Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 316 The Awakened Dragon Host

"Teacher, I've been having nightmares recently, dreaming about that monster..."

The old man's mansion, the front yard.

Catwoman drooped her ears in distress and said to Wang Yu.

She practices hard every day, and besides practicing, she has to complete the human studies arranged by Wang Yu, and her schedule is full.

Being entangled by this nightmare recently made her feel a little restless, which affected her practice and study efficiency, so she couldn't help complaining to Wang Yu.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yu frowned slightly, "Come here with your head."

Kitty Catwoman had just posed for boxing practice. She didn't know what Wang Yu was going to do, so she blinked her eyes, but she still approached Wang Yu obediently.

Stretch out a little, and immediately check the catwoman's body with mental strength.

After confirming that there were no traces of Julong's spirit left, he was relieved.

Isn't this caused by the remnant soul of the dragon, the nightmare comes from other reasons?

Wang Yu speculated in his heart.

In the past few years, Catwoman has never had a nightmare situation.

Generally, a cultivator like her has strong qi and blood, a stable and concentrated mind, and will not have nightmares for no reason like ordinary people.

Then it must be related to those avatars of Julong.

Look at the cat girl in front of you again.

At the beginning, before the dragon's soul awakened and took over the body of the little cat girl, they completely wiped it out.

Therefore, although Kitty's body has been subtly transformed by the soul of the dragon, there is no energy of the dragon in her body.

However, the blood of the Nata tribe that was discovered before had residual Zhelong energy.

Judging from this, there is a high probability that the Nata clansman has been occupied by the soul of the dragon in his body, taking everything away.

The reason why Catwoman had nightmares was probably because of the awakening of the dragon's soul in other hosts, which had a little influence.

"Open your mouth." Wang Yu continued.

Catwoman obediently opened her mouth wide,

Two pointed canine teeth were exposed.

Wang Yu flicked his fingers, and a elixir flew into Kitty Catwoman's mouth.

It melts in your mouth.

"Teacher, what brand of candy is this?" Catwoman licked her tongue, only to find the taste sweet and greasy, strangely delicious, and some still want to eat it.

"This is the calming pill I made. It can concentrate carefully. If you eat it, you won't have nightmares at night." Wang Yu said speechlessly.

Catwoman is very fond of all kinds of human food, especially sweets.

"It turned out to be a elixir. The elixir refined by the teacher is really delicious, not bitter at all." The little cat girl said with a smile, completely forgetting about the nightmare.

Since the teacher said that there is no problem, it is really all right.

Alchemy, he had mastered it as early as when Blue Star Wuzong was a disciple.

It's just that like the art of runes, it is not his focus of practice, so he didn't spend too much energy in accumulating proficiency in this area at first.

Until the appearance of the Time Tower later, Wang Yu had a lot of time to practice and study.

Although he still didn't put much energy into alchemy, medicine and rune art, even if it was just the accumulation of Buddhism, it would be different after a long time.

His proficiency panel will not decay in skill levels over time.

If you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don't advance. This kind of thing will not happen to him.

So, today, decades later, Wang Yu is not only the strongest human race, but also a seventh-level rune master and a seventh-level alchemist.

This meant that he was able to engrave at least one seventh-level rune and at least one prescription of seventh-level elixir by himself, and he was able to refine it.

In these two fields, although Wang Yu is not currently the strongest in the human race, considering the time he spent, he was able to reach this level at such a young age. No one in the human race can match this talent today.

At present, the human race has developed more than one eight-level rune inscription technology, but there are very few people who have actually mastered it.

Therefore, the seventh-level runes are still the mainstream among the human race.

With Wang Yu's level, he is known as a master among the human race.

The way of alchemy is in many ways complementary to the art of runes, and so is the same.

Wang Yu can be regarded as a rare multi-track master figure, a level that countless seniors of the human race need to look up to.

It's just that whether it's the attainments in the art of runes or the status of a seventh-level alchemist, they are usually covered by the halo of Wang Yu's status as the patron saint of the human race, and not many people know about it.

It is estimated that only a few old guys who are close to the elders will know Wang Yu's omnipotence.

And Wang Yu himself has limited investment in this area, so naturally he will not deliberately promote these.

On weekdays, he only uses the art of runes and the way of alchemy as two abilities to help him grow and become stronger.

After taking the calming pill and practicing for a day, Catwoman went back to her room to fall asleep again.

This time, the calming pill really worked, and Catwoman's mind was peaceful and stable, and there were no more nightmares after that.

Within a month, with Wang Yu's help, she successfully crossed the threshold of the Burning Blood Realm, relying on Wang Yu's qi circulation method, and formally stepped into the human race's qi circulation realm.

This is a huge transformation from a human warrior to a monk.

There have been countless human warriors stuck at this step, and it is difficult to make any progress in their lives.

But Catwoman, a foreign race, easily crossed over, her talent seemed to be perfectly adapted to the cultivation system of the human race.

Because of her own special aptitude, she was the only one in the entire Ya family. Wang Yu wondered if there might be the result of the silent transformation of the soul of Zhelong.

After all, for Zhelong Shenhun, the stronger the host, the better it will grow, and the more beneficial it will be after occupying it in the future.

In addition, the addition of Wang Yu, a master with tremendous experience in kung fu practice, made all this easier.

In the eyes of outsiders, Catwoman is just like Wang Yu, and both the master and the apprentice seem to be on the hook.

The days went on so peacefully, and while the four major civilizations of the Skylight Galaxy were recuperating, they were constantly at odds with each other, as if they were testing each other's recovery.

The movements were sometimes big and sometimes small, and everyone seemed to have formed a tacit understanding and kept restraint. Most of them were making small troubles to prevent a full-scale war from breaking out.

During this period of time, in addition to paying attention to the actions of the Quartet civilization, the human race is also paying attention to the news that the angel protoss is searching for the host of the dragon soul.

It is said that the angel protoss recently discovered the traces of the dragon host in the weather galaxy, and even fought against each other, but unfortunately, the opponent escaped using the space shuttle ability.

Only this time, it also fully confirmed the authenticity of the human intelligence.

There is indeed the existence of the host of the dragon soul, and it is hidden in the half-rotary star field, hidden inside hundreds of millions of living beings.

All of a sudden, more powerful angels were dispatched from the kingdom of heaven, wandering around the galaxies where the major civilizations are located, constantly searching for even the slightest clues.

It can be seen that even the god king of the angel clan is extremely afraid of the surviving soul of the dragon, and attaches great importance to this matter.

It is also because of the carpet search of the Angel Protoss that the four major civilizations have settled down a lot.

At this moment, even their lairs have been thoroughly searched by the Angel God Clan, including the kings of the various clans, who have been searched by the Angel God Clan to see if there is any difference.

Census, self-examination, queuing for review...

All of a sudden, the various clans responded to the orders of the Angel Protoss, and it was found that the clan was flying like cats and dogs, and there were complaints in many places.

Ordinary people, including some minor powers and nobles, have no contact with Zhelong Shenhun, hosts, etc. They just feel that they have been prying into all the secrets and express their dissatisfaction.

Of course, the angel protoss completely ignored the voice of protest. Who made them the strongest race here and had the absolute right to speak.

And the human race here has been checked by Wang Yu and Dongfang Ji long ago.

At least among the high-level people of the human race, it can be confirmed that there is no Zhelong host.

There are more than 6 billion people left, no matter how powerful the two of them are, they still can't check them one by one.

We can only temporarily issue orders layer by layer, stay vigilant, and find out immediately if there is any change.

Today, Tianren Pagoda.

"This is a sensing device." Dongfang Ji took out a rhombus-shaped metal box-shaped body, which was shiny silver, about the size of a palm, and engraved with several tenth-level runes!

That's right, it's the tenth-level rune, which was exchanged by the Human Emperor for a pile of rare metal materials through the relationship channel of the human race, and then made by Dongfang Ji himself.

"Oh! It's done!" Human Sovereign was shocked.

Dongfang Ji nodded, waved his hand, and there were hundreds of the same metal sensing devices in front of him.

His soul body can clearly feel that it is weaker now. Obviously, this wave of continuous inscription of ten-level runes and the production of this batch of sensing devices have consumed a lot of his soul power.

"These devices have only one function, carry them with you, and can sense whether there are traces of the soul of the dragon and the energy of the dragon within a radius of one kilometer." Dongfang Ji said.

The human race used to have specialized research on all aspects of Zhelong, so his understanding of Zhelong far surpassed anyone today.

Only he can make this kind of device in a targeted manner.

The Human Sovereign couldn't help but nodded, feeling relieved in his heart.

With this batch of induction devices, he can repeatedly check all races to prevent all potential crises.

Don't worry about it all day, I'm afraid there are dragon hosts in the human race.

"In addition, if these sensing devices are found, I will be able to detect them immediately." Dongfang Ji continued.

"Okay, thank you senior." Human Sovereign said gratefully.

If there is no Dongfang Ji in this wave, it will be extremely difficult.

Even Wang Yu alone is not enough.

Those awakened or unawakened Zhelong hosts are time bombs buried all over the place.

Once detonated, the harm caused will be unimaginable.

After explaining something, Dongfang Ji hurried back to the Tower of Time and continued to cultivate his soul body.

If it weren't for the difficulty in getting the materials together, he would still be able to build another tenth-level rune protection formation.

Among other things, no super star envoy, no matter how strong he is, can destroy the large rune array he has built.

It's a pity that Ren Huang spent a lot of time looking for it for many years but failed, so this matter has been put on hold, which makes Ren Huang and others quite regrettable.

If there is such an unbreakable rune formation, many problems facing the Emperor can be easily solved...

Soon afterwards, the Human Sovereign distributed these sensing devices to a group of his most trusted people.

They went to various parts of the human race to carry out high-frequency repeated investigations until the end of the host incident of the dragon soul.


In the dark galaxy, in the world of Mansoze, a space rift was suddenly opened.

Immediately, a blue lightning shot out from it, exploding large electric sparks in the dark environment.

It fell to the ground and plowed a deep mark of hundreds of meters, rolled into a ball and crashed into a rock mass.

Pieces of electric light appeared and disappeared in the cave, buzzing.

A rotting bird that happened to pass by heard the movement, flapped its wings and landed on the rock mass.

When it was just approaching, a beam of blue and slender lightning beams suddenly broke through the rock mass and precisely penetrated the rotten bird's head.

Then, with a sweep of the Lei Guangzhu, the huge rock mass was cut open like tofu, and the rotten bird was also split in two, hitting the ground with no possibility of revival.

The figure entwined with lightning light slowly walked out of the rock mass, and the fingertips he stretched out were the source of the beam of lightning light.

Judging from the appearance, there is no doubt that this is a member of the Leiji tribe who is very civilized.

Looking at the shrinking and closing spatial rift above, Las Yin looked a little annoyed.

"I didn't expect to be discovered just after waking up. I remember that it was an angel family..."

His voice is slightly sharp, full of electric sound.

"I really want to kill all these birdmen!"

The rage and impatience lingered.

"The xinxing shaped by this body is not very good... This seems to be a common problem of most Leiji people..."

He flipped through the memory of the original owner in his mind, and analyzed the current situation from a third-party perspective.

There were many holes in his body, a bunch of organs were wriggling inside, and the wounds were blocked by balls of thunder pulp.

Suddenly, there was another slight fluctuation in the nearby space, which made him boil again.


Lei Jiren turned into a beam of thunder again and shot out towards the distance.

Both eyes were golden at the same time, and golden energy gushed out from the eye sockets, forcibly splitting the space in front of him, revealing a not-so-stable space channel.

There was a flash of thunder, and disappeared into it.

A few minutes later, several angelic protoss descended on this place, but they missed again.

"In my memory, the angel race hates the dark, lightless galaxy very much, and even here, the dark environment will affect all aspects of their abilities.

Maybe these memories need to be re-determined whether they are usable..."

Walking through the space channel, Las Yin kept thinking about the current situation in the sea, and his soul was more and more compatible with this body.


In the hidden star of the human race, there is a frozen tundra surrounded by mountains and forests. There is a vast icy lake named Chigu Lake.

It is well-known in the entire Hanguang galaxy, and the water source in its lake cannot be touched by weak alien races.

However, aliens with sufficient strength can drink from this water source, which can temper the body, wash away the dirt in the body, and further increase the strength of the body.

Judging by the rank of the human race, the value of the water in the lake has reached the level of a secret treasure, and it is a good thing of the sixth rank secret treasure level.

Therefore, after the Human Sovereign discovered this bone-piercing lake, he built a stronghold in the surrounding area and dispatched manpower to seal off the lake.

At this time, there are birds and birds cooking smoke in the stronghold, and the humidity and cold around the lake are too heavy, and more stoves are needed to make people comfortable.

Looking at the rising smoke, a group of figures of different shapes slowly approached in the distant mountains and forests, exuding a ferocious aura.


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