This kind of philosophical question is currently not popular with Lu Ren, and he thinks it is not necessary to delve too deeply into this kind of philosophical height about me or me.

Sometimes I doubt life.

In other words, only qi-training monks have such differences in spiritual philosophy.

Martial Taoists of the system specialize in uniqueness, the unity of spirit and body, and walk the path of extreme purity and purity. However, if a Qi training monk wants to shed his fleshy shell and want to truly ascend the road of spirit, this needs to prove his own philosophy.

That's what's called proof.

After handing over with the Security Bureau, Lu Ren returned to his residence and lay paralyzed on the bed all day.

It wasn't until the next morning, after waking up refreshed, that I ordered a takeaway worth nearly 500 yuan, and then swallowed an updated super high-concentration nutritional pill, the sixth generation, before eating comfortably. While talking, he picked up the mobile phone that had not been used for a long time and turned it on.

As soon as it is turned on, countless messages appear.

The next moment, Zhang Li called.

As soon as the connection was made, Zhang Li shouted anxiously: "Do you still have the blood corn you brought back?"

Lu Ren raised his eyebrows: "Why, do you think it tastes good?"

"What nonsense! People from the Institute of Biological Martial Arts asked me to ask you."

"Why don't they ask themselves?"

"Please, what is your status now? You were promoted to a deputy guard by Boss Ji in the Safety Management Bureau!"

"No, I've already cooked half of the rest."

Hearing Lu Ren's affirmative words, Zhang Li lost his voice.

"Fuck! When are you still talking about this?"

"When have I ever joked?"

After confirming that Lu Ren was indeed not here, Zhang Li sighed and said immediately.

"People over there are very excited and want to make contact with people in Kunlun."

Lu Ren raised his eyebrows: "Then contact is enough. I have already given you the information. As for how you contact, it is your own business. I am seriously injured now and need to rest."

" you still need to rest?"

Zhang Li's tone was strange, and he suddenly realized that he said cautiously: "You have stepped into Mingjue now?"

Lu Ren was dumbfounded: "There is no need to be so respectful, you are older than me in terms of age."

Hearing Lu Ren's confirmation, Zhang Li regained his confidence.

"Would you like to take me there next time?"

Lu Ren directly refused: "Sister Li, you should go with the big army. Now the beautiful country also has a base there. Although it has been destroyed, it is a time bomb after all."

"It's not our turn to worry about this kind of thing. Let's talk about it later. I'm just asking if you still have blood corns there."

"No, the rest has been given to the Budao Biological Research Institute for research. I believe that the seeds will be cultivated and planted soon."

Speaking of this, Lu Ren is also a little uncertain.

After all, the environment in which blood corn grows is different. Kunlun is full of special energy pulse particles. Perhaps this kind of plant can have such a high-energy level of nutrition after absorbing pulse particles. If the environment in Kunlun can be simulated, it may be unexpected. Effect.

After chatting with Zhang Li for a while, after confirming that Lu Ren didn't want to go anywhere recently, Zhang Li had no choice but to hang up the phone regretfully.

She also wanted Lu Ren to take her into Kunlun, to the so-called New Dynasty, to experience the real ancient life.

Judging from the current scientific and technological achievements made by Huaxia, it is tens of thousands of miles away. It is rare to go to the new dynasty, and it is quite difficult to use modern transportation.

Airplanes are precision machines, and there is no way to fly in such an extremely complex environment of pulsed particles.

Even the car with the simplest structure can only stop in this dense forest situation.

Only the fully enclosed power armor that isolates Kunlun's special pulse particles can walk in strides, or the machine developed for the Kunlun environment.

But then again, there are powerful beasts everywhere in the endless wilderness. If you don't have enough force to advance, you will encounter unprecedented resistance.

Even unable to perceive the magnetic field of life, if you break into the territory of some powerful creatures, what you encounter may be annihilation.

At least one extraordinary powerhouse at the awareness level is required to lead the team.

Lu Ren has already put forward his strong suggestion, that those monsters in Nuping are more clean, and kill all those in foreign lands who are not good at first glance.

To his regret, this resolution was temporarily denied, but he also tactfully expressed that he would definitely pay attention to Lu Ren's opinion.

Hmph, perfunctory.

However, as long as Huaxia's personnel went to see it, they would understand that the real scene was even crueler than what Lu Ren said, and if they decided to clear it up, they would use unusual means.


Lu Ran has a question, whether modern weapons can really kill those who are above the Mingjue level.

Even Lu Ren, now that his mind is opened, his sixth intuition is extremely keen, and he is sensitive to external sources of danger. With his current normalized ability to break the speed of sound, he can run out of the center of the nuclear explosion in a very short time , and survived the powerful shock wave.

Even if there is a tracking mechanism, under such a powerful and unparalleled maneuverability, it is completely nonsense to launch a missile attack and hit the Mingjue martial artist who has prepared in advance and raised awareness.

The only thing that can cause an effective attack is probably the ultra-long-range electromagnetic weapon for sniping.

I took a shower, put on loose clothes and went out.

Lu Ren went straight to Yan Zhenghua's small supermarket.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Yan Zhenghua's lazy voice.

"Ten yuan for Qunli, thirty yuan for Huaxia. If you buy the god oil, the first space in your left hand is eighty-one bottles. Remember to apply a thin layer. Last time, someone was in a hurry and poured a whole bottle in. It took a whole day, and I ended up in the hospital, almost losing my brother. Remember to scan the QR code to pay."

"……it's me."

Speech! !

A series of crashing sounds came from the inner room, and then I saw someone wearing a white sweatshirt, beach pants, and a pair of flip flops coming out hurriedly.

When seeing Lu Ren's height of nearly 2.3 meters, the muscles exuding explosive power are faintly visible even under loose clothes, and outlines emerge with every gesture.

A mountain-like aura rushed towards his face, making Yan Zhenghua's breathing slightly stagnant.

"How did you come?"

Lu Ren smiled slightly: "I heard that your Huangjiquan is a first-class boxing technique, and you have secret spiritual meditation?"

Yan Zhenghua's face was full of vigilance: "What do you want to do?"

Lu Ren took out a card.

"This is five million, give me your boxing skills without reservation."

Yan Zhenghua's body shook, his face showed a trace of difficulty, he hesitated for a long time, and finally shook his head slightly, rejecting with difficulty.

"No, this is the ultimate boxing technique of one of my ancient boxing techniques, and it must not be disclosed!"


Lu Ren said: "How about one more time I will guide you on how to set foot on Mingjue?"

"Hehe, thank you."

Look at Yan Zhenghua's disdainful expression.

Lu Ren's spiritual will rose, and his aura gathered, and behind him was the fifth extremely difficult Bodhisattva statue.

"This is?!"

Yan Zhenghua lost his voice.

"All energies gather, and will turns into a god! Where have you reached in Mingjue?!"

"You also know the Nine Steps of Awareness?"

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