Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 333 It's A Happy Ending! Glory Vows To Promote The Pv!

While eating with Mo Li and the studio girls.

The topic of "Honkai III" on the Internet... has started to skyrocket again.

This situation has long been familiar to people in the industry.

What's more, the updated content and plot explosion of "Honkai III" this time are much stronger than the previous chapter.

Mao Mao was knifed, Brother Jie was knifed, Wei Wei's disappearance, and finally...the Corrupted Herrscher who appeared in the form of Alicia...

There's just too much to discuss.

There are so many things to look forward to.

Moreover, Mi Huyou also revealed before that Chapter 31 is the final chapter of the plot of "Paradise of the Past".

The big climax story...... how shocking it will be...

At the same time, countless plot parties also began to analyze the subsequent plot.

But in the end, the results of their analysis are all the same


This guess made most players agree.

One of them is naturally because of Mi Huyou's consistent urination and the plot of being able to use knives, Mi Huyou will never give sugar.

In a plot that can deliver sugar, he has to hide a knife in the sugar.

It's really too doggy.

But...and because of the extremely exciting plot and the extremely three-dimensional characters, the players have no idea of ​​​​abandoning the pit halfway.

As for the second was mentioned in the plot of Chapter 30——

The [One-Click Delete Button of Paradise] that Wei Wei got.

This 08 almost expresses the [Ending of All Destruction], okay...

Good guy, computer files can't beat computer viruses, so I'll just destroy the hard disk for you......

Now, what the players are thinking about is how to perform this ending in order to be considered perfect.

To what extent must it be wonderful to be worthy of the identity of Thirteen Yingjie and the pure and flawless Alicia?

You must know that Kevin, who is the most powerful fighter, has not shown any performance so far.

As for Alicia... She went offline immediately after filling up the favorability between Mei and the players.

woo woo woo...

As more and more players read the plot of Chapter 30.

There are more and more players participating in the discussion.

And on this day, Mi Huyou suddenly released a promotional PV for a new version of "Honkai III".

This made the players scream excitedly while being stunned.

The plot of these 30 chapters has only been updated for a few days!! Mi Huyou actually released a new version of the PV!!


The amount of information revealed in this PV is too heavy!

It even backstabs what the players had guessed before - [End of Destruction].

["Honkai 3" Version 6.0 "Glorious Vow" Promotional PV]

Many players who just got off work clicked into this PV immediately.

At the beginning of the video, there is still Mi Huyou's logo.

What followed was a burst of... the sound of a violin that seemed to be mourning.

This BGM is like... lamenting for the passing of [beautiful].

When the screen unfolds, what is displayed in front of the players——

It is the pink sky, the pink flower sea, and the pink "she".

Just a back view has caused countless people to go into cardiac arrest.

They want to open their mouths to say something, but...

The sad and beautiful sound of the piano was like a pair of invisible big hands, tightly strangling their necks.

The violin became more and more sad, followed by a piano sound trickling down, interpreting the tragedy to the extreme.


【Woooooooooooo...Ari!! (crying bitterly)】

[This came to my heart, woo woo woo... The moment Alicia's back appeared, I really wanted to cry...]

[I don't understand why, it's just a game PV, it's just a screen opening...but it's really heart-wrenching QAQ]

【...The tragedy of Promised Land is not the end, but the beginning of another tragedy...】

[Upstairs, I understand!! Maybe this is Mi Huyou's QAQ]

[I have forgotten how many brushes this is, but I want to say that the ending of Paradise is not a tragedy!! 】

An opening scene brought players' thinking into the video in an instant.

At the same time, the slightly sad sound of the violin also made all the players feel like they had difficulty breathing.

Immediately afterwards, several "gray" crystals appeared in the video screen.

The picture in the crystal interprets the past of Ying Jie...

And in the middle, inside the largest crystal, sleeps a flawless pink-haired girl.

At the same time, a girl's voice with a hint of milk and ignorance came slowly.

"I have come, I have seen~"

"Those who shine in battle..."

"Every moment that is worth remembering"

Accompanied by the narration of the lovely girl's voice, a picture of Zhang Yingjie and others flashed across the screen.

"So, I will also love deeply, this [true self] formed by the intertwining of human beings"

Finally, a cute little girl with pink hair appeared in the picture.

It wasn't until then that the players realized that this lovely female voice with a bit of milky flavor and innocence was actually Alicia when she was young.

Suddenly, countless people just felt their hearts twitch.

It is both touching and joyful.

Alicia when she was a cute!

At this time, the barrage almost completely covered the screen.


The picture is broken and the music transitions.

The girl who lives in the dreams of countless people——Miss Pink Fairy.

Finally, it appeared in front of everyone with a brand new attitude.

"I am Alicia~"

A petal slowly falls.

Ellie gently caught it and held it in her arms.

"The first Herrscher——

"The lawer of man~"

The violin played again.

The original painting of the Herrscher of Man, a picture filled with pure pink appeared on the screen.

With her flawless face, she tilted her head and smiled lightly, making the hearts of countless audiences skip a beat.

When she reappeared, she was so holy and beautiful to such an extent!

【The straight man died on the spot!!】

【Straight daughter died on the spot!!】

【Wallet was killed on the spot!!】

[A large group of prostitutes died on the spot!!]

【A large group of women were bent on the spot!!】

【She's really beautiful ahhhhhhhhh...】

【Eden...I obviously like Eden the most, but...I feel like I'm going to betray!!】

【Woooo...Alicia is finally back!!】

【Ah ah ah ah ah………】

【Mi Huyou Niubi!!】

[Update quickly.....]

"Bright light~"

"Shine the earth!!"

With such a cheerful tone, she yelled such a second-year line, but...

There is really no sense of disobedience and 187!! It really matches well with Alicia! Mi Huyou really understands Alicia so well!!

Really...... so cute!

The twinkling eyes on the camera lens are even stronger than the pure beauty of the starry sky.

"Start with me~"

"Finally with me~"

What is the skill of [Human Herrscher Armor]?

What are attributes?

have no idea!


All you need to know is that she is Alicia!

As long as you need to know, this is a must-draw role!

Without her, Honkai Sanyue would be worthless!

Just when the players thought the video was over.

The screen unfolds again.

Alicia, who is wearing human law armor, has her back to the camera, and in front of her is the sky and water.

But this kind of scenery is not one-ten-thousandth of her beauty.


This goblin lady who always shows people with a smiling face really seems lonely at this time...

"Sister Ellie~"

Suddenly, Patuo's voice came from behind her.

The flawless girl turned her head in a daze——

The other twelve heroes... are right behind her.

Patuo, Eden, Wilwe...

Alicia put a smile on her face again.

She didn't speak, just smiled, and walked slowly towards Patuo who was waving to her.


The players who saw this scene... burst into tears.

The emotions that had been suppressed in the heart for a long time finally vented out.

The willows are dark and the flowers are bright, weeping with joy.

This scene, a thousand years at a glance!

[The picture shows the Lawer of Man].

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