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Chapter 311 Follow-up and Scarlet Snake King

The accidental death of Duruulton made Scarlet Snake King almost go berserk.

Losing such an extremely strong member of the clan in vain is a great loss to the entire Scarlet Snake clan.

In contrast, Scarlet Snake King would rather lose thousands of troops, and even the entire Cold Light Pearl!

God knows how many years it will take for the Scarecrow clan to give birth to another strong man comparable to Duruton.

The scarlet pupils were filled with murderous intent, and the terrifying coercion forced Duke Scarlet Serpent who was present not to raise his head.

"That human race, where is it now!"

"No, I don't know..." Duke Scarlet Snake said nervously, his tone trembling, for fear of being angered.

"Trash!" The Scarlet Snake King was indeed extremely angry, and he slapped him across the face. Duke Scarlet Snake felt that his bones were broken in many places, and he fell to the side and couldn't help vomiting blood again and again.

In the hands of the Scarlet Snake King, the Duke of the Star Envoy level is so weak that he doesn't even have the slightest room to struggle, and can only be slaughtered by the king.

And the Duke of the Diya tribe on the side is not very good-looking.

If he hadn't been a member of the Diya tribe, I'm afraid he would be one of the people lying on the ground now.

Fortunately, King Scarlet Snake hasn't lost his mind yet, he is just venting his anger.

Duke Scarlet Snake was glad that he was not killed on the spot, and immediately opened his mouth.

"My lord, Lord Duruton has used the scarlet liquid to regenerate, the scarlet liquid may be found!"

These words reminded King Scarlet Snake and calmed down his anger towards the Duke a little.

Fei Ye is a special kind of flesh and blood of the Fei Snake clan.

A large part of its limb regeneration ability relies on this bone and blood.

The magical blood that can quickly condense into bones and flesh.

Bone and blood come from the power of the blood of the race. King Scarlet Snake and this Duruulton were born of the same mother, and they can rely on the induction of blood to find the traces of bone and blood left by Duruton.

The Crimson Snake King slightly narrowed his snake pupils, already activating the power of his bloodline to try to sense it.

Today, the traces of Truulton's flesh and blood, one is the location of the battlefield, and the other is the Starry Knife that Wang Yu carried with him.

On the blade was the remains of the blood and bones of the Duruulton he had slain.

This residual trace was invisible to the naked eye, and even Wang Yu's perception could not detect it.

After about an hour, the narrowed eyes of the Scarlet Snake King opened again, and the cold light flickered back and forth in them.

"Your Majesty, how about it?" Duke Scarlet Snake couldn't help asking anxiously upon seeing this.

If Wang Yu can't be found in a short time, I'm afraid he will suffer again.

Crimson Snake King snorted coldly, and lifted the trident sticking to the side.

"Pass down the order, take a rest today, and launch a counterattack with me tomorrow."

The Duke of the Diya tribe on the side became anxious when he heard this.

His mission here is to advance the deployment of troops planned here so that it can proceed smoothly.

"King Scarlet Snake, you have made an agreement with His Majesty of our clan, and we need to send troops to join us today."

"Shaar hasn't arrived yet, our soldiers will be exhausted after fighting hard for a long time, so the plan will be postponed for a day." Scarlet Snake King said coldly.

The Duke of the Dia tribe also wanted to persuade, he knew that the opportunity for war was fleeting.

They have to be fast in order to take the initiative first.

However, Scarlet Snake King didn't want to hear it any more, and when he raised the trident, it turned into a stream of light soaring into the sky, and disappeared into the distance.

"Alas" the Duke of the Dia tribe sighed, but he couldn't say the four words that the overall situation is the most important thing.

The other party was the Scarlet Snake King, the king of the great clan, he could only persuade him with words, but he couldn't stop him.

After all, if he really angered the other party, even if he is an envoy representing the Dia clan, he may not be safe and sound.

"I'm sorry, Lord Duruulton is of great significance to our family. His fall was something we didn't expect before, so the previously agreed plan also needs to be adjusted."

The Scarlet Snake Duke held his waist, explained briefly, and left in a hurry.

I don't know whether to receive treatment or to report King Dia's latest order.

A rocky slope outside the Snow Mountain Range.

Although it is still cold here, fortunately there is no ten thousand years of snow, only some frosty soil.

The environment is not as extreme as that, there are some cold-resistant flowers and trees growing,

There are also some exotic flowers and fruits of different values.

Passing through here, if you are lucky, you may be able to get something.

Of course, it may also become the rations for the beasts hovering nearby. There are not a few star-level beasts entrenched here.

On the steep back slope, there is a small protruding platform, on which a ball of flame rises, emitting smoke, dispelling the severe cold around it.

This is a man-made bonfire, and the bonfire is full of meat steaks, which are dripping with oil, looking golden and crispy, which makes people move their index fingers.

There were also three corpses of ferocious beasts beside them. They were the three snow-capped overlords of wolf snake and bird, and now they have all fallen.

The 100-meter snake body couldn't be put down, and a part of it was hanging outside the platform and floating.

There are marks of being cut on each of the corpses, and it is not difficult to guess that the meat discharge on the campfire came from them.

Wang Yu sat on the side and grabbed two pieces of meat to eat Hesai, and he sent the ferocious animal meat full of nutrients and blood into his stomach in two or three bites.

The scorching blood was transformed and melted, causing his body to steam in this extremely cold place.

The improvement of the bloodline brought about the transformation of the physical body, and the huge energy consumed caused him a strong sense of hunger, and he needed this kind of nutritious and bloody meat to supplement.

In fact, he has a large amount of meat in his storage ring, but when he came across these three fresh ingredients just after leaving the snow mountain, he decided to sample them locally.

By now, he had been eating for some time.

With a thought, a sound transmission talisman floated out of him by itself.

"Huh?" Wang Yu heard it, and was a little surprised that it was Bone King's voice.

With the continuous improvement of rune technology, sound transmission symbols can now be mass-produced.

Not only within the human race, but also for sale to major alien races.

Compared with many foreign communication tools, the sound transmission talisman is undoubtedly a more convenient choice. There is no racial restriction. As long as you master the most basic mental power manipulation, you can use this sound transmission talisman. The threshold for using it is actually not high.

Even the Bone King used sound transmission symbols to communicate with several human leaders for the convenience of communication.

"Both King Scarlet Snake and King Dia are here?" Wang Yu slowed down his chewing speed.

"I think they should pay more attention to this rich and huge cold pearl star than other sites." The bone king's unique clicking sound came from the sound transmission talisman.

"In addition, Duruulton's death may also be a factor. Be careful of King Scarlet Snake's counterattack. I suggest you return to the Avicen Realm first."

After hearing this, Wang Yu was about to follow Bone King's advice and return home when he suddenly felt something in his mind.

"I'm afraid it's too late to go back."

Bone King understood Wang Yu's meaning in an instant, fell silent for a moment, and immediately said: "Activate my bones at all times, hold on, I'll go find you."

After finishing speaking, the sound transmission symbol hastily ended the communication.

Wang Yu got up and extinguished the bonfire with a burst of strength. Looking at the meat roasted all over the place, he secretly thought it was a pity.

Immediately, he soared into the sky, turning into a beam of light and flying towards the distance.

At the same time, he took out a small piece of white bone from the storage ring.

This is a piece of finger bone that fell off from King Bone, and it was given to Wang Yu for communication purposes.

But as long as Wang Yu activates the amputated phalanx, the Bone King can sense where Wang Yu is no matter how far away it is.

Moreover, Scarlet Snake King only has a general sense of the traces of bone and blood left by Duruulton, after all, it has been erased for a long time.

The Bone King can accurately locate the amputated phalanx on Wang Yu's body.

Not long after Wang Yufei left, Scarlet Snake King descended from the sky and landed on the small rock platform where Wang Yu had been before.

A bonfire still emitting black smoke, and animal meat scattered all over the place.

It all means that Wang Yu was here just now, and he came a step late.

Looking around, he didn't find the whereabouts left by Wang Yu.

As a last resort, I had to turn on the bone and blood induction again.

Turning his head, his eyes fell on the direction where Wang Yu left.

"Want to run!"


There was a heavy impact, and with the exertion of the Scarlet Snake King, the entire platform was shattered into pieces.

His momentum was extremely fast, and the thirty-eight cosmic forces condensed three cosmic rings in his body, and it would not be difficult to condense the fourth cosmic ring in time.

At this level of strength, it is too much to crush Wang Yu at the moment.

Wang Yu may not even be able to bridge the gap of a cosmic ring, let alone one as strong as Scarlet Snake King.

Therefore, he had no choice but to evade this battle, otherwise he could only use the jade talisman.

Run Xuan Gong, directly enter the ninth speed state, Wang Yu walks against the wind.

The figure appeared and disappeared in the wind, hiding and breathing, and there was not much movement in the shuttle.

The scenery below is changing rapidly, and the mountains, rivers and rivers are constantly changing.

There are also many large and small battlefields that broke out between the two camps, and Wang Yu paid no attention to them.

As long as you see the Bone King, this chase can pass smoothly.

Another incense stick of time passed.


A layer of clouds behind was forcibly broken like a tide.

A burly figure was revealed, it was the Scarlet Snake King who was chasing after him.

The snake pupils were cold.

"Got you!"

He saw through Wang Yu who was hiding in the wind at a glance, but he didn't catch up immediately.

He was observing whether the previous tyrannical soul body was still there.

He thinks that Wang Yu is safe and secure, but he is quite afraid of Dongfang Ji.

At the beginning, he was severely injured with soul power, and he still has a deep impression on him.

After another moment, Scarlet Snake King maintained a constant speed and approached to Wang Yu's 500-meter position.

He thinks this distance is safe enough to advance and retreat.

The three cosmic rings in the body began to output energy, including the remaining eight cosmic powers, and the huge gathered energy was fused into the trident.

As he stabbed forward, the energy immediately poured towards Wang Yu in front.

At the same time, the gale bird was summoned by Wang Yu, and then directly entered his body.

With the display of supernatural powers, his speed suddenly accelerated, calmly found an angle, and sacrificed a colorful lotus spiritual shield.

The moment of formation collided obliquely with the blasting energy.

The Cailian spirit shield shattered directly, and Wang Yu took advantage of this impact to fall downward at a very high speed.

Scarlet Snake King still didn't see Dongfang Ji appearing, he was certain in his heart, but still a little worried, he chased Wang Yu and prepared to continue attacking.

If Wang Yu can be severely injured and unable to resist from afar, that is the best result.

However, a three-foot-long bone spear pierced the air from a distance, and it arrived in front of his eyes in an instant, locking onto his head precisely, ready to explode.

As a last resort, Scarlet Snake King had no choice but to stop and swung his trident to block.

During this delay, the Bone King had already arrived, and the Bone Spear flew back to his side.

"I didn't fight last time, this time I'll fight with you!" Bone King's blond hair fluttered like a lion, and he was dressed in a thick bone armor. His fighting spirit directly targeted Scarlet Snake King.

In his body, there are four complete cosmic rings!

The energy emitted seems to have directly opened up an energy space independent of the outside world.

There were only him and the dark-faced Scarlet Snake King in the space.

Wang Yu fell to the ground and made a big hole.

There was originally a small battlefield below, but the fighting was interrupted because of Wang Yu who fell from the sky.

"what's the situation?!"

Both the two camps were stunned. The pothole Wang Yu smashed was really not small, and the movement caused was like an earthquake.

There are also a bunch of native soldiers on the Scarlet Snake's side who will be caught off guard and buried directly by the collapsed ground.

"Tsk, you are indeed the king of the great clan..."

Wang Yu was lying in the pit with big characters. Just now, he was only slightly impacted by the Scarlet Snake King, and half of the scales on his body were already destroyed.

The viscera, which have become extremely tough due to tempering, are also very painful at the moment.

He opened his mouth and coughed up a pool of blood, in which there were pieces of flesh and blood from organs.

If he had resisted the Scarlet Snake King's attack head-on at that time, no matter how high his physical defense was, the huge gap in strength would have been fatal.

Some bone and blood in his body slowly flowed, gathering at the veins of his damaged internal organs by themselves, speeding up the repair.

The ability of Fei Ye to regenerate bloodlines just obtained has played a role at this moment.

At least the pain in his body has been alleviated, and he feels the warmth and nourishment in his chest and abdomen. Coupled with his original excellent self-healing ability, his injuries heal quickly.

His eyes fell on the sky, above the clouds, was shrouded by a huge energy field.

Bone King and Scarlet Snake King, the two great clan kings have already fought.

If it weren't for the restraint of the energy field, the duel between the two kings would have been shattered, and not a single blade of grass could grow on the ground.

Wang Yu got up from the pit, making the Scarlet Snake camp not far away startled and afraid to go forward.

After all, this guy of unknown origin just killed so many of their generals physically.

Wang Yu continued to stare at the battle of kings above.

Bone King possesses forty-two cosmic powers and four complete cosmic rings.

Compared with him, the Scarlet Snake King was obviously weaker in terms of strength, and was soon overwhelmed by the Bone King.

About another minute later, Scarlet Snake King rushed out of the energy layer first, turning into a red light and fleeing away.

He knew very well that he was far from the Bone King's opponent now, and it would be quite unfavorable for him to continue to fight.

And Bone King didn't choose to continue the pursuit.

After all, the Scarlet Snake King is the king of the great clan, so he must still have cards in his hands. If the pressure is too tight, and the Scarlet Snake King chooses to die, he will not be able to get a bargain.

For safety's sake, just repel Scarlet Snake King this time.

Falling from the air, the Bone King took a look at this small battlefield, and immediately released a burst of energy, instantly disintegrating the front line of Fei Snake's side, and a large number of enemy troops were smashed to pieces under his energy.

The rest immediately fled and scattered.

A battle was quelled like this.


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