Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 378 Alicia Is The Incarnation Of Paradise

"So, the abnormality detected by the fire moth is not an oolong incident, [Vostok] indeed gave birth to a Herrscher"

"They even conducted more than one investigation, but in the end they failed to detect her existence"

"And Alicia herself felt something was wrong, so she chose to leave..."

"She must be very reluctant to part with this place, otherwise, she will leave without saying goodbye during the first search."

After reading this memory, Mei felt a little emotional, and at the same time, a little curious.

Curious about Alicia's power.

"The original Herrscher..."

"An existence that was born earlier than the First Herrscher... Her actions ran counter to all the [Hersherrs] of that era?"

"What is her power? [Honkai] and why did she give birth to such a special Herrscher..."

No matter how she guessed, she still couldn't figure it out. In the end, she could only laugh and shake her head.

"I always feel that as long as it is related to Alicia, it will be covered with a hazy and romantic color unconsciously."

“Like a fairy tale”

Fairy Ellie is quite proud: "Why use [like], my life is, of course, a book of fairy tales~~08

Hearing Ellie's words, Mei's mouth showed an imperceptible smile: "Your life?"

"Aren't you something, the goblin of Xianle Kingdom?"

Elf Ellie: "Oh...why are you so clear at this time!"


She stared at Ellie the Fairy quietly, not knowing what was going on in her heart.

"Fairy Ellie!"

"What's the matter? Staring at me so intently... Are you fascinated by me again?"


After a little silence, Mei smiled lightly and shook her head: "No, it's nothing."

Elf Ellie: "Well, let's keep going, there is still a long way to go before the end"

In this conversation, it can actually be seen that Mei has discovered something.

But it's a pity that Mei is a riddler again, so the players are also a little baffled.

Afterwards, Ellie, the fairy, continued to lead the way for Mei, and soon found the next memory.

The girl embarked on an endless journey. In the following time, she walked through cities, mountains, villages and wilderness...

She met many things and met many people.

She met Patuo for the first time at the outage station, and was cheated of an apple...

Thin girl (Pado): "...why do you keep following me?"

Alicia: "Hey? But just now you said, if I give you that apple, you can give me an orange..."

Thin girl: "I'm lying to you, I don't have oranges at all, you've been fooled"

"Hey~ Let's take it as a lesson... the people here, only in this way can they survive"

Alicia: "Oh..."

It sounds like Alicia seems to have accepted this lesson and let out a thoughtful "Oh".

But suddenly, she took out two more candies from her arms.

"Then I still have two candies, I'll give them to you too! Come on, let's each have one!"

Thin girl: "You..."

Alicia's innocence and kindness made Patuo feel a violent blow to his conscience.


In the ruins of the church, she once listened to the singing of a cappella.

I was also shocked by the sound of nature on the stage in the resplendent theater.

She once walked through the lush campus and beat children of similar age through the fence.

I also wept painfully with the city under the night in the rain-soaked alleys.

She had seen Qianjie being tied to a pillar to let blood out, and she had also seen Hua when she was a child in Shenzhou.

Because of her pink hair, she was misunderstood as the killer of poisonous chrysalis 【Sakura】.

.......In these memories, without exception, they are all related to the Yingjies.

Should it be said that it is the wonder of fate, or that... the memories related to these heroes are all treasures that Alicia specially treasured up?

Players don't know.

But they can be sure that Alicia's real experience cannot be summed up in a few words.

Girls have traveled all over the world.

Passing each other again and again gradually carved her soul into shape.

She has received kindness from strangers and was warmed, moved and encouraged by them.

I also suffered unreasonable malice, and was deceived, used, and betrayed by them.

Like day and night, good and evil in the world divide her journey into two, with light on one side and shadow on the other.

At this time, she still can't understand why such contradictory things coexist in people's hearts.

But she believed that the sparkling lights she saw must be real.

She returned to the hillside again, looking at the bright lights of the city in the distance again.

"As a result...the earth is round~"

"The world has no end"

"Just like what the book said, Paradise really doesn't exist..."

"In that case..."

"If Paradise doesn't exist, then I'll create one myself~"

"It must be a very, very beautiful paradise~"

"In the end, she returned to where she started."

"Traveling around the world, as a Herrscher, she is so bold~"

After reading these memories, even Fairy Ai couldn't help sighing.

"So, she really doesn't know her [identity]? Ellie, the goblin from the kingdom of fairy music, was a little shocked~"

"Maybe...she is also looking for the answer to this question..." Mei took a deep breath.

When looking at these memories, she seems to be able to feel the [lonely...

"The long journey is to find an existence similar to myself, or a place that can answer her doubts, or... a [partner] who can walk with her all the way."

These memories are all about her in Alicia's own eyes.

Perhaps because she felt that this kind of understanding was not comprehensive enough, Ellie the Fairy took Mei to find other Yingjie's views on Alicia.

This time, Mei recalled Alicia again from the perspective of Yingjie.

And these memories are all the pictures of Alicia talking and getting along with Ying Jie as a colleague after joining Fire Moth.

Alicia is different in everyone's eyes, but there seems to be no difference.

In these memories, she is always smiling, like a happy fairy, never sad.

Just looking at her like this will make 853 people feel happy and relieved.

Even her way of getting along without a sense of boundaries is still not annoying.

Even Mebius, who is stubborn, has a "like" view of Alicia in his heart.

"What a noisy memory..."

After reading these can be regarded as good memories, Mei's mood became much happier.

Although Alicia has always claimed that she has never changed, such a long time has been connected [Mei can still see her slowly from youth to maturity.

Hmm... That provocative way of speaking is getting more and more proficient.

The whole of a person's life is so fragmented, complicated, yet long.

But the essence of a person does not change.

Alicia's feelings for everyone are not fake either.

"So, even if no one knows that she is a Herrscher, even in that age of rationality, Herrscher is destined to become the enemy of mankind... But she must be [special], right?"

"So, her ending must also be happy and warm...right?"

When she said this, Ellie's eyes seemed to be shining with anticipation.


Such an it warm?

She didn't know how to evaluate, so she could only jump off the topic and ignore the answer.

"...speak up"

"It seems that one of the most important people is missing in those memories just now—"


"I think... in the memory she left behind, we may be able to find the answer to this question."

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