervous"

"I really didn't do anything..."

Mei: "...I saw your memory the night Kevin disappeared"

"You packed the goods you collected all night, and you didn't sleep with the goods until it was almost dawn."

"Hey... After all, I found a lot of good things during the treasure hunt, so I'm a little excited~" Patuo smiled foolishly:

"But does this prove my innocence?"

"Look, I have already said that I am innocent. Now, can I investigate with you?"

However, Mei still stared at her coldly: "But..."

"Tell me before you go to sleep that you will do something with Alicia and me without telling me"

"Pado, do you have any secrets you are hiding from us?"

These words aroused Wei Wei's strong interest.

"Unexpectedly, little Patuo is not as honest as I imagined~"

In fact, Wei Wei still believed in Pa Duo.

It's just...Pado's secret made her very curious.

As for Pa Duo, at this time, he was indeed a little nervous.

"A little... just business..."

But there's no way, if she doesn't tell the truth, she won't be able to get rid of the suspicion...

"It's's about the...inside..."

Mao Mao was a little timid, and glanced at the horns on Mei's head......

"That... the horn on your head..."

These words made Mei and Weiwei even more curious.

At this time, Mao Mao also knew that there was no turning back, so he simply opened his hands.

She took a deep breath and explained quickly.

"I'm planning, can I rent out your corner for others to touch!"

"If Sister Ellie finds out about this, there will definitely be 3.4 announcements everywhere, and you will definitely be angry by then."

"That's why... I want to keep it a secret from you two..."


Being stared at by Mei like this, Mao Mao shuddered all over, and made a vibrato unconsciously in his throat.


Sister Mei Mei, I was wrong! I will

I dare not!"


Seeing this, the barrage exploded directly.

Whether it's Mao Mao's genius business acumen, or her cute vibrato because of nervousness, people can't help but laugh.

The players burst into laughter, and the bullet screen was extremely lively.

"Pfft..." Qiyana couldn't help laughing, then turned to look at Mei beside her.

"Mei~ I remember, there was a scene earlier where Ellie touched your corner and made a deal with you hahaha..."


"Well, that was already a long time ago."

When it comes to the previous plot, the players can't help but recall it.

Then... when the players think about it, Alicia's smile and... her playful voice are all in their minds.

"Ah, I really want to touch her horns... I really care about it, I really care about it!"

"The Mei-san who beat Mebius to the ground is back~!"

All kinds of classic paradise pictures are recalled in my mind.

And these pictures, without exception, are all related to Alicia.

Then, the players emo again.......

[Dog screenwriter returns my love for Lycia!!]

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