Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 345 I Finished It With A Howl

Word-of-mouth double harvest ah......

This is also the reason why "Yuanshin" and "Honkai III" can stand at the top of the world game.

But how difficult it is to make such a game...

"Okay, okay, stop praising Otto that scoundrel"

"Let's focus on the game~"

While speaking, Qiyana also clicked into the plot of Paradise with excitement.

Seeing this, the barrage finally calmed down.

[Chapter 31 - Dear Alicia]

After the opening of the screen, a long and sad music followed.

Immediately afterwards, Eden appeared in the picture.

The loneliness on the rooftop is in stark contrast to the bustling city lights in the distance.

The old-fashioned rendering of the screen also made the players instantly understand that this should belong to the (reminiscence) plot. this reminiscing about pre-civilization?

Before the players could think too much, an extremely familiar voice came out.

Strange girl: "Hi~ What a coincidence, you also came out to breathe?"

Although the speaker was called "a strange girl", the players immediately recognized that it was Alicia's voice.

"Oh! This should be the scene where Alicia and Eden meet for the first time, right?"

Kiyana asked subconsciously.

"Yeah..." Mei nodded slightly, her eyes still on the game screen.

Finally started.

Although I know the ending, and even though I know the following story is very "touching", Mei still wants to read it seriously.

A good story, even if you read it ten times, you won't feel bored at all.

As Kiyana clicked the mouse, Alicia's voice sounded again.

Strange girl: "The musical should not be over yet, right?"

At this time, Eden realized that the other party did not recognize him in disguise, and while feeling a little relieved, he also responded softly: "... Well, the next part is the curtain call."

Alicia: "Don't you like the curtain call?"

Eden: "Too eager cheers will cover up the brilliance of the comedy itself. I just want to savor its original appearance before that"

This answer was a bit weird, but Alicia still smiled: "I think so too~"

"How should I put it... The characters have returned to their roles as actors one after another, standing on the stage to call everyone's curtain call... It's a bit sad to watch."

"It's like saying—— [Look, everything that happened just now is just a story, and when the curtain falls completely, the story will be over]"

Eden: "But that's the meaning of the curtain call, don't you want to witness this moment?"

Alicia: "Ah~ I'm a little bit reluctant, after all, it's a romantic story, and I want to think about it more~"

Eden: "Romantic?"

Seemingly feeling that this evaluation was a little too special, she couldn't help but smile: "It's the first time I've heard someone comment on this play like that."

"Gloomy, depressing, sad...Obviously this is how most people feel"

Alicia: "After all, it says [tragedy] on the label"

"Hey~ It's really a bit too much. From the first scene, there is nothing happy. All the developments are bringing the plot to a worse direction."

"The characters are also powerless little people, who are carried forward by fate, and don't know where they are in the blink of an eye—it's too real."

"Such a's hard to make people laugh and watch the whole thing~"

Eden: "It should be [impossible to do it at all], right?"

"But if that's the case, why do you think it's romantic?"

Alicia smiled playfully: "It's because of the ending~"

"It was a tough process, but I really enjoyed the final scene of the play

"On the ruins shrouded in smoke and dust, a sprout is breaking through the ground...It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?"

"It may bloom for a long time, and it may wither in the next second, but at this moment, it is there, announcing its new life to the world~"

"It said to me like this——tragedy is not the end, but the beginning of hope~"

"The footprints we leave in the world will eventually become another person's partner in the future"

This conversation between Alicia and Eden was originally about that [opera].

But in the eyes of the players, what they are talking about is not "Honkai III"? Isn't it the story of "Paradise of the Past"??

That's right..... This scene... is about to reach the curtain call.

After that... what this story will leave for everyone will be reluctance and miss...

Players thought about this, and the joy and excitement brought about by the update of the plot disappeared in an instant.

Because I can get a lot of crystals, and because I have gathered [The Herrscher of Man], my good mood has also been covered with a layer of gloom.


[I can't finish watching with a smile.....This is the official complaint, QAQ,]

[Although the story of "Honkai III" also has a lot of laughs...but the ending always ends in tears......]

【I'm different, I read it with a roar】

[I was very sad at first, but the sentence upstairs almost made me laugh out loud....

[This copywriting is really great, woo woo woo...]

【Tragedy is not the end, but the beginning of hope QAQ】

Even the girls in the studio felt an indescribable feeling when they saw this conversation.

"The story has an ending..."

They subconsciously looked at Mo Li.

So what will be the end of our story with him...?

The conversation between Alicia and Eden is finally over.

In the girl's final self-introduction, the players are also certain

This was indeed Alicia and Eden's first meeting.

In just a few minutes of dialogue (aicf), Julia became Eden's bosom friend.

And the perspective of the game has returned to the paradise of the past.

It is not Mei and the Herrscher of Corrosion that connect the plot.

Instead, it was placed on Eden and Aponia.

In the previous chapter, Qianjie used his own life to prove his innocence to Yinying.

And Aponia was also in contact with Qianjie, unfortunately, he was infected with the erosion power of the Herrscher of Corrosion.

At this moment, looking at the green haze on Aponia's hands, Eden frowned: "Aponia! Your body..."

Aponia took a deep breath: "Sorry..."

Because of the passing of thousands of kalpas, Apo Miaoyan's calm state of mind seemed to be splashed with waves.

"I'm sorry, Thousand Tribulations... used his own life to reveal the location of the enemy to us, and let me... complete the [Touch]

"As for the vision on me..."

"[Please] don't, let's break up with the other party"

"This commandment is the last gift I can leave for you"

"...The Herrscher of Corrosion" Eden looked extremely dignified.

At this moment, she finally understood what Aponia said before—the current enemy is tantamount to facing the end for them!

How can data defeat viruses...

At this time, Aponia was a little bit thankful that she had entrusted the (crystal) to Grace.

And Kevin's [Crystal Flower] was also given to Su before.

In other words, now Su, Gracie, and Eden all have a [Crystal Flower] on their bodies.

And the last one is in Weierwei, but... Aponia can no longer feel the existence of Weierwei.

Fortunately, Eden knew that Mei had already gone to look for Wei Wei.

"Since it's Wei Wei...she must make the right decision."

After hearing this, Aponia breathed a sigh of relief: "Then...we can only trust her."

Eden nodded: "I will find Su and Gracie before Herrscher, gather all the [Crystal Flowers], and then... make them play their original role"

After the words fell, the two fell into a long silence.

However, there is not much time for them to teach at this time.

Eden finally sighed, revealing reluctance and worry in his tone: " farewell, Aponia"

"Thank you for the last [commandment[please shelter me...until I finish all unfinished business"]

Aponia: "Please take care, although I am powerless to do anything...But, in the chaos of data, I will offer my blessings to you"

Seeing this, the hearts of the players felt as if they were being gripped.

This story has just begun...Abonia is about to be stabbed?

Fortunately, Tian San's uproarious photos did not come to Tian.

The picture of Alponia has not crumbled either.

This also means that she at least has the possibility of surviving.

"Tragedy is not the end.....but the beginning of hope"

Eden looked at the darkness behind him, and couldn't help but think of what Alicia had said in his mind.

"It's alright, alright, the boss showed mercy to Alponia..."

While saying this, she couldn't help but see the pair of incomparably huge evils of Alponia in her mind.

"Could it be because this is so pleasing to him...that's why he showed mercy?" She couldn't help lowering her eyebrows and pondering.

After all, her impression of the boss is that anyone who can use a knife will never be let go.

If you can't use a knife, you have to find a way to give her a knife.

Look at Mao Mao, he was stabbed so casually...

But when he arrived at Aponia, he actually showed mercy!

Chong Chong began to think wildly in his mind.

"Hey... sister, you have to work hard~"

"Eden and Aponia...they are so powerful!"

Seeing Qiyana's dazed look, she couldn't help pulling her sleeves.

"Qiana, what are you staring at?"

"Ah? No... nothing..." Qiyana quickly shook her head, shaking off those embarrassing thoughts.

"Let's continue watching the plot~"

When Qiyana reopened the plot—

【"Alicia" Chapter】

The Alicia with the quotation marks...... The players all know that this refers to the Herrscher of Corrosion.

The barrage suddenly boiled up.

[The picture shows Albania].

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