Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 180 The Bodhisattva Statue of the Fourth Ground (3,000 words)

Leaving the body of Quesens aside, Lu Ren thought about it for a while, and finally found the communication module that was squeezed and scattered on the ground due to the swelling of his palm.

The military has already set up a base station here, and after spending a lot of effort to launch four skyrockets, they found that the wind layer above 50,000 meters is extremely terrifying. Before there is no definite solution, the only option is to build a ground base station. Communication devices made by military industry can still be connected within a radius of thousands of miles.

Although the signal is good and bad because of the pulse particles in the air, having and not having it are two different things.

At least he can still contact the Luozishan base for now.

After Lu Ren rummaged around to find the communication device.

Only to find that the communication device had already changed in the left arm, and the body was completely damaged when the body swelled. Although the screen was still on, it was only a blue screen.

After trying all the buttons, seeing that they could no longer be used, Lu Ren had no choice but to give up.

He originally planned to put the corpse of Kuisanz here and call through the communication device, so that Chen Daoli and the others from the third place could come and take away this very research-worthy corpse.

But the current situation can only be temporarily abandoned here, and come back when you have the opportunity to think about it in the future.

After thinking for a while, Lu Ren looked sideways at the help button on his armor.


Wouldn't it be embarrassing to press it down?

After hesitating for a while, Lu Ren finally walked away shaking his head. After all, after his communication computer was damaged, there should be an interruption record, and the people behind can also locate the last location of the interruption.

Li Ziqing's revenge has not yet been avenged.

It's not enough to just kill Bald and Quesance.

Now that they know the exact location of the beautiful country in this world, Ruo has to go and take a look no matter what.

As time passed, Lu Ren hid the bodies of Kuisans and Bald Lan, crushed his communication device thoroughly, and continued on his journey.

According to the information given by Kuissans, the entrance of the passage is not too far from here, only less than 2,000 kilometers away. According to the current footsteps of Luren, it only takes one day and one night to get there. arrive.

After replenishing the physical strength he had consumed, Lu Ren no longer hesitated and continued on the road.

However, when he was on the road, he realized that there were more and more strange creatures as he went deeper into the forest, and even some primate creatures were watching him from afar.

These primate creatures are particularly like giant apes. They are at least three meters tall, covered with muscles and tendons, with thick and terrifying arms, and covered with pitch-black hair. What surprised him most was that these giant apes turned out to be gregarious creatures.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these are actually the overlords in the forest.

Just standing on the high forest branch and looking down at Lu Ren passing below.

It seems that Lu Ren's strong aura is felt, which makes these highly sensitive primate creatures stop.

Lu Ren didn't take the initiative to bother these guys, mainly because this kind of humanoid primate creature made him a little bit uncomfortable. Such a creature with a strong physique should contain quite a lot of benefits in its flesh and blood.

But running all the way, Lu Ren should have become more and more shocked. This place seems to be in the depths of the dense forest. The deeper you go, the more penetrating the eyes of many creatures are, and some small creatures bring Lu Ren Jen is quite dangerous.

What's more, there are still some huge creatures entrenched, and each area has a field where powerful creatures are fixed.

If Lu Ren hadn't been on his way, he really wanted to stop and try the strength of these powerful creatures.

And these entrenched powerful creatures also seemed to feel that Lu Ren was not easy to mess with, and after finding out that the other party was just passing by, they kept motionless and pretended to be dead, quietly waiting for Lu Ren to pass by.

This dense forest is very strange.

Some of the gazes that are more like the eyes that only humans can make appear in the eyes of animals.

When passing through an area, there were a few seemingly small creatures entrenched beside the water source, which brought a considerable sense of danger to Lu Ren.

The gaze revealed by the other party was like an old man full of evil looking at him.

Demon? !

I don't know how the meat is...

Thoughts turned in Lu Ren's mind. It stands to reason that this strange creature should have great medicinal value. After all, it has been specifically written in the novel that the flesh of many creatures contains great energy.

According to normal logic, if the opponent's flesh and blood contains a lot of energy, it means that this creature also has extremely terrifying strength.

The two are corresponding.

Suddenly, Lu Ren stopped, squinting his eyes and looking at the creature standing in front of him.

This is a four-legged creature with dark blue scales. It is four meters high. The four feet are not hooves, but like chicken feet. The bright red whiskers that swing with the tail are like flames, constantly beating.

Horse face, chicken feet, leopard body.

This is……

Kirin? !

Lu Ren was quite uncertain in his heart. What surprised him the most was that the eyes of this creature looked at him very humanely, as if seeing an enemy, full of hatred, killing intent, and wanting to devour people.

"Ding, the subspecies with unicorn blood is looking at you, it seems that it wants to have fun with you, and invites you to enter its stomach as a guest."

The corner of Lu Ren's mouth twitched, he wanted to play with him!

I don't know if the flesh quality of the creatures in Kunlun's exotic land, such as this subspecies of unicorn, will bring him a different experience.

Thinking of this, Lu Ren's eyes on this subspecies of unicorn suddenly changed.

This piercing gaze made the subspecies unicorn snort, and then began to accelerate, rushing towards Lu Ren at a very fast speed, making him think that the cow he met in the world of alien ruins Same.

Boom boom boom!

The dull sound of landing made Lu Ren judge that the opponent's weight was much heavier than what he saw, perhaps because of the extremely high density of flesh and blood, or because of things like bones and scales.

Can it be hard capped?

I'm afraid I can't for the time being. The transformation of the tenth Mahayana golden body Bodhisattva will take time to fully change, so do you need to test it here?

Do you want any more clothes?

What Lu Ren is most hesitant about is that if he displays the figure of the Bodhisattva in the fourth stage of the tenth Mahayana Golden Bodhisattva Path, then this suit is useless. The armor hadn't even been warmed up yet, and it was destroyed as soon as it came in.

It's a bit too prodigal, and don't even think about wearing tight combat uniforms.

There is a high probability that it will explode.

Lu Ren looked down, the armor on his arms was gone, the armor on the remaining legs was also crumbling due to the force, and the armor on his upper body was also creaking, with a look of worrying quality.

This won't work, the armor will be cracked with a little effort, and I have to discuss with the people here later, and I have to develop a set of martial arts exclusive, retractable armor!

Otherwise, the clothes would explode at every turn, and this set of expensive armor would be gone after wearing it. No one could withstand such consumption.

It's better not to wear it.

No wonder Chen Daoli saw his gaze and looked at the armor he was wearing quite strangely.

Thinking about it in his heart, Lu Ren simply tore off the armor on his body. Facing the subspecies Qilin rushing towards him, he had no intention of taking half a step back.

Where is the limit after one's own enlightenment, and what is the most extreme state of the ten-ground Mahayana Golden Body Bodhisattva path and the flame-wisdom state comprehended because of the system.

Up to now, he still hasn't figured out the bottom, and the body changes after Mingjue are far beyond his imagination.

The appearance of Yanhui in the fourth place made him profoundly wise, and his perspective on the world gradually changed.

Taking one step forward, Lu Ren fully operated the stage of changing state in the path of the Golden Body Bodhisattva of the Tenth Mahayana.

At this moment, under the pure and extreme spiritual will and micro-control of the magnetic field, his cells mutated rapidly, his whole body began to swell, large and small sarcomas appeared all over his body, and the viscera in his body also continued to proliferate and expand , thereby changing the organ structure.

The bones continued to grow thicker, and the bone links were derived from the rows of ribs, and the ribs were actually derived again, forming a superposition of plate ribs and the original ones.

The sarcomas finally squeezed each other, connected with each other, and finally formed a whole, turning into twisted muscles, with knotted muscles, thick skin, and a bronze-colored skin with a metallic luster.

And his hair fell off completely, and the blue veins on the scalp emerged, driving the epidermis to form circles of spirals, densely packed into buns.

In less than five seconds, Lu Ren changed from a height of around 1.9 meters to a huge figure of over three meters.

At this moment, the clothes have been completely torn, leaving only the rags hanging on the body, and even the most fragile lower body has been retracted into the abdomen, and the bottom is smooth without any protrusions.

The subspecies Qilin watching this scene was horrified, and its running posture stopped at this moment, and its four feet plowed two deep ravines on the ground.

What the hell?

This subspecies unicorn kicked its legs wildly and retreated without looking back.

Although the two are about the same size, the change in the opponent just now is too scary.

Not mentally prepared at all!

Is it really okay to just run out and scare people?


The whites of Lu Ren's eyes were covered with bronze lines, and his pupils had turned into azure gold.

There was greed in his eyes.

Lift one foot forward and drop it down.


With an obvious white airflow under his feet, he stepped into the soil, and the ground was trampled out into a hole of one meter in diameter. The earth and rocks were lifted up like a wave. near.

It's like a modern fighter plane suddenly boosting its power, and it's about to break through the sound barrier and burst into a dull whistling sound.

Hearing the movement behind him, the subspecies unicorn turned his head to look, and suddenly his ghosts froze, his four claws were about to fly.

However, Lu Ren, who was already behind the opponent, grabbed the tail of the subspecies unicorn, and his arm muscles suddenly swelled.

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