He said when he saw Lu Ren.

"No need to go up, Master Ji has already dealt with that guy."

Even Lu Ren felt that the previous violent fluctuations in the magnetic field were extremely terrifying.

The masters of the Mingjue realm have the same methods as the fairy gods in ancient rumors.

He suddenly remembered what would happen to such an ancient legendary figure if the Ksitigarbha in its heyday had done its best.

Being able to survive for such a long time relying on spirit alone is undoubtedly the best expression of strength.

It's a pity that the other party had a dull view of life and death, and passed away in an unusually free and easy manner after the restraint was removed.

Lu Ren stopped, nodded slightly at Ji Heng, and asked the security management bureau to find a car to take him to the airport. When he left Qingcheng Mountain quickly, a system notification sound suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Ding, you have some insight into the way of the Mahayana Golden Body Bodhisattva of the tenth place, and the current stage is just a beginner's practice."

In an instant, Lu Ren felt that his mind was filled with the true meaning of aphorisms with hundreds of thousands of words, which made him sit in the car in a daze for a long time.

Originally, there were only 4,635 words in the teaching of the Mahayana Golden Body Bodhisattva of the tenth stage, but unexpectedly, it took nearly 300,000 words to translate it into the vernacular.


There was a little weirdness on Lu Ren's face. Ji Quanzhen's understanding of the ten-ground Mahayana Golden Body Bodhisattva and the notes he wrote were completely different.

Although it is possible to understand this true skill according to Ji Quanzhen's thinking, it can still be practiced to an extremely far-reaching level, and it is not impossible to further step into enlightenment, but in the end it loses its true meaning, and it is impossible to realize the essence of this spirit changing the body .

There is a deeper level of true meaning hidden in it, some real skills, or the intentions in boxing, sometimes even the creators just set up a general meaning, but the system panel will take it seriously.

After discovering that this kind of boxing seems to be somewhat unsuitable for the intention in the boxing, it will be optimized spontaneously, such as Feng Falcon Boxing.

True Phoenix meant, maybe the creator of the boxing method only knew a little bit, not as good as Lu Ren.

Strictly speaking, with the current level of Feng Falcon boxing practice, even if the creator of the boxing method comes, Lu Ren is confident that he can go deeper than the opponent.

"Mr. Lu? Mr. Lu?"

Liu Jiang called twice in a row before Lu Ren came to his senses.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Jiangdao: "It's already arrived at your delivery location."

After thanking him, Lu Ren opened the car door and got out of the car. He watched Liu Jiang drive away quickly, and then looked at the small military base on the edge of Qingcheng Mountain.

A medium-sized transport plane was parked beside it.

There are still some cumbersome things about Qingcheng Mountain that need to be dealt with follow-up, but at this time it is not his turn to guard such a powerful figure.

There are masters on Mount Qingcheng, he just happens to meet them.

As for Kuishan...

To be honest, if the emergency troops were faster, they might be able to kill it with heavy firepower, but there is a high probability that the opponent will escape through the complicated mountainous terrain.

If the opponent was more vicious, and could detect the trajectory of the bullet and find out the pre-action of shooting, once he turned around and rushed into the army, then with Kuishan's strength, it would cause extremely huge casualties.

So people like Ji Quanzhen and Li Changming who have stepped into the realm of enlightenment, can they really ignore the gunfire?

While thinking about it, Lu Ren turned around and stepped on the transport plane under the guidance of the staff next to him.

The whole journey was silent, except for the high-altitude roar on the helicopter, Lu Ren had been contemplating and practicing the Mahayana Golden Body Bodhisattva Way of the tenth place.

After the practice of martial arts has formed skills, then there is no need to follow the steps too step by step, and only by understanding the true meaning of Buddhist scriptures can you gradually progress.

You only need to keep running, and you can increase your proficiency by meditating over and over again.

Lu Ren could clearly feel that his body was getting stronger.

That is to say, he should have reached the peak state of physical and mental limits before stepping into enlightenment, but there is still room for improvement.

But it seems that the limit is tight, and Feng Falcon Fist is about to reach its perfection.

If there is a fierce battle, maybe the limit can be broken.

If the Bodhisattva of the Mahayana of the tenth place wants to have the initial fruit, the spirit must reach the heart of the Vajra Metaphor, just as the Vajra can destroy everything.

With the gradual influence of the spirit on the body and self-refinement, even without the proficiency panel as a basis, he can still see the awareness.

Furthermore, the technique of breathing and exhalation that came out of this comprehension is truly miraculous.

It stands to reason that no matter how clever breathing is, it is only a change in the breath of the body. Smart breathing can slowly activate the potential of the human body, gradually improve one's physical fitness, maintain sufficient health, and strengthen the lungs and hearts.

However, the breath and breath comprehended by the system is extremely strange, each breath can absorb a few grains of mysterious substances into the body.

Every time he integrates, his four-dimensional attribute proficiency is getting different degrees of proficiency increase,

Magical skill!

Moreover, these mysterious particles were born out of thin air, but Lu Ren could vaguely feel that it was related to his spiritual perfection, that is to say, the strange particles were attracted by the spiritual world as a hub.

But where it is, I am afraid that he needs to set foot on Mingjue before he can feel it.

Lu Ren didn't intend to tell the Safety Management Bureau about this kind of thing. Everyone has their own secrets, not to mention that this breathing technique is very strange, it is natural under the system panel, without any trace of artificial polishing.

Furthermore, this is a passive skill.

He has not fully comprehended the mysteries of breathing and breathing technique after he has practiced it to an extremely high level, and he can't find a way to pass it on.

What he currently has is uniqueness, which is also his bottom of the box.

If nothing else, this is his most important skill in the future.

The whole journey was silent, eight hours later, Lu Ren got off the transport plane and looked up at the endless snow-capped mountains in the distance.

He was a little dazed, as if it was the Chinese New Year again.

"Luo Zishan..."

It has been built as a permanent military base, and a large number of engineering machinery is constantly under construction to expand the base and install semi-permanent defensive firepower points.

Countless soldiers with live ammunition came and went.

The spirit, energy and spirit as a whole are like wolf smoke, it is an elite force!

"Lu Ren!"

Xiao Chen waved at Lu Ren with excitement from afar.

Seeing this, Lu Ren stepped forward to say hello, and then asked directly, "When will you go in?"

Xiao Chen said: "It will be done soon."

"I need to add a batch of equipment."

"No problem, how about we eat first?"

"No need, first tell me about the information in the secret territory of Luozi Mountain."

Xiao Chen didn't procrastinate when he heard the words.

"Let's go to the information room first."

Three hours later, Lu Ren frowned for a rare time.

Luozishan, a stable space interweaving point, has existed for nearly two years. Many departments were responsible for the exploration of this incident, and the Safety Management Bureau only participated in it as a combat department. It is a very important combat power system. part.

In other words, those who can enter the secret realm of Luozi Mountain are basically martial arts masters.

Only martial arts masters can survive in the dangerous area, and obtain enough information and find valuable things.

As for Li Ziqing, he has been out of contact for nearly two months since he entered for the third time, and there is no news.

The safety management office has a high probability of determining that he may have been sacrificed.

This made Lu Ren's heart quite uncomfortable, but he also forced himself to restrain himself. After all, this was Li Ziqing's own choice. The other party might enter this Luozishan foreign land with the idea of ​​putting himself to death and rebirth.

After calmly flipping through the materials for nearly two hours, Lu Ren's brows eased a little, but his heart was shaken.

Inside is the so-called Kunlun Wonderland!


Xiao Chen was smoking a cigarette beside him, his eyes were bloodshot as he hadn't slept for a few days, and he couldn't help but said, "Yes, just inside there is a stone tablet with the word Kunlun written on it."

He scratched his greasy hair.

"However, according to the detection of the Space Monitoring Center, the secret passage here is indeed caused by space shocks."

Xiao Chen said solemnly: "So this is not a small dependent space formed by relying on this space like you encountered in Baoguang Temple before, but a real foreign land."

That is to say, this place called Kunlun is actually a real big world, like the underworld that Lu Ren entered before, the world of alien ruins.

There is a real big world in the rear.

If the space channel here is really permanent, it will be a chance for Huaxia to take off again.

"Don't overthink it."

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly: "The air in Kunlun is filled with extremely complex pulse particles, which will affect even a little more complicated precision electronic devices. If you want to use very sophisticated equipment, you need to spend a huge cost to apply a layer of isolation device. "

The meaning in the words is very simple, there is no way for drones or sophisticated aerospace equipment to operate on the opposite side.

At least not yet.

At least what Xiao Chen said requires a huge price. I am afraid that compared to a country, it really needs to cost an extremely huge price.

Therefore, they urgently need Martial Daoists to enter, so as to greatly increase their chances of survival.

Lu Ren was noncommittal. From the people who first entered the exploration, it was a wild world inside, and they had seen many strange beasts that were only recorded in the Shan Hai Jing.

"Isn't this a tomb?"

Xiao Chen: "At first we thought it was a tomb, but after we got out of the tomb, we realized that this world is extremely vast."

Talking with Xiao Chen all the time late at night, he already had a relatively full understanding of the opposite party in his heart, and after seeing that Xiao Chen was really unable to hold on, Lu Ren opened his mouth to speak.

"Send me to choose equipment."

Xiao Chen cheered up: "Good guy, you finally said this sentence, if you don't say you want to go in, I feel like I'm about to die suddenly."

After all, Lu Ren's current strength is higher than him, and under the instruction of Ji Quanzhen, the boss of the Security Management Bureau, in a certain way, Lu Ren's status is much higher than him.

Lu Ren was dumbfounded. Hearing that Li Ziqing had been confirmed missing for two months, Lu Ren was not in a hurry.

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