Standing by Shi Yang's side was his deputy, Guan Yunwu, whom he also met before going to Dao Town together.

Speaking of which, after joining the army for more than a year, this is the first time Wang Yu has seen Shi Yang, who are both members of the Blazers' permanent army, in the capital city.

He didn't understand it very well before, but now looking at the white armor Shi Yang is wearing, on the badge on his chest is a huge gold star.

This means that his military rank is a one-star senior commander.

And Luo Chu, the commander of their eleventh army, is only a two-star commander, one level lower than Shi Yang.

It can be seen that although Shi Yang looks young, his military rank is not low at all.

Even judging from his sitting on the first seat, he was probably the one responsible for arresting the flower picking thief this time.

"Huh?" Guan Yunwu glanced across Chen Wenlin's body and stopped when it fell on Wang Yu's body.

Obviously, he also remembered Wang Yu who had met once.

"What's the matter?" Shi Yang leaned lazily on the back of the chair and asked with his head sideways.

"Master, it's the one I saw before." Guan Yunwu said.

Shi Yang followed his gaze.

At this time, Wang Yu was following Chen Wenlin to the back position and stood still.

"Which one have you met?" Shi Yang asked confusedly, but didn't remember it at the first time.

"The little brother who sold you crabs in 732 Island Town last time, didn't you say that he has good potential and is a talent?" Guan Yunwu reminded helplessly.

This master really doesn't remember things, and he doesn't pay much attention to most things.

"Remember, I said, why is it so familiar?" Shi Yang said with a smile on his face suddenly.

Guan Yunwu was speechless, Shi Yang probably remembered the taste of that crab.

"This kid is indeed a talent. He has already perfected his body at such an age, and he doesn't know who he is messing with." Shi Yang continued.

"If I'm not mistaken, he's followed by Chen Wenlin, the lieutenant of the 3rd Battalion and 11th Corps." Guan Yunwu said calmly.

He stored the information and names of almost all the officers in the military department in his mind, so he recognized Chen Wenlin's identity at a glance.

"The third battalion, oh, it's Luo Chu's troops from the Luo family." Shi Yang said suddenly.

This surprised Guan Yunwu, "I really didn't expect the young master to remember Captain Luo."

"I remember my colleagues, it's normal." Shi Yang was quite dissatisfied with Guan Yunwu's gratified eyes looking at him.

Makes him look so stupid...

The two chatted without saying a word, but they didn't lean over just because they recognized Wang Yu.

In the final analysis, they were just some intersections back then, not acquaintances.

"See the two people sitting up there?" Chen Wenlin also talked with Wang Yu after sitting down.

Wang Yu nodded.

One is Shi Yang, and the other is a middle-aged man with a solemn expression. He is not wearing a military uniform, but a formal suit specially worn, and looks like a high-ranking person.

Obviously, this officer who is not from the military department is probably an official from other institutions in the capital city.

Before Wang Yu could think about it, Chen Wenlin gave him the answer.

"The elder is Xu Pingzhou, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of the capital city, and this time he is representing the Public Security Bureau to preside over the case council.

"As for the young man, it's Shi Yang, the commander of the Third Corps of the First Battalion in our army, and the leader of the younger generation of the Shi family.

Speaking of which, he is also a well-known figure, and at the young age of twenty-five, he has won the rank of one-star senior soldier.

To be able to obtain this rank at this age, it is difficult to find another one to compete with him among the younger generations of other military families, and only the people from the imperial capital can compare with him. "

Speaking of Shi Yang, Chen Wenlin was not stingy with his praise.

"This time is probably also an arrangement from above, so that this up-and-coming star will be tempered more, and he will be the general manager of our military department.


Wang Yu nodded, he didn't expect Shi Yang to be so famous in the military department.

It's no wonder that when he appeared in 732 Island Town, the town guard was so relieved.

Soon, when the table was full, the brief meeting began.

In the field, there were members of the Public Security Bureau in the city, as well as officers from some military departments.

"Okay, let's start then." Xu Pingzhou coughed lightly and said.

Everyone in the field immediately and consciously silenced, looking towards the first seat.

Even Shi Yang sat a little more upright for a rare occasion. After all, this time he represented not only the individual, but also the military department behind him, so he needed to pay attention to his image.

"Currently the criminal has acted five times, and our arrest tasks have been upgraded again and again. The previous arrests failed. I admit that our local security bureau failed in their duties. I will accept accountability as soon as possible afterwards.

The most important thing right now is to catch the criminal. Just now, the higher-ups have clearly issued a notice. If the criminal has not been caught before the day after tomorrow, our mission will be cancelled, and a superior lieutenant will be sent to crusade!

I think everyone understands the weight of these words. "

All the officials nodded, and their faces became a little dignified.

Apparently, the higher-ups are completely impatient today.

Canceling the task directly, the result is like yelling at them for incompetence.

If this is the case, everyone sitting here will definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame after they go back, and they will lose face for a long time, and even affect their future careers.

"Everyone, we have no way out, please do your best, I believe that the criminal will not escape even if he has wings!"


Xu Pingzhou's voice was so loud that everyone responded immediately.

"Very good, let's talk about deployment." Xu Pingzhou nodded, and the pressure was well applied.

The entire deployment takes about ten minutes.

Xu Pingzhou deployed the troops of the Public Security Bureau, while Shi Yang was in charge of the officers who arrived from the military headquarters.

The two have different management styles.

When Xu Pingzhou deployed, he was rigorous to the extreme, taking into account every detail, big and small.

Compared with the military headquarters stationed abroad, the personnel of the Public Security Bureau are more familiar with the capital city.

Therefore, they are still in charge of the deployment and control of this mission, and the military department is only involved as an assistant.

Therefore, Shi Yang has to be more casual in the arrangement, basically letting each officer play freely and collecting clues everywhere.

And distributed bamboo sticks to everyone, once found, immediately report it.

Get out of the council hall.

"Any thoughts?" Chen Wenlin asked.

In addition to the final deployment in the parliament, the Public Security Bureau also shared their search direction and results in the past few days.

But most of it is useless intelligence information.

That is to say, the last time the other party was forced to reveal his figure, he was considered to be drawn sideways by the artist.

Wang Yu shook his head, "I don't have any clues, let's go to the place where the wanted criminal disappeared first."

"That's my plan too." Chen Wenlin nodded.

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