Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 371: Bingbing, Bingbing, Bingbing~~

In the end, Mei clicked the mouse for Kiana.

White light flashed.

The blazing flames streaked across the space, directly penetrated the chest of the Herrscher of Corrosion, and burst open from the inside out.

That brilliance is like a star dying.

—This is a blow that no one can stop, explaining what is [destruction].

——This is the blow that once led everyone to cross [End Yan].

The plot immediately follows the moment when Hua confronts the Herrscher of Corruption.

After taking the blow that was exchanged for the lives of the three Yingjies, the strength of the Herrscher of Corrosion also suffered an unnegligible drop.

And what she eroded...Kevin's data, Patuo's data, and Su's data also disappeared together.

" after another...are you going to do this?"

Feeling the Yingjie data that had all disappeared from his body, the Herrscher of Corrosion became angry again.

She was not angry because of her own strength [falling back].

She was angry because Ying Jie didn't cherish her own life.

"Cherish life... Is it really that difficult for you?"

"Perhaps, to see if that's necessary."

Herrscher of Corrosion: "Then... Hua, have you considered it? Are you... planning to be like them?"

"Even if you don't know, why would you do that?"

Hua: "Only by knowing the meaning of life can we bear the burden of life"

"But... I'm not that kind of person"

...and so do most people in the world"

"Since they can take it on [without reason], it doesn't seem necessary for me to be [a special case]"

Herrscher of Corrosion: "...


She suddenly laughed.

She didn't understand, really didn't understand.

In her opinion, the so-called [going to die] of these heroes is the most stupid decision.

Is there anything more important than [life] in the world?

She knew that she couldn't persuade Hua anymore.

Therefore, she no longer bothered to persuade.

She wants to erode Hua, and then let Hua continue to live.

Until Hua himself admitted how stupid his companions were.

Afterwards, the two fought again.

Although the Herrscher of Corrosion's strength has dropped a lot, she still has the characteristic of (invincible.

"Did you see, Hua, if you want to change everything, [sacrifice] seems useless?"

"It's better to live—that way, I have a chance~"

"Perhaps, tens of thousands of years later, I will deliberately let you defeat me and complete your [revenge]."

Hua remained unmoved by these "seductions" by the Herrscher of Corrosion.

"If you just want me to admit that you are [correct], don't waste your time"

"There has never been a right or wrong between us, but from the very beginning, there was no possibility of persuading each other"

"Besides being [weak] accidents, we are walking on completely different paths"

"Weak?" Herrscher of Corrosion smiled lightly: "Hua, you can't say that about yourself~"

"You can persist until are already amazing"

Hua: "...that's why we can't convince each other"

"You can't understand this kind of feeling. As a weak person, your choice is to make yourself stronger"

"The choice of human beings... is to join hands with other weak people, [sacrifice] is just one of the means, there is no special distinction"

The Herrscher of Corrosion: "So, Hua, you want to compare with me...Which of these two ways of living is the correct one?"

Hua: "There is no need to compare, the two are inherently different"

"You say it's chosen, it's called [Survival], and human beings say it's chosen...

...... named 【Civilization】"

"Since it will be their choice, then... so will I"

After the words fell, feathers of color suddenly appeared around him.

"Yu Duchen, help me one last time..."

"Number one power rating....Let me once again, break free!"

Herrscher of Corrosion: "!!!Hua?"

The Herrscher of Corrosion was not given a chance to react.

Hua directly activated Yu Duchen's first rated power, at the cost of burning his own memory, and launched the strongest ultimate move - Taixu Sword!

However, now it exists in the form of data.

Therefore, [Burning Memory] also becomes [Burning Data]

Just like Kevin and Sue.

They used up all their data, just to launch a strike from the volunteers.

The same is true for Hua.


Knowing that the Herrscher of Corrosion cannot be killed, why do they still burn everything they have?

The Herrscher of Corrosion doesn't understand.

The players don't understand either.

Such a it really just for the knife?

In the shocked and puzzled eyes of the Herrscher of Corrosion, a scarlet sword that covered the sky appeared in the sky.

Countless people on the road were shocked by this scene.

The Herrscher of Corrosion has nowhere to hide.

This is a blow that wipes everything out, even if he is himself, he will not be spared.

"You... have wanted to do this for a long time?"

When the picture unfolded again, the Herrscher of Corrosion clutched his chest in embarrassment, staring indifferently at the front.

Hua: "Just inspired by Cosmo and Gracie"

Seeing that Hua was "safe and sound", the players were also relieved.

But... Hua's next words made their eyes dark again...

"Yu Duchen's first rated power can only be used at the cost of burning his own memory."

"But in the memory space, that is equivalent to burning all of yourself"

Herrscher of Corrosion: "But you should also know that I cannot be destroyed"

"You make up your mind, give your all, and the [obstacles] that will be removed in the end are only yourselves!"

Hua nodded lightly: "Indeed..."

"But... Herrscher of Corrosion, haven't you found out..."

"Now, you can no longer be like (Alicia)"

The screen flashed, and the Herrscher of Corrosion also changed from [Miss Faded Fairy] into a robot-like appearance.

Herrscher of Corrosion: "?!"

"You guys, what have you done?!"

Hua: "The Herrscher of Corrosion, this is our real purpose"

"As you say, get rid of the only [obstacle] to victory - ourselves"

"In order to gain control over [Six Six Six], you made yourself Alicia"

"But there is only one way to do this without eroding Alicia——"

"By continuously obtaining the records of other heroes, and through their understanding of Alicia, [weaving]"

Herrscher of Corruption: "...!!"

" guys already knew?"

"So... Gracie and Cosmo chose to erase themselves and not let me corrode... It's not that I'm worried that my power will grow because of it, but..."

Hua: "Well, we must never let you get closer to Alicia"

"And like now, when Ying Jie, who has been eroded, also uses some method to burn his own data, you... will even go backwards"

Seeing this, the players finally fully understood.

0...... Ask for flowers......

can only say......


Sure enough... Mi Huyou's plot never disappoints.

The sacrifices of Ying Jie are not meaningless.

Their sacrifices were not purely for [swording], but they had very reasonable reasons for their sacrifices.

The barrage fell into heated discussions again.

Of course, there is more than that on the surface.

Both Kevin and Wei Wei knew that Kevin outside would definitely deal with the Herrscher of Corruption.

So it's still the same sentence, solving the Herrsrscher of Corrosion is just passing by...

Their main purpose is to welcome back that girl who is as bright and flawless as the moonlight—Alysia.

This is the deeper thinking of the Yingjies, which is not shown in the plot.

Maybe...after the players watched Alicia's life later, and after they truly understood the friendship of these heroes, they would understand the deeper meaning of it.

Alicia loves everyone with all she has, and the Yingjies respond to Alicia with everything...

However, in the final short, after Alicia returns and sends Mei away...

She didn't activate [Six Six Six] to destroy Paradise right away, but used her own memory to bring Ying Jie together again...


Thirteen Yingjie fought side by side for the first time.

This can be regarded as... making up for the last regret in the hearts of the Yingjies and Alicia.

in the game.

After hearing Hua's explanation, the Herrscher of Corrosion's first reaction was not to understand.

Just because of this reason, they are willing to give up their [all of life]?

However, now it is rare for her to argue with Hua about right or wrong.

Her only thought now is to erode the last trace of Hua's data.

Although she can no longer become Alicia, she is still the strongest existence in Paradise.

The final victory will definitely be her.

"Now, [the way to the outside world], [the opportunity to stop Mei], and [the means to seize the program] have lost all of them"

"And the changes that Alicia brought to Mei, the traces left on her body...that is the key to her victory over you"

"Better than me?" The Herrscher of Corrosion let out a series of charming smiles: "Then... not necessarily"

While speaking, she also activated the power of erosion, and the green smog wrapped Hua's last "data".

She wants to use the last chance to make Hua a part of her.

However, in the face of her [corrosion], he remained unmoved.


In her, there were no signs of erosion.

While the opponent's power was effective, her world... finally completely dissipated.

In this paradise of the past made up of their memories, among the thirteen people who failed to become heroes, now...there is only one person left.

And the title [Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire] will soon become [History].

And it is this, no matter from which point of view, it symbolizes the ending of failure.

As a boundary marker, the soldier who personally wrote the last full stop for herself, the last message left by her—

"In the past, we were indeed losers"

"But for the future..."

"The Herrscher of Corrosion, that makes us a duel of [Pioneers]..."

"It's time to start..."

The screen went dark and returned to the Paradise level page.

Thirteen Yingjie's photos surfaced again.

Hua, Su, Aponia......


Another soft sound...

There used to be thirteen heroes, now only the last one


......The bullet screen is in a frenzy.......

[The social picture in the upper right corner, a very nice door.

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