Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 327 Mission Impossible? !

Seeing this, Qiyana also became excited.

"Mei Mei, did Raven think of the paradise of the past?"

"Will she tell Kevin, and then Kevin enters the paradise himself, and the tulle erodes?"

Mei: ".....This..... I still can't reveal the plot, right?"

"After all, if I reveal the spoiler, you will have no sense of expectation."

Even though I said that, Mei didn't really remember much.

But she clearly remembers one thing——

Kevin did not enter the Paradise, but guarded the gate of the Paradise with the Skyfire Great Sword...

He is the last insurance.

If the Herrscher of Corrosion wins in the end, then when it walks out of the Promised Land, it will be greeted by Kevin's 【A Brilliant Attack】.

However, this also made Mei a little puzzled,

"Could it was Raven who reported this to Kevin?"

It's been too long, this kind of plot that has nothing to do with her, Mei is really a little fuzzy.

in the game.

After the story of the Raven ended, the perspective was actually given to... the Herrscher of Corrosion.

That was when the Herrscher of Corruption was first born.

And judging from the narration in the text below, "Three Nine Seven" is really eroding like a baby at this time, and doesn't understand anything.

The first thing it understands is [the world].

Gradually, in this [world], some [events] began to emerge...

And [event] is the second concept it understands.

At the same time, the game screen also lights up again.

And this picture... the players are extremely familiar.

It was the scene when Mei met with [Honkai Will].

The Herrscher of Corrosion is the third individual that Mei didn't discover at the time.

At this moment, Mei was talking to [Honkai Will].

Herrsrscher of Corrosion couldn't understand what they said, but it instinctively wanted to "corrode" the two in front of it.

[Erosion] For it, it is like breathing, it will happen naturally.

【Erosion "Herserscher of Thunder"】

【Erosion "Honkai Will"】

After it used its power...but nothing happened.

Apparently, its erosion had failed.

But at this time, the concept of [failure], it is not designed to learn.

But it also knows that the two figures in front of it—whether it is "His" or "She" who holds authority, are existences that the newborn Herrscher cannot corrode.

It shouldn't even be here.

The only reason why this newly born [third party] was involved here was because of the [accidental impact].

Seeing this, the barrage discussion was extremely heated.


[Filial piety is killing me (laughing and crying)]

【It's so filial (laughing and crying)】

Of course, some people suspect that the appearance of the Herrscher of Corrosion should be caused by [Honkai Will].


Although it failed to erode, it also used this opportunity to lodge on Mei's body and followed her to the paradise.

And the players have also confirmed that this is definitely the ghost of [will.

Otherwise, how can there be such a coincidence.

Afterwards, [It] understood what [Joy] was from Alicia, and backed it up in [Purple].

I understood [Expectation] from Mebius again. Back it up in blue.

From Gracie, I understood what "curiosity" is. Back it up in green.

Afterwards, it followed Mei all the way, and when Aponya said that she wanted to kill Mei, it felt...【Fear】, and by extension, when Mei went to challenge Qianjie, it understood what is 【Death】 .

When Mei was rescued by Aponia, it began to understand 【Lucky】 again.

It is fortunate that whenever it is faced with a choice, it will copy itself and keep it as a backup.

At the same time, it also begins to understand (regret)...

It regrets that it followed Mei into the paradise.

The self who chooses to stay in reality should now face the wider world and make more colorful and brilliant decisions, so the number of copies will increase suddenly......

And I, who followed Mei to Paradise...made a wrong decision...?

...... But it’s okay, as long as one of them is still alive, then you can live forever.

However, when it looked at those actual backups, it found... all gone.

It doesn't know who did it, and it doesn't know why the other party can do it.

I...are [Alone] again!?

It felt [fear] again.

Because in the paradise, the shadows brought by Qianjie and Aponia are too great.

At this point, the text in the game turns into various colors.

Anonymous (Red): I don't want to die....don't want to...disappear like this.

Anonymous (red): I want to live and leave more traces of myself.

Anonymous (blue): Leaves a trace.

Anonymous (Green): Continues forever.

Anonymous (purple): yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...

Seeing this, the players suddenly remembered the scene at the beginning of Chapter 29.

That paragraph, the inexplicable "message".

【Hold the Grass!!】

[66666 is actually such a thing!!]

[Niubao! I didn’t expect to leave a foreshadowing at that time. Those colorful words are actually the "self-talk" of the Herrscher of Corrosion!!]

【Now, the holes in the paradise are all filled!】

【I was still talking about the meaning of that inexplicable beginning...】

[Upstairs, there's still a hole that hasn't been filled, Julia]

【Stop talking... I feel uncomfortable QAQ when it comes to Airie】

These barrages also reminded Qiyana.

However, at this time she was deeply attracted by the plot, so she didn't recall too much.

After that, [The Herrscher of Corrosion] finally met "Extremely Evil" Wei Wei, and reached a cooperation with Wei Wei.


The players immediately felt that they understood everything.


Immediately afterwards, a dialogue appeared that made the players' scalps tingle even more.

That was "Very Evil" Wei Wei, after reaching a cooperation with the Herrscher of Corruption, she found a conversation with Kevin.

That is, the time period of the night before Kevin disappeared.

During this conversation, the players also understood why Kevin disappeared——

"Extremely Evil" Wei Wei, in order to show her loyalty to [The Herrscher of Corrosion], planned to kill Kevin as a vote of honor.

Afterwards, "Extremely Evil" Wei Wei pretended to be another Wei Wei, and brought the Herrscher of Corrosion to find Kevin.

But at the same time, she used another method to make it impossible for [Herserscher of Corrosion] to hear the conversation between her and Kevin.

During the conversation, "Extremely Evil" Weiwei directly backstabbed [The Herrscher of Corrosion], and completely told Kevin about the existence of the Herrscher of Corrosion.

And explained the ability of the Herrscher of Corrosion—it has the ability to directly delete memory.

But at the same time, the data of the Yingjies is also the nourishment of [The Herrscher of Corrosion].

Therefore, rather than deleting, [The Herrscher of Corrosion] hopes to clear the memory of Ying Jie.

"So, this is our only chance Kevin, if you want to beat it, you have to play a role with me"

"You are our sharpest sword, so you must not be eroded by it"

"Therefore... I need you to die immediately!"

...As expected of a fraud master.

Here, she didn't even tell a lie, but at the same time lied to Kevin and Herrsrscher of Corruption...

She just told half the truth.

For example, she told Kevin that she can delete all his data, but in fact there is a [back door], so Kevin's data can be recovered.

It's the truth, she didn't lie to Kevin.

But there was actually one more sentence she didn't say later - the [back door] can be closed.

It is true that Kevin can be revived, but whether you can be revived or not is my business.

Does this make your scalp tingle?

Mission Impossible??

It's really scary to play tricks with people with high IQs.

As expected, there are as many "evil" Weiwei as half of Weiwei...

Just when all the players were terrified, Kevin asked his last question -

.......I promised you, but I still have a problem with 3.9..."

"Who are you?"

Players: "???"

In this plot, "Very Evil" Weiwei came to Kevin by pretending to be other Weiwei.

For playing herself, she will definitely not show any flaws.

After all, Mei hadn't found Wei Wei for so long before. this short conversation, Kevin actually noticed the abnormality of Wei Wei?!

【6 Ah, as expected of you, Old Ancestor Kevin!】

【Then the question is, why did Kevin agree to die when he discovered Wei Wei's abnormality?】

[I always feel.....Will this Wei Wei will have another big reversal in the end?】

【For example, she not only fooled Erosion, Kevin, and Mei...but also fooled us players?】

【Upstairs means... Wei Wei just thought it was fun, so she wanted to kill all the Yingjies, and finally revive the Yingjies, and kill the Herrscher of Corrosion together?】

[...It's a pity that the few upstairs didn't go to Mi Huyou to apply for a screenwriter]

【One thing to say, if this is the case, it would be too scary...】

【Break through the Dimensional Wall again!!】

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