Lu Ren shook his head and said, "It's not killing, it's just temporary suppression. I don't know how to kill his god."

Ksitigarbha was very pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly said: "I understand!!"

"I was going to ask you." Lu Ren pondered for a moment, then immediately said: "He pulled my consciousness into a place."

"Where is it?" Ksitigarbha is also a great wise man from the extremely intelligent shop, he realized in a moment, and said in amazement, "Subhuti pulled you into a state of samadhi?"

Lu Ren nodded and asked, "What kind of place is that?"

The skull-faced Jizo really couldn't see his expression clearly, but his tone was a little erratic and said: "It may be a road, of course it may be just a spiritual realm."

"A road?" Lu Ren raised his eyebrows: "How do you say?"

Dizang said: "Do you know that at the time I lived, most of the people were in a state of insufficient food and clothing, and a martial artist with a strong physique could easily swallow a cow in a day, which can be said to be a waste of money." great.

As for the two religions of Buddhism and Taoism, although they are prosperous and have produced many astonishingly talented Mingjue martial arts masters, it is already great to have one in a hundred years, and it is a huge burden just to provide for daily needs.

So after all, there are only a few of them, and most of them are still cultivating the spirit, intending to achieve a breakthrough in the gods. This is static work, and the demand for food is not so high, and... Sakyamuni has indeed found a way, which is to go deep into the state of meditation, A mystery is sensed in nothingness. "

Ksitigarbha was a little uncertain: "But...their so-called primordial spirit travels, and after the Dingjing Yuanguang, what they sensed from the so-called Huangting and Dingjing, everyone keeps silent about everything they see and hear inside. , I don’t know what they’ve seen, or where they’ve been or what they’ve seen.”

Dizang's words were a little horrifying: "After they came back, everything changed and became extremely abnormal. For the first time, I saw confusion on the face of Venerable Sakyamuni."

It is unbelievable and unbelievable that a great wisdom, great determination, the patriarch of the Buddhist Zen lineage, even known as Shakya Tathagata in myths and legends, would feel confused about certain things.

"Haven't you been there?" Lu Ren asked.

"No." Ksitigarbha shook his head slightly: "My heart is lacking. I haven't been able to complete it. I can't achieve the perfect state of tranquility. I can only enter the realm of tranquility, but I can't sense the mystery of that place, and I can't detect the things inside."

"You didn't ask?"

"I once asked Venerable Sakyamuni, but I kept silent."

Lu Ren teased a little: "No wonder Subhuti said you only made great wishes..."

Ksitigarbha was rarely ashamed, and sighed slightly.

"It's because I'm not as smart as I am."

Then there was some embarrassment.

"Nasubhuti is even worse than me!"

People are dead and still calling...

After a pause, Dizang looked at Lu Ren: "The way you look now, there is something wrong with your eyes."

Lu Ren touched his eyelids subconsciously: "What's wrong?"

He took out his phone from his pocket and opened the self-portrait, Lu Ren was stunned for a moment, his eyes were extremely blood red, and the whites of his eyes were densely packed with blood, which caused such a phenomenon.

"This is……"

"This is glaring!"

Ksitigarbha observed for a long time, finally came to a conclusion, and said in a deep voice, "Subhuti has been trying to attack you."

"I know." Lu Ren replied.

The series of system alerts in his mind that the spirit was being attacked have never stopped. During this period of time, his passive increase in mental proficiency has reached more than 3,000. As long as Subhuti's attack does not stop and the current rhythm is maintained, it will be impossible. How long will he be able to upgrade to another level.

Dizang cautiously asked, "Is there anything unusual about you?"

"Except for some acupuncture between the eyebrows, the rest is fine."

Dizang has nothing to do with this, he can't even rush into the depths of Lu Ren's heart to fight Subhuti. Besides, Lu Ren has serious reasons to doubt whether Dizang can suppress Subhuti.

"Although I don't know why you suppressed Subhuti, but it was resolved. I'm just worried whether you will be suppressed by some of his subsequent methods, and thus successfully reborn on you."

This is a very serious problem, especially now that Lu Ren is being looked at by Subhuti, and under the impact of red light, he enters the depths of his mind and soul, intending to seize control of his body.

If everything goes in a bad direction, it is very likely that Lu Ren will not be able to hold on,

Lu Ren pondered for a while, then shook his head slightly: "I know my own situation, and I will be fine for the time being."

The bloodshot eyes should have been burned by the red light before, just need a little rest, and the bloodshot eyes will naturally recede.

And the crimson light emanating from Subhuti's eyes, the so-called qi, is probably the iridescent light evolved by Subhuti's control of the magnetic field with a special secret method. His eyeballs were completely burnt and turned into crystals.

Ksitigarbha didn't talk too much anymore. With Lu Ren's strength, he was a rare master even in ancient times. As the saying goes, it is quite rare to be able to achieve great success in boxing, let alone reach the peak of body and mind. The limit of the human body shackles Mingjue, and one person can be born every one or two hundred years, which is already great.

The whole process of culling Subhuti seemed to be quite smooth, but it was because Lu Ren had smashed the internal organs of Tie Feng's corpse before. Subhuti spit out the cell fluid in the original body and reborn from the corpse, trying to forcefully continue to live , can only spend a lot of energy and consume those cell fluids to make up the body, which involves a considerable degree of energy of Subhuti.

And he didn't expect that although Lu Ren is not a master of boxing, but his strength can be formidable and he can win the battle, and with the help of Jizo, unless Tie Feng's body breaks the shackles and achieves Mingjue Turnaround opportunity.

Although it seems anticlimactic, it is reasonable.

The biggest danger in the territory of Baoguang Buddha is actually the collapse of the secret realm, but with the appearance of Ksitigarbha, this matter has become easier.

However, although the journey seems to be going smoothly, Lu Ren dared to ask himself that what he encountered in the process was very dangerous, whether it was Ksitigarbha, Subhuti who became a demon, or Tiefeng who killed him.

Dizang's words cannot be believed, the other party does not have the appearance of a so-called eminent monk at all, even if it is said to be back to basics, Lu Ren will not believe much, Lu Ren only believes one point of the other party's words, and the other nine points are bullshit in his opinion calf.

Everyone's truth comes out by himself, and only by measuring it step by step can he see the dawn.

And the reason why Luren practiced in the free view of the lamp is because the dizang really needs Luren to use the lamp to erupt and affect the magnetic field, thus opening the channel to return to the real world.

After the system verification, it was determined that there was no problem with the free view of the lamp, and the relationship between the two was initially established.

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