Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 313 Human Race Income and Hidden Stars

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The familiar voice wafted over, making Catwoman even more delighted, and she immediately turned to look.

Sure enough, as she expected, Wang Yu was standing not far from her at some point, looking at her with a faint smile.

"Teacher, you're back." Catwoman immediately bowed to Wang Yu with her little hands in her hands, as a teacher-student gift from the Human Race.

Now she has been in the human race for a few years, and has also studied with Wang Yu for a few years. She is quite integrated into the various cultures of the human race.

The required etiquette is also quite in place, and he is like a native-born human child who knows etiquette on weekdays.

"The student has broken through to the Ninth Realm of Burning Blood, and the next step is to get rid of Qi." Kitty Catwoman said happily, her tone full of children offering treasures to their parents.

After several years of getting along with her master and apprentice, she let go of all her wariness towards Wang Yu. On weekdays, she temporarily lives in Wang Yu's mansion in the core area of ​​the main city, and spends most of her time practicing boxing.

In addition, Wang Yu also invited a teacher to let Kitty Catwoman also carry out the compulsory education of the human race early.

Help her better integrate into the human race and know more.

In the future, if she wants to practice more advanced human skills, without accepting the education of the human race and consolidating her cultural heritage, it is basically impossible to do it, and it is extremely difficult to understand it word by word.

"Well, let's look at the legwork again." Wang Yu smiled slightly, reached out and patted Catwoman's fluffy head to show her affirmation and encouragement.

"Yes." Kitty Catwoman's eyes sparkled, and she grinned, showing two canine teeth.

She is now wearing a super small exercise suit, she is not tall, and she stands upright, imagining herself as a soldier who obeys the orders of her superiors.

After resting for a while, the blood in her body was ignited again, she used her legs, and her body moved again, and her steps suddenly became more erratic.

The speed changed from fast to slow, kicking out two or three kicks suddenly, making a continuous crisp sound in the air, and the air oscillated endlessly.

This is Wang Yu's leg training method born out of his previous set of basic leg skills.

More simplified, same as Wuyingquan,

They all pay more attention to physical training, and removed some main killing moves.

Now that Catwoman stays here with Wang Yu, she doesn't have to wander around, she is very safe, and naturally she doesn't need to think about other things, as long as she concentrates on practicing, this set of legs is suitable for her now.

Kitty Catwoman's legwork is also perfect, which is a bit more refined than what he has seen before.

They are always improving, and their cultivation rarely falls into a bottleneck and stagnates for a long time. This is the difference between a cultivation wizard and an ordinary person.

To be chosen by Zhelong Shenhun to be the host, the kitty girl is naturally extraordinary.

Now that Catwoman is still young, her potential in all aspects cannot be fully tapped, otherwise the speed of her cultivation would only be faster.

To be honest, with Wang Yu's ability to recognize people, he couldn't judge how high this little disciple could reach in the future.

As long as there are no problems with Kitty's morals and habits in the future, don't let him down, and be a teacher for a day and a teacher for the rest of her life, he will always teach and protect her to grow up.

"How about it, teacher."

After showing off a set of legwork smoothly, Catwoman excitedly asked.

"It's a bit like the shadow of the master's practice in the past." Wang Yu smiled.

He won't play the role of a strict teacher, and Catwoman is also very self-disciplined and doesn't need his persuasion.

The way he gets along with his disciples is quite casual.

Being recognized, Catwoman is even more excited and happy.

"Next, I will teach you how to move Qi. If it goes well, you will soon be able to fly around in the sky as you wish." Wang Yu continued.

"Yeah!!" Catwoman cheered.

On the top floor of the Celestial Tower, several veterans of the human race gathered today to talk about the results of the battle of civilizations in the Skylight Galaxy.

"Now the entire Tianguangda galaxy is divided among the four major civilizations. Unless there is an emergency, the situation of four-divided world has basically stabilized.

At present, let alone the next few years, it is estimated that several civilizations will be recuperating. "Che Qin looked at the information he got and reported it on the sidelines.

He is not a member of the Council of Elders, but he is also a capable general of the Human Emperor. In the human race, he can be regarded as a person who promises everything under the Council of Elders. He holds a lot of power and has a very high status.

"Now that the three major civilization alliances have disintegrated, the dark civilization is currently the strongest and occupies the most territory in the Skylight galaxy.

Followed by the major clans of the Qiyun civilization, the income occupies the second place, the wave core civilization occupies the third place, and the Tianhu civilization, which originally occupied the entire Tianguang large galaxy, now has the smallest remaining territory. In various senses, it can be called It was a heavy loss. "

The Pope nodded, looked at Che Qin and asked: "The dark civilization can benefit the most, and we have contributed a lot from it. Now is the time for them to realize their benefits."

In the past few years, the large amount of rune equipment they provided, as well as various wholesale elixir supplies, have indeed helped the various families of the dark civilization a lot.

But this is not for free. In the future, if they win battles and gain benefits, they will naturally share a share of their human race.

"This is also the focus of this meeting's report." Che Qin said with a smile.

"There are six small galaxies in Tianguang, among which the key points of the dark civilization are the cold light galaxy and the silver light galaxy.

Most of the territory of the two galaxies here is owned by the dark civilization, and they have the absolute right to speak.

Now they are willing to give up a complete hidden star from the cold light galaxy, which is completely owned by our human race! "

"Oh!" The pope's eyes lit up, and the rest of the elders also showed some satisfaction.

Although the hidden star is not the main planet in the cold light galaxy, as a rich and unique cold light galaxy, the value of such a hidden star is also inestimable.

You must know that the Blue Star, which was the development place of the leader of the human race, is also a hidden star, which can accommodate billions or even tens of billions of human races!

In terms of value, it is just a blue star in the wasteland of the universe, and it is even far inferior to this hidden star in the cold light galaxy!

Such a vast and complete territory was simply given to the human race, which was enough to express the sincerity of the Bone King and the others.

Che Qin continued to laugh and said: "This hidden star is the biggest benefit, and the Silver Galaxy is rich in ores and other series of resources, and they are willing to cede a few mines that the human race needs there.

Among them is the holy light stone vein that Xiaoyu needs. Of course, we need to go to a few rounds of conversations and deliberations to draw up the specific mines that can be selected. "

"Not bad." Wang Yu smiled lightly.

For him, the more Holy Light Stones is undoubtedly the better. Although the human race can obtain a large number of Holy Light Stones for him, they cannot prevent him from squandering at seven times the speed in the Tower of Time.

In many cases, the supply is still insufficient, and he needs to use it in a restrained manner.

Now if a vein of Holy Light Stone can be obtained, and the human race transfers people to mine it by themselves, it may allow Wang Yu to realize the freedom of Holy Light Stone in advance.

At the same time, it can also help the human race reduce the huge expenditure in this regard.

"The choice of minerals, can't the scope of options be expanded, such as the Bailian volcanic essence veins in the Scorching Galaxy, which are of great use to our rune casting." The witch suddenly asked.

Che Qin shook his head, "Unfortunately, although the dark civilization also occupies a part of the Scorching Galaxy, more of it belongs to the gas cloud civilization.

Most of the ore veins of Bailian Volcanic Essence are under the control of Qiyun civilization, and the dark civilization cannot give it to us. "

After hearing this, the witch shook his head regretfully.

"It seems that we can only buy it from the great clans of Qiyun civilization at a high price in the future. This thing is not only useful in casting, but also one of the core materials for us to refine armor generals with the eighth-level rune technique in the future."

"When all the dust settles, we can discuss this matter with the big clans of Qiyun Civilization." Human Sovereign said.

"That's the only way to go. I hope the price given by the other party will not be too outrageous. Our demand is not small." The witch scratched her head, showing a little worry.

Of course, these are things that need to be considered later. What they need to discuss most now is how they should operate if they really get a hidden star in the cold light galaxy.

The original plan of the Emperor and the others was to continue to develop in the dark galaxy where the dark civilization is located, to be neighbors with the dark civilization that has a good relationship, and to support each other, which can deter many potential foreign enemies.

They have a dungeon built here with a lot of painstaking efforts, and they have also established a main city and eleven satellite cities on the surface, and the second round of the construction plan of thirty-six cities is also in full swing.

Here, they single-handedly opened up a sufficiently safe and stable development path.

But if the whole family goes to the cold light galaxy that has just ended the war, the unknown variables will be great.

God knows how long the four-point world will last, and whether the follow-up civilization war will start again.

Insufficient security and stability are their primary considerations.

Moreover, Human Sovereign and the others also feel that the human race is not yet fully prepared to leave the shelter of the dark civilization and go to the chaotic and turbulent sky galaxy.

But on the other hand, the hidden stars in the cold light galaxy also have enough attractive advantages.

There is a bright world there, with a better cultivation environment than the Aveshin world, rich special resources and so on.

No matter which point it is, it is more suitable for the settlement and development of the human race than the Avaishin world it is in today.

No matter how they think about it, they shouldn't give up such a hidden star without using it.

"This matter still needs a long-term plan."

After several discussions and deliberations among the elders, they were still unable to make a final decision.

This is also expected. After all, this is about the future of billions of people in the human race, and it is problematic to make a hasty decision.

A few days later, Human Emperor Wang Yu and others accepted the invitation and set off for the Bone Realm to discuss the matter in detail with the Bone King and several other dark and civilized kings.

The specific content is not different from the information Che Qin received before. The main loot is the hidden star of the cold light galaxy, and the other mining areas are incidental rewards.

Even though the Human Sovereign hadn't decided how to use the hidden star, it didn't prevent him from taking it first.

After everything is settled, as long as the dark civilization is still the overlord of the cold light galaxy, then this hidden star will always belong to the human race.

And there is a subsidiary condition for this, that is, if there is still a war with the Tianhu civilization in the future, the human race needs to continue to provide material support to the various clans of the dark civilization as before, especially the unique rune equipment and Elixir.

This is an agreement between them, and Human Sovereign agrees to it, but emphasizes that supplies will only be provided for the Tianhu civilization when it goes to war.

After all, the Tianhu civilization is also the enemy of the human race now, and funding the dark civilization is equivalent to attacking their enemies.

And Wang Yu also officially obtained a holy light stone mine located in the silver galaxy.

Immediately after the official delivery, the Human Emperor dispatched manpower to occupy and mine it. Soon Wang Yu will have a large amount of Holy Light Stones that can be used freely, which will be very useful for his cultivation.

But in fact, the Holy Light Stone is not only very useful to him, after stepping into the Star Envoy level, people like Renhuang and others can also use the Holy Light Stone when comprehending various spiritual skills, allowing them to enter the best comprehension state.

It's just that it's not as effective as Wang Yu, who has a proficiency panel.

More than a month later, under the leadership of Bone King and other clan teams, they withdrew from a hidden star boundary in the cold light galaxy, and officially handed it over to the human race, without interfering with it.

In the hidden star, in a snow-covered plain, a portal slowly opened, and several figures walked out of the portal, looking around.

"The last time I came here, there were still a large number of camps of the Bone Clan, which were full of dark civilizations and alien races. I didn't expect to be able to evacuate so quickly." The witch went around and said immediately.

This is not the first time they have come to this hidden star set for the human race.

It's just that when I came here, there were many foreign teams entrenched, but now they are all empty.

There are only empty residential areas with different styles, and many ruins of the Tianhu civilization that were destroyed by the war.

The Pope took a deep breath of air. Although it was extremely cold, the energy here was exceptionally abundant, which was significantly higher than the Avicim World they were in.

"According to the summarized intelligence data, the volume of this hidden star is about 1.8 times that of the original blue star, about 42% of the land area, and most of the rest is ice sea, and the comprehensive average temperature of the planet is about four to five degrees."

Although it is rich in special materials, it can only be regarded as a semi-livable planet for the human race, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive in many extremely cold places.

However, if the rune array method is used to control the temperature and keep out the cold, this problem can be greatly solved, but the cost of construction and development will undoubtedly be higher. "

After looking around, everyone gathered again, and Che Qin said slowly.

Wang Yu folded his hands on his chest, and scanned the vast expanse of white land.

The climate is a bit cold, but it's not unacceptable.

As long as you don't go to those extremely cold places, with the strong physique of the human race in this world, you can still adapt to the cold climate here all year round.

Building a rune array to increase the temperature is nothing more than making the clansmen live more comfortably.

Compared with the planets in several other cold light galaxies, this hidden star has a relatively high average climate.

"This will be a new starting point for the human race." Human Sovereign stood high in the sky, looking down at the vast land below, with emotions flickering in his eyes, and a decision in his heart.

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