Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 132: Quick Chase (3) (3,000 words!)

Lu Ren was silent for a while, kicked Xiang Zheng's back, and Xiang Zheng's whole body moved sideways directly, hitting the big video screen next to him, throbbing with pain and breathing comfortably at the same time.

The feeling that life is worse than death has subsided like a tide.

Lu Ren stood for a while, finally sighed, turned and walked towards the door of the bar.

He looked at Xiang Zheng meaningfully, he would not leave some hidden dangers for himself.

Seeing Lu Ren's leaving back, Xiang Zheng staggered up, his eyes were full of fierceness, before he could do anything, Lu Ren, who walked out of the private room and turned around the corner, seemed to have stepped on a piece of glass inadvertently.


The glass seemed to have been greatly squeezed, and like a bullet, it pierced Xiang Zheng's neck, who hadn't reacted at all.

Blood spattered all over the room.

Xiang Zheng clutched his neck, stretched out his hand to grab Lu Ren's disappearing figure, said a few 'ho ho', and then suddenly lay on the ground, only twitching.

After a while, there was no movement.

At this moment, the entrance of the bar was already crowded with police cars, and when Lu Ren came out, the first person to come forward was He Li from the logistics department of the security management department. He looked a little nervous and said, "Mr. Lu, no one was killed. Bar?"


Lu Ren looked calm and answered without hesitation.

Seeing Lu Ren's determined appearance, He Li's tense face quickly relaxed, as long as no one was killed, everything would be easy to deal with.

Lu Ren then said uncertainly: "But the other side took out a gun, and then I accidentally used some force, so I don't know if I'm dead or not."

"What, draw a gun?!!"

He Li's face changed suddenly, and he yelled at a policeman standing beside him: "Captain Shao, is your crackdown on crime violations and cracking down on gangsters so low? Can't you see that people are parading through the city with guns?" To see or pretend not to see?"

With this big hat off, no one could bear it anymore, Captain Shao said profusely, "Don't worry, Director He, we will punish this matter severely..."

This kid He Li looks quite powerful!

Lu Ren saw it in his eyes and was surprised in his heart. He didn't expect to appear in his eyes all the time as a deliverer, and he didn't expect to be a director.

"give it to you."

Lu Ren patted He Li on the shoulder, and left quickly after getting a response.

On the Internet, a short video quickly became popular.

In the video, a figure who is more than 1.9 meters tall jumped up and spanned a distance of 10 meters. He easily lifted a 160-pound person with one arm, kicked the two people high with his legs, and then With strides, he rushed up to the second floor in two steps with one hand in his hand.

Although the video is shaky, there is nothing adulterated about what happens in the video.

Lu Ren, who caused an uproar on the Internet, didn't know about it, or even if he knew, he wouldn't pay too much attention to it. If the security management office sees something wrong, it will definitely withdraw the video.

Next, just keep a low profile. The Jiayu Bar is full of filth. With the background of the security management office, although it is not in charge of what the police should do, the full name of the Domestic Security Administration is not just for the martial arts school. , and there is a considerable degree of law enforcement in it.

Half an hour later, Lu Ren stood quietly at the door of a luxuriously decorated villa in a villa area.

This is a wealthy area in the capital of Shu, where the so-called upper class come and go.

But in the eyes of Lu Ren today, he just feels that his previous self viewed these things too narrowly.

When a person's spirit is strong, no matter how little the material is, you and them are also human.

As for how he got in, to be honest, he didn't need a run-up even at the height of the fence in the villa area, and he just jumped in after pulling a green onion from the dry land.

He slowly stepped forward and knocked on the door.

It took a while before a vigilant female voice came from the doorbell. The voice was unstoppable tired and hysterically sharp.

It sounds a little neurotic.


Lu Ren said calmly, "It's me, Aunt Meng."

The door was silent for a while.

"Lu Ren, you're not dead yet?!" Then the panicked voice became a little shrill: "Why aren't you dead? You should be dead. Why can't you be killed? Why, why, why don't you go?" die!"

Lu Ren secretly sighed in his heart, he seemed to be going crazy from depression, he also came to Luo Zixuan's house not long ago, and he saw Luo Zixuan's mother, Meng Xian, was a well-educated, elegant and luxurious lady.

The speech is always soft and elegant.

Things are unpredictable.

Unexpectedly, the stimulation from the white-haired man to the black-haired man made the other party on the verge of collapse.

But the blame is not her own, and Lu Ren will never take the blame.

Lu Ren said, "Aunt Meng, won't you let me in?"

There was no sound from the doorbell, but Lu Ren's keen hearing could hear the footsteps coming from near to far, and then from far to near, and then the door was opened, and what caught his eyes was a man with disheveled hair and sleeping clothes. Skirt, holding a sharp knife, a woman with a fierce face.


Seeing Meng Xian's fruit knife stabbing at him, Lu Ren frowned and stretched out his hand to grab Meng Xian's wrist. Meng Xian struggled vigorously, but Lu Ren's hand was like an iron hoop, motionless.

He didn't care much about Meng Xian's yelling and biting of Lu Ren. Now that he has mastered boxing skills, his skin is extremely tough. He has tested that a sharp fruit knife like this may be able to cut through his skin, but his strong muscles will make him never again. Can't get an inch.

As for the opponent's biting and scratching, for Yu Lu Ren, it was much lighter than scratching.

He directly held Meng Xian's wrist, carried Meng Xian in mid-air into the villa and closed the door. After all, Meng Xian's shrill scolding voice was too loud, if it drew people's attention, it wouldn't be a big deal, but it was still considered Trouble, even if he is a member of the security management department, it's not good to be too high-profile.

But it seemed that Meng Xian's hysterical screams made the surroundings feel a little accustomed, and no one came to observe during this period of time.

Lu Ren entered the spacious living room and looked left and right, frowning and tilting his head. Meng Xian's scolding voice was too loud, and it seemed that she had never learned national cursing. She received a Western-style elite education since she was a child, turning over and over again just like that. A few words, always hope that Lu Ren will die.

Who would want to talk to her about such crazy talk?

"Is Uncle Luo not at home?"

Lu Ren asked Meng Xian, seeing that the other party didn't listen, still scratching and biting him like crazy, and finally even climbed onto Lu Ren's arm, biting Lu Ren's wrist tightly, staring at Lu Ren with almond eyes.

To be honest, he only needs a slight muscle tremor now, and Meng Xian's teeth will shatter immediately.

Lu Ren sighed: "Yes, maybe Uncle Luo also thinks you've gone crazy and moved out."

Hearing Lu Ren's undisguised sarcasm, Meng Xian showed a sad smile, and finally left her mouth from Lu Ren's wrist.

She was full of mournful despair: "Crazy? Hahaha... If I avenge my son, will you think I'm crazy?!"

"Aunt Meng, the lawsuit is over. I was acquitted on the spot due to insufficient evidence in court. After this incident, although you have appealed repeatedly, they have all been dismissed, which is enough to explain the problem."

Lu Ren said while throwing Meng Xian on the sofa in the living room.

This matter was very big at the time. After all, the four of them disappeared in the tunnel at the time, and it was even on the news.

However, due to the intervention of the Safety Management Bureau in the investigation, the matter involving the space gap was closed.

No matter how powerful Luo Zixuan's family was, they could influence the judge, but in this case, if the judge dared to be biased, he would be suspected of being bribed.

"Not guilty?" Meng Xian sneered, "You murderer, I know you killed my son."

Lu Ren sat down slowly against each other, and said in a deep voice, "I'm here this time to tell you what really happened in the tunnel."

Hearing what Lu Ren said, Meng Xian finally calmed down. She looked at Lu Ren with hatred, stroked her hair, and tried to remain calm and said, "Say it."

Capricious woman!

Lu Ren sighed deeply in his heart. To be honest, before the space gap happened, he and Luo Zixuan had a good relationship. Although he was a show-off, he was really okay with him. Although he was bewitched by Zhang Qingya later, his hostility became more and more serious. .

What happened in the silent forest in the space gap at that time completely released the darkest side of all human beings.

In that situation, even Lu Ren inevitably hid his small thoughts. If there was no system at that time, he might have been deeply involved in it, and was merged with Wang Gang and others by the priest of the evil god.

He himself was working hard to survive, but he didn't expect the ending to be so cruel.

Although he apologized in his heart, Lu Ren still had anger in his heart. If this knot couldn't be resolved, a killing intent flashed in his heart.

No, Meng Xian must die!

Once this crazy woman is let go, what will happen next is completely unpredictable.

Meng Xian has completely affected his normal life, if he let it go like this, it would be tantamount to planting a ticking time bomb for himself.

To be honest, the solution once and for all is to get rid of Meng Xian.

Who is right and who is wrong in the whole incident, if he continues to stay in the silent forest, perhaps in the end, for the sake of a chance of survival, Lu Ren dare not think about what he will become in the end.

Human nature is complicated.

But Lu Ren was very fortunate that at that time he could still control his darkness with great perseverance.

After he slowly and detailedly fell the four of them into the silent forest, from the first day of the story to the last Lu Ren killed the three of them, and after the death, they fought again. The process of fighting was very general. Pass.

If she described the past in detail, even if Meng Xian was considerate, she would be swallowed up by the anger of hatred, trying to fight Lu Ren with all her might.

It's like Iron Man knowing that the Winter Soldier is controlled by others, but when he finally sees the Winter Soldier killing his parents with his own hands, he is engulfed by hatred and anger in his heart, and completely breaks up.

Although she tried to describe it lightly, Meng Xian heard that her son went to touch the evil altar like a fool, and was killed by Lu Ren. Although she looked calm, her hands were tightly grasping the clothes, and the veins on her arms and neck were exposed. But she was not as calm as she appeared.

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