Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 325 This Time, Brother Jie Didn't Lose! !

Mei's coping method is very clever.

This also led to Weiwei having to do it herself.

The audience thought that Mei had a great chance of winning.

But suddenly, a green substance began to emerge from Weiwei's body.

And under the protection of these green materials, the attack on Wei Wei's body by wearing clothes has no effect at all!!

【What is this.........】

【Master Zhongli's shield??】

【This should be Wei Wei's "partner", right? Isn't it a bit too outrageous? Mei's attack is at the Herrscher level!】

[I'm so curious, who exactly is Weiwei's partner...Kevin can be killed without making a sound

Immediately afterwards, Weiwei's next words shocked everyone.

"My friend came back faster than I expected~"

"It seems that solving a thousand calamities... is not as difficult as imagined"

Mei's pupils shrank: "...Thousands of kalpas?!"

Did something happen to Qianjie?

And... Wei Wei talked to herself so much before... Was it also delaying time?

Waiting for this [friend] of hers to help her deal with herself?

"Are you surprised? As I said earlier, it is an existence that can make any memory worthless"

"And from the moment you stepped here, my goal has actually been achieved."

"Whatever happens next - it doesn't matter"

"Because you are doomed to fail!"

The moment her voice fell, Mei also felt a moment of discomfort.

Immediately afterwards, she found that a green mist appeared around her body.

"This is?"

This fleeting feeling of "discomfort" reminds me of what Wei Wei said to her before.

"This is what you brought in"

Mei immediately recalled in her mind, the [Honkai Will] that she saw after meeting Kiyana in the spiritual space.

It was at that time that apart from seeing the [Honkai Will], she

There is another thing there too.


"The [it] you mentioned in 220... is another Herrscher?"

After the words fell, a strong sense of dizziness came.

Mei's body was limp on the ground.


【???Hold the grass...the foreshadowing is so deep!】

【It's actually... a Herrscher!!】

【Holding the Grass! I remembered! After the Herrscher Dominator, isn’t it the Herrscher of Corrosion!!】

【That's right! Isn't the theme of the story about dealing with Herrscher and saving the world!! It's only reasonable that the final boss is Herrscher!】

【Stupid... I didn't know until now... I was still doubting the Yingjies...】

[Actually... Doubt seems to be right? But it seems wrong... "Extremely evil" Weiwei's betrayal... Does this count as a betrayer in Yingjie?]

[Brother Meng! I found a blind spot!! This Wei Wei's "extremely evil" prefix is ​​sung with it! 】

[What the upstairs seems to be really.........other Weiwei prefixes do not have quotation marks]

【It means..."Extremely Evil" Wei Wei, isn't it some kind of evil intention?】

It has to be said that when a person is too involved in reading a story, he will easily fall into the situation of "underworld".

At this time, only after a certain reminder or an opportunity appears will the audience's thinking be completely dispersed.

When the thinking spreads out, their IQ will increase exponentially.

Now, players are already starting to diverge their thinking.

The Herrscher of Corrosion...... In the file, the players have already learned about it.

This is equivalent to a super virus.

But the Thirteen Yingjies... are just a piece of data.

How can a string of computer data defeat a computer virus...

No wonder... no wonder Kevin was killed without making a sound.

Not only did they think that [it] was the Herrscher of Corrosion.

At the same time, he noticed that Wei Wei's prefix was in quotation marks.

The former is hardly controversial anymore.

But the latter, not so sure.

What the quotation marks represent in the end is still to be verified.

At this point, Qiyana was completely immersed in the game plot.

The perspective in the game also shifted to Aponia.

In the previous chapter, Aponia wanted to go deep into the paradise space to find out the truth.

After she used her power, she found herself and Eden in a dark space.

And in this darkness, a dilapidated body covered in flames was wandering slowly.

"...thousand kalpas?"

At this time, garbled characters flickered on Qianjie's body.

It is the same as before the cat disappeared.

Both Aponia and Eden noticed something strange about each other.

Seeing this, Eden hurriedly wanted to check the other party's situation, but was restrained by Aponia.

"Don't touch, don't even...don't approach him"

Aponia's voice was full of sadness: "His memory is riddled with holes, and even... the distance has completely dissipated, and there is only a thin line of difference."

Eden: "...Is there any hope of survival?"

Alponia shook her head, her face full of pity::...the hope is slim

"Poor child...his consciousness may have been dissipated a long time ago. It was the instinct of this crippled body that made him come here."

At this time, the barrage has already been fried.

Although the "extremely evil" Weiwei has already said that...

Although they already know that the enemy is the Herrscher of Corrosion.

However, the players still have a glimmer of expectation, they expect to see the scene of Brother Jie showing his might and beating and eroding violently.

And now...

Without making a sound, the assistant has already gone offline.....

Moreover, even if he died, he still relied on his instinct to bring the news back to Alponia...

In order to understand the truth, Aponya went deep into the mind of a thousand kalpas.

Sure enough, the consciousness of a thousand calamities was already waiting for her inside.

"Too slow to come....Aponia"

"Escaped by it!"

After seeing Qianjie's consciousness, the players immediately became excited again.

Don't you have to die for a thousand kalpas?

However, the plot didn't keep them happy for long.

After showing his (aibg) experience to Aponya, Qianjie slowly turned his back:

"You've seen it all..."

"Aren't you always scary? This time, you'd better let [it] have a taste!"

"Facing this kind of non-human guy... don't be too polite!"

After the words fell, Qian Jie's figure began to become unreal.

"...Thousands of kalpas?"

Qianjie ignored Aponiya's worries.

"Go away after reading it, if you are the one watching me's too disgusting"

At this time, the BGM in the game also became tragic.

Coupled with Qianjie's somewhat hoarse voice, it makes people feel extremely distressed.

The bullet screen is full of "crying face" emoticons, and countless players are shouting Brother Jie, my superman.

"Thousands of kalpas... At least, let me keep your last thoughts... After everything is over, I can still try..." Halfway through the words, Aponia Suddenly stopped.

Her eyes turned to her hands.

And the players also found out...

At some point, Alponia's hands were also covered with a green mist.

She understood immediately.

This is... When I just read Qian Jie's memory, because I touched Qian Jie's head, I was also infected with the "virus".

Just touching...and it does!!

Players feel a little hopeless...

Mei is trapped, and the Herrscher of Corrosion is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to Thirteen Yingjie's memory!

How to fight this? How to win??

In the game, Qianjie also saw the green fog on Aponia's hands.


His voice was full of anger... and a trace of worry and regret...

"That's right...【After everything is over】...I am not qualified to make such a promise anymore"

"In short, thank you, Qianjie, at let us know what kind of enemy we are facing."

"Where you're going... I'll be there soon"

Thousand Calamities: ""

"Hmph...that's right, you and I...both should go to hell. Then, see if you can [please] me to do something"

After he finished speaking, his tone suddenly softened again: "...But, don't come too early"

"I don't want to ride a bus with you"

Aponia: "So... goodbye, Tian"

Just as Aponia was about to leave, Qianjie suddenly spoke.


"This time... I proved Lou innocent, right? My body... is the proof!"

"She...was never a betrayer!"

"You go tell them - tell everyone!!"

"I bought this innocence with my own hands, not their [charity]!"

Aponia: "Yeah, Sakura is not a traitor, neither then nor now..."

There is no picture demonstration, nor the embellishment of gorgeous vocabulary.

It's just an ordinary conversation, but it can touch every player's heart and mobilize every player's emotions.

Whether it was the worry hidden in those words when Qianjie "raged" at Aponia; or he was still proving Sakura's innocence until his death.

And the sentence "This time, did I really... protect something...

These conversations, it is really hard not to feel sorry for this "crazy devil", but gentle Yingjie.

Coupled with the BGM, the interpretation of this episode made Qiyana's eyes turn red.

You know, she hasn't even understood the past of Qianjie.

And those players who have been favored by the story of the past, have already seen tears streaming down their faces.

It can only be said that he deserves to be a real man, Brother Jie.

At the end of the plot, there is a feeling that makes the macho cry.

【Jie.....the superman forever in my heart!】

After Aponia withdrew from the state of a thousand kalpas, she explained to Eden what she had seen.

"There are no traitors among us..."

"However, for [Memory], the enemy we need to face here is an existence like [Final]"

"Eden...I don't understand why it appears here..."

"But [it] this paradise of the past..."

"The Herrscher of Corrosion...has come"

Another photo of Thirteen Yingjie was broken.

Although it is a picture that has long been expected.

But when the breaking sound sounded, the players still had a feeling of cardiac arrest.

In countless cities, in countless small rooms, there are countless macho men with red-rimmed eyes staring blankly at the phone screen—

"Ahhhhhh!! Brother Jie..."

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