The "surprises" brought by the plot of Paradise to the players are simply wave after wave.

………… Dazzling?


There seems to be nothing wrong with using these two idioms to describe....

"Is that so...Alysia..."

After listening to Mei's explanation, Kiyana also had mixed feelings.

She looked down at Ellie, the fairy in her arms...

He lifted it up, stuck it on his face and ruaed violently, and then refocused on the plot of the game.

After understanding these, when watching the next plot, Qiyana's sense of anticipation is even stronger.

She couldn't wait to see Alicia again.

In the game, the clever Mei guessed many things.

"No wonder Kevin is in so much pain, no wonder Mebius calls her a [betrayer], no wonder my existence makes her feel so happy......

"If all this is true, then the [true me] under her sad..."

Mei's mood at this time, like the players at this time, is indescribably complicated and distressed.

Eden smiled softly: "That's not [sadness], but a kind of [joy"

"Happy for having had some kind of happiness, looking forward to miracles in the future"

"Look, Ms. Mei, your the [miracle] she was looking forward to"

"As for loneliness...Ai Li is indeed a girl who is afraid of loneliness, just like a crystal flower, beautiful, flawless, but also very fragile"

"She loves humans so much, and so...want [to be human]"

"This is the 【Cross】 that Alicia has carried all her life, and it is also at the end...... She surpassed her destiny and reached the 【End】" 960

If it wasn't for Mei's spoiler, the players really couldn't understand Eden's words.

So, the Riddler or something is really annoying.

But because of Mei's "spoiler", Eden's words naturally touched the players deeply.

Finally, the time of parting finally came.

Eden used his own memory to fill in Alicia's last blank.

"Miss Mei, at this point, H San Yinran's last mission here... has been completed

"Please let me sing another song, as your practice ceremony..."

"Just use her favorite song..."

"Alicia, my friend...

"May you and I never part, the original time..... stay at this moment forever..."

So far, Yi Mian has also gone offline.

Of the thirteen heroines, not one is left, all of them are broken...

Eden's last words are still in my ears. It seems to be the most romantic farewell, which makes people moved.

"...goodbye, but

Mei was depressed, and turned her head to look at the last thing left by Eden—the wine glass she often held in her hand.

There is still fine wine in it, as if waiting for someone to finish singing the unfinished song.

Taking a deep breath, Mei regained her composure and stepped forward.

Now, she wants to use these [four keys] to open the last door, understand what happened at the [Last Dinner], and complete Alicia's last memory.

But now, the gate formed by the sacrifices of countless people, the gate condensed by memories and longings, is right in front of you.

"I am ready"

"Come on, Alicia, show me everything about [that banquet]"

"And... your [all]"

To the outside world, this is a crusade against the [Thirteenth Herrscher].

For Alicia and the rest of Yingjie, this is a farewell, and it is a painful choice.

It was the first time for Alicia to attend in full dress. Today, she is extraordinarily beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people dazzled.

And there were only four Yingjies present...

Eden, Velvet, Aponia and Kevin.

They participated in this [banquet] because they believed in Alicia.

The rest of the Yingjie who were not present also refused to [crusade] because they believed in Alicia.

......The people Alicia believes in have always believed in Alicia.

The people she loves have always loved her.

Alicia: "Unfortunately, dear Mebius is not here, I still want to give her a green crystal flower~"

Wei Wei: "After receiving the reports about the Thirteenth Herrscher from Flamechaser, she threw them into the shredder without even looking at them"

"After all, it's that Mebius, maybe she has seen through everything long ago, and didn't want you to bid farewell to her, so she refused to attend."

"Of course... Maybe it's because she doesn't want you to see her crying?"

The atmosphere at the [banquet] can only be described as heavy.

Even Alicia, who has always shown people with a smiling face, put on a forced smile.

She bid farewell to the four Ying Jie present.

Even the most paralyzed Kevin wept for her departure.

"Ah...... I wish this moment could last forever"

"But no show lasts forever, do you? So now..."

"Let it be a perfect ending~"

"If, in the distant future, everyone sees a [Riser] like me... you must find a way to tell me, in that case..."

"I will be very happy!"

"Because I will know that people in the future will not have to face the difficult choices we have now"

"Because I will know that the footprints we leave in the world will eventually become another person's light in the future"



[This is a plot that people can think of, woo woo woo...]

【Mi have no heart...】

【So...the reason why Kevin brought Mei to the World Snake and sent her to the Paradise of the Dead...was to tell Alicia that her sacrifice was not in vain?】

[One word... let ancestor Kevin remember it for fifty thousand years...

(aiee)【Even the ice cubes are broken.......

【No wonder Kevin is so bewildered... If it were me, I would be bewildered too...】

【This is what Mei said—it’s full of sugar...Mei also learned it badly QAQ】

【It's really sweet hahahaha....too sweet hahaha...】

【Another crazy one, take it away!】

【(Meng Xin shivering)】

The truth that players have been looking forward to for a long so "sweet".

But there is one thing to say, this plot is true...too awesome.

When the plot came here, it really brought the unparalleled shock of "Honkai" to the people of this world.

For this world, the plot of "New Flame Burns Forever" is enough to make a god.

And now, the plot of the Paradise of the Past has come to the present...

The story of "Honkai III" has become a masterpiece in the hearts of players.

The word [Love Gate] will eventually be spread.

"Tragedy is not the end, but the beginning of hope

"Only human beings can think like this, and only human beings can turn such beliefs into reality"

"So, please tell me, at the end of this story..."

"Have I become [human]?"


In the audience, the four Yingjies all responded inwardly.

Wei Wei: "Isn't this the [fact] before us?"

Alponia: "Tonight, there are no [Herschers] here anymore"

Eden: "Because the person who sleeps here forever, and who will be sung to future generations, is the noble and proud warrior of Moth Chasing Flame, the founder of the Thirteen Heroes.....

Kevin: "【The Flawless Person】——Alicia"

The pink girl burst into tears.

But her face is still strong, smiling.

"Finally, it's time to say goodbye..."

"Because I am [Larger], so I may be able to do it"

"But because I'm [human], I can do it"

" friends, my confidants, my most important partners..."

"Alicia's curtain call must be shining and beautiful, so... Please, one last time, bid me farewell"

Then, the stars began to turn.

There were originally countless glowing filaments gathered there, which only Alponia could see, the [Thread] of fate.

Now, because of Alicia, because of her [departure], those [cameras] are disappearing into nothingness little by little.

It seems that there is a pair of hands that line up the stars, and the future that was originally demarcated——

wipe it off.

Alicia's voice sounded again.

"Farewell, beautiful world"

"After this, stars will shine, because I have been here now"

"Thereafter, there will be flowers blooming, because I never left"

"Please weave my arrows, my flowers, and my love into new seeds, and bring them to the withered earth"

"Then, let it bloom the eternal and flawless...humanity"

"I, pictured is Alicia"

"The original Herrscher——the Herrscher of Man"

After seeing this and knowing everything that happened at that banquet, the players couldn't hold back anymore.

No matter how underdeveloped your lacrimal glands are, there will be hot tears in your eyes without accident at this time.

They all laughed and cried.

This is true of Kiana, and so is her dressing.

And the screen in the game also suddenly flashed.

turned into an animated short.

Just like the previous few times when Alicia appeared on the stage——

In the eternal paradise full of pink elements.

Pieces of pink petals flutter in the wind.

"Welcome~Noble and pure soul~"

A familiar, lovely voice came.

Alicia... She is wearing human-like armor, just a back view makes countless people stop breathing.

"You're finally here~"

The screen switched slowly, showing a few details of [Human Armor].

"Self-introduction... Shouldn't it be unnecessary?"

"Well, this is the last time

Finally, the original painting of [The Herrscher of Man] is fully revealed.

At this time, she seems to be less playful and agile, and more mature and gentle.

"Hi~ How are you feeling?"

The barrage completely exploded, and countless people were laughing and crying, seemingly insane.

The barrage was completely overwhelmed by four words——

Just like the first time I saw you.

[The picture shows Alysia as picturesque~].

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