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Chapter 223 Borrowing and unloading

Lu Ren said calmly: "All of this is just my hard work. Although talent accounts for part of it, perseverance and courage are the key."

Li Changming: "..."

Some are speechless.

His face returned to calm: "The boxing theory I practiced is the inheritance of the true martial arts emperor, you attack it."

Lu Ren took a step forward, and the moment he landed, he broke the sound barrier in an instant explosion, and the flat bricks and stones under his feet burst instantly, and the unparalleled force even set off a small air bubble to appear.

The moment he landed, there was a cavity effect, as if he was stepping on the waves and exploded.

The clothes Li Changming was wearing were torn apart, revealing his thin body.

Then I saw the skin membrane around his body began to vibrate continuously, and the high and violent frequency made a gas mask clearly visible to the naked eye appear three inches around his body.


Lu Ren's fist fell into the air mask, as if entering an extremely sluggish substance, under the surge of powerful and solidified air.

He only felt that his fist was being squeezed in all directions.

This kind of momentary movement and stillness will bring an extremely terrifying physical load to Lu Ren.

The muscles in Lu Ren's arms were tense, with blue veins jumping out of his body, almost bursting out.

However, what moved Li Changming was that although Lu Ren's fist speed had dropped a lot, it was still advancing steadily.

Although it is extremely slow, when the power accumulated in the fist falls and is released, it will also have the power of breaking the ground.

Li Changming said: "My air mask can withstand even Tomahawk cruise missiles."

Lu Ren's face was calm, and his fists were faintly red. This was due to the vision after the blood energy reached the end of the meridians.

"My fist is not a missile."

While the two were talking, Li Changming raised his hand, as if lightly stroking Lu Ren's fist.

Following his movements, the bricks Li Changming stepped on shattered.

Lu Ren only felt a deflection force on his fist that made his body a little bit unbearable.

His fist was deflected by Li Changming, and even his body made a staggering movement.

Borrow? !

There was a hint of novelty in Lu Ren's expression, and then his body seemed to be still, and he abruptly stopped the deflection force brought by Li Changming. While twisting his waist and abdomen, he was swung in a semicircle by the deflected fist.

Li Changming watched helplessly, his air mask had just been drawn down, and a casserole-sized fist was firmly imprinted on Li Changming's cheek.


Li Changming, who looked like a thin old man, was sent flying directly, hitting the ground continuously, and a big crater would appear every time he hit the ground.

Bricks and stones splashed, and the sound exploded.

Is this a bit too powerful?

Lu Ren looked at his fist with some doubts. Li Changming's body was extremely dense. The feeling of hitting it just now was like hitting an alloy steel.

That little old man, despite his thin body, his body is extremely dense, weighing at least three hundred catties!

Lu Ren looked intently, his face revealing surprise.

This is unloading.

Every time Li Changming hits the ground, the force of the attack will be drawn towards the ground, so that every hit will cause far greater damage than Lu Ren expected.

Watching Li Changming get up as if nothing happened.

A rare smile appeared on Lu Ren's face: "Zhen Shou, are you practicing kung fu?"

Li Changming dusted off the dust on his body, and said calmly: "Even if a bullet hits me, I can bounce it away. The boxing principles I practice are all about borrowing and unloading. I am most famous in Wudang, but Taijiquan .”

The original Taijiquan is an evolution of boxing from the extremely rigid hammering method.


Lu Ren, who was complaining in his heart, nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

He bowed his body slightly, and then he collapsed like a bow, and people shot out like sharp arrows.

Seeing this, Li Changming didn't dare to push it any further. Although Lu Ren's punch was received on purpose, it hurt him really hard.

He raised his arms slightly and drew a circle in mid-air.

The trajectory of the palm movement actually dragged a pure white air wave. Although the movement seemed slow, Lu Ren had no doubt that Li Changming's hands possessed amazing strength at this time.

The moment the two fists clashed, the entire air was disturbed, and countless air currents turned into strong winds as the two fought. If ordinary people approached, they would even be seriously injured.

Every time Li Changming came into contact with Lu Ren, the ground under his feet would explode with high dust and gravel.

Bang bang bang! !

Li Qingling, who had already retreated far away to stand with the Taoists of the Wudang sect, was deeply moved when she saw Li Changming's thin figure not retreating at all.

"I didn't expect such a thin and small body to be able to take a step forward."

Hearing this, the Taoist of the Wudang sect calmly said, "The Patriarch once resisted an aircraft carrier in the southern waters. Under the heavy firepower of the opponent, he resisted the artillery shells and almost sank it. He killed two aircraft carriers with his bare hands. At the same level as him, the beautiful country calls it a fifth-level super reformer."

Li Qingling was completely shocked when she heard the deeds of the top combat power in the martial arts world.

"No wonder the teacher respectfully calls him the guardian."

The Taoist turned his head and looked at Liu Quanqing, who was being carried beside him, with a trace of unbearable and sadness in his eyes.

He said in a low voice: "I once told my elder brother that worldly desire for power blinds the soul, and he should have a better path, but unfortunately..."

On the side, the handsome young Taoist with high spirits sighed, shook his head slightly and stopped talking.

This is officially the youngest Martial Daoist with great mastery of martial arts in the contemporary era.

The one-handed real martial arts fist is majestic and majestic, like a billowing light sweeping away evil spirits.

I have already cultivated the spirit of the true martial arts emperor, and I am afraid that it is not far from the state of Mingjue.

Li Kan said: "Second Senior Brother, Senior Senior Brother has gone astray."

Having said that, Lu Ren and Li Changming stopped at the same time and stood opposite each other.

The entire Martial arts arena has already been stepped on by the two of them. Big holes have been stepped on.

In particular, there were countless large pits on the ground where Li Changming unloaded his strength.

The entire martial arts arena seemed to be bombed indiscriminately.

Li Changming's expression was complicated, and finally he let out a long sigh.

"Talented people emerge from generation to generation, and the new generation is better than the old."

Lu Ren said respectfully: "Li Zhenshou has already said, I don't think you are serious."

Li Changming said with a smile: "I have studied your Bodhisattva Dharma, and it is hard to imagine that after you stepped into Mingjue, the Dharma descended on you, and went straight all the way to the fifth step. The fifth extremely difficult Bodhisattva Dharma! If you In ancient times... even in Kunlun, you are a high-ranking Bodhisattva walking in the world."

Lu Ren smiled slightly, but said nothing.

"Ding, you have conducted in-depth discussions with Mingjue Martial Daoist Li Changming, and gained a lot of experience points. Your Huangjiquan has been upgraded, and you are now very familiar with it."

Huang Ji Quan is different from Feng Falcon Quan. It is fierce and domineering. Huang is inherently noble, arrogant in the world, and it should spread its wings and crush everything.

The true meaning of Huangjiquan and the model shown by Yan Zhenghua are completely two extremes.

One is noble and domineering, and the other is weak-hearted and timid.

How could this kind of person comprehend the true meaning of Huangjiquan, and thus set foot on Mingjue.

To be honest, Yan Zhenghua's ability to reach the perfect state of boxing is already considered a high incense.

No wonder this guy found another way and realized a set of ruthless swordsmanship.

This can't be blamed on Yan Zhenghua himself, everyone's personality is inherently different, some are timid and some are bold, so that if they want to adapt to the boxing style, there is no way to practice universally.

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