Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 355 Pain, Too Much Pain! !

"it's me"


When Mei came back to her senses, Su's voice rang in her ears.

This situation made Mei fully understand.

So……that’s the real plan?”

"Sakura's support is to let you... take me away from Herrscher?"

Su: "It seems that you have already judged the status quo, so I won't repeat it."

"This realm is exactly the space opened up by Sakura's sword skills. After asking Sakura to go to the battlefield, I have been waiting here for the right time."

Afterwards, Su explained to Mei the next plan.

Generally speaking, it is still referring to the main puzzle left by hand C Weiwei.

Such an urgent situation also made Mei, who was still worried about Sakura, had to grit her teeth to suppress the worries in her heart.

Sakura facing the Herrscher of Corruption alone... She couldn't imagine the ending.

"As for the last third puzzle, it is also the most critical one..."

"The absolutely safe place in the Paradise of the Past is the place [in the Paradise, but not belonging to the Paradise], that is..."

"Visitor, your Bianwei"


After Su's answer, Yai suddenly felt enlightened.

"It turns out that Wei Wei's words mean this...

That's why Wei Wei said that Mei is the [key].

"Because of [Authority of Conquest], the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion cannot affect me. If we can extend this characteristic into some kind of [Space], we can have a position that will not be disturbed by the enemy."

"And use it to fight back!"

" to do it?"

Although there is a way, Mei doesn't know how to implement this plan.

Su: "It was supposed to be done by me and Alponia, but... right now, I can only do my best alone"

"Vilvi has left a spiral imprint in your mind, and I will use this as a beacon..."

"The operation named [SO-1123] is reproduced here"

"This is!!" Hearing this, Mei couldn't help but tremble in her heart, and her tone became a little urgent.

"Create memory..."

Su nodded: "Just like when the Paradise of the Past was completed, I will let your mind unfold in the Paradise in the form of [Memory Space], just like Yingjie did."

"Only in this way can we... [meet] Julia"

Seeing this, countless players felt their scalps tingling.

It can only be said that the direction of this plot is too surprising, because it is shocking.

Whether it's Sakura supporting Mei, the plan of [Mission: Impossible: Impossible, Impossible], or the magical idea of ​​opening up the thinking space in this kind of thinking...

This brain hole can simply hang up the brain hole stories in this world.

But the idiot Qiyana couldn't understand it at all.

"What plan... so complicated"

She turned her head to look at Mei: "Mei, do you understand?"


She must know.

It can be said that most players, as long as they haven't missed the plot, can understand this plan.

"To put it simply... they want to develop a simplified version of "Paradise of the Past" in Mei's thinking

Although the explanation was not comprehensive, it was still understood by Qiyana.

"What an amazing idea!"

She turned her head to look at the barrage, only to find that the barrage was also being discussed intensely.

Mostly cheering.

Because......Alicia is coming back!!

"It's actually returning in this form!"


The feeling of enlightenment made Qiyana more and more interested in the following plot.

in the game.

After hearing Su's words, Mei should have been ecstatic like the players.

After all, she finally had a way to revive Alicia, whom she had missed for a long time.

But...Mei is smart.

Why do you want to welcome Ya?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little suffocated instead.

So... Su, the key to victory is still 【Model 666】... right?"

"Yes, all efforts are aimed at regaining its dominance. If you want to defeat the Herrscher of Corrosion, there is no other way."


At this moment, she felt an unparalleled loss.

All kinds of paradise in the afterlife kept replaying in her mind.

"...There is only one that right?"


Seeing this, the players were also taken aback by Weiwei.

Then, fry the pot completely.

【Hold the Grass!!】

【What the hell... welcome Alicia back, and then start arming Kevin, and die with the Herrscher of Corrosion?!!】

【Don't ah ah ah...】

【Ari...Airi ah ah...】

【Mi Huyou!! You don't have a heart......】

【Mi Huyou!! I advise you to use mouse tail juice!】

【Mengxin is shivering... This plot is really amazing,'s too inappropriate QAQ】

【Kill Otto, Love!!】

【I never expected it to be the end of total destruction!】

【Impossible!! Hahaha... Absolutely! Yes! No! Yes! Yes!】

【Looking forward to the reversal, Mi Huyou, I advise you not to be ignorant of good and bad!】

[Yimi Huyou's piss...the ending is very likely to be wiped out.....]

At this time, countless players who were watching the live broadcast began to howl.

Although uncomfortable, they also know that the ending cannot be changed by themselves.

After all, the game has been updated.

Ren Mi Huyou said it all, this is the end of the happy plot.

They were all just complaining.

Except for ordinary players.

Many game manufacturers who want to know about Mi Huyou, or those celebrities who like to play games, feel a little breathless when they see such a plot.

Although I came to play "Honkai III" for the purpose of "investigation".

But I have to say that the wonderful stories among them really made them fans.

Especially the small studio that produced "Zhan Shuang".

At this time, these main creators gathered together and watched the live broadcast with incomparable immersion.

After seeing such a plot, I can't help but feel a chill in my heart.

Alicia...hasn't been resurrected yet, but was declared dead again.

They watched the version PV before and thought the ending was happy......

While they were excited at the time, they all began to discuss... planning their own new version of "Zhan Shuang", asking (aidf) not to celebrate the ending of the paradise, but to hold a version welfare event.

Now, they can only pray in their hearts, and there is a reversal behind the prayer.

In addition to these people, there is... Yunjin's mother, Professor Han, who was also biting her lip while watching the live broadcast while hugging her daughter.

The previous story of Yingling brought tears to her eyes.

Now Sakura's life and death are still unknown, but the next bad news has surfaced again.

"Hey..... wonderful is wonderful, but this story......"

"Is this the so-called... [Let the imperfect story become what I expected]?"

"But I don't expect it to end like this."

Listening to her mother's murmurs, Yunjin couldn't help but think of the "Beng Sange" on the Internet——healthy, sunny, positive~

Qiyana also saw those bullet screens.

While she was shocked, she also turned off the microphone in the live broadcast room, and turned to Mei to ask about the ending.

But Mei's mouth is very strict, even if Qiyana used her coquettish stunts, she didn't reveal the slightest.

In this regard, Qiyana can only re-promote the plot from afar.

in the game.

Mei, who had figured everything out, felt extremely painful in her heart.

And Su also understood Mei's mood at the moment.

Although he didn't care about his "death".

But Su still opened his mouth to comfort Mei.

"Visitors, don't care"

"As I told you when we first met, we are just a shadow of the past, and this Fang Tiandi is just a remnant of yesterday's scenery"

Accompanied by Su's slow narration, there was also a burst of full piano sound in the game.

"【The past has dissipated, and the dead no longer exist. There is no existence, so why bother? If you ask Alicia or Eden, they will give the same answer】"

"You'll see them soon, so smile, that's what they want to see"

It has to be said that Yingjie's open-minded appearance made the audience feel even more reluctant.

They are worthy of the name of Yingjie.

Even though they are the memories left over from the previous era, they are still willing to give everything to fight against the Herrscher of this era.

It is precisely because of their pure behavior that they only fight against "Honkai" and don't care about their own lives, so people like and admire them.


She did not speak for a long time.

It wasn't until after a long silence that he took a deep breath that he finally stabilized his emotions a little while wearing clothes.

".....…I see"

Although she was trying her best to suppress her emotions, there was still a hint of tremor in her words.

She wanted to recall images that would brighten her mood.

Then, all that came to her mind was Alicia's smiling face.

"【SO-1129】…………Love………Alysia said that it was like [while riding a roller coaster while eating peanuts with your eyes] experience”

"I'll know right away if she's lying to me...

Those happy memories of the past, instead of calming her down, made her words choked up.

Mei, who pretends to be strong, can resonate with people even more.

The players are extremely uncomfortable to watch.

Mei, who has always been strong, has become like this now... This makes Su Du silent.

"I'm going to see [her]

"...Is it the same [her] I knew?"

After Mei asked this question, the players were not only lost in thought.

But Su's words made everyone come to their senses.

"As long as you believe so firmly, she will never leave"

"Just like the birth of every memory, when your [memory space] unfolds, all your joys, sorrows, joys, joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, will all become spinning yarns that weave the world, in every detail"

"So, let's remember, think back to every moment spent with her, and remember every change she brought..."

"Use your memory to pave the way to [her]"

...Even if the data has been wiped out, [memory] will still leave indelible traces”

After saying that, Su handed the [Crystal Flower] in his hand to Meiyi, and told Meiyi that the other two flowers would be handed over to her by Eden.

These four [Crystal Flowers] are also four keys, in which this common past is sealed.

after this.

The perspective of the game returns to Herrscher of Corrosion and Sakura.

"So, the only purpose of your coming here is to be corrupted by me?"

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