Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 230 The Buddha is angry and turns into King Ming

Like Lu Zhishen, he pulled the weeping willow upside down, and violently hugged Andre, who claimed to stand on the ground and would never retreat and fail, smashing the ground into a crater.

He has killed those warriors in the Neon Kingdom, and the ninjas dare not cross the border line he drew.

Even the super reformers in the beautiful country dare not touch their bad luck.

Shi Yong laughed loudly.

"I heard that there is a martial arts evildoer in the southwest, and you have stepped into the realm of enlightenment in Li Zhinian. Your name is not only in the southwest, but even in the world, many people are paying attention to you."

Lu Ren was dumbfounded: "It's just that I was forced to fight back."

Monk Shi Yong nodded slightly, and didn't explain much. He just said: "China is vast and rich in resources. Although the hearts of the people can be united, there will always be those who disagree. I hope you don't have too much grudges because of this."

Monk Shi Yong's gestures and actions completely overturned Lu Ren's previous influence on monks.

This is the real monk, with a bursting heart, and a Buddha with an angry face.

Lu Ren nodded slightly: "Please rest assured, I understand this."

Talking about this, Lu Ren also understands that Huaxia officials have great apologies to him. After all, the dirty things he encountered before growing up are always unpleasant.

Being able to persuade monk Shi Yong to come in person, Li Changming proposed to be his apprentice.

How could Lu Ren not feel such sincerity.

Seeing this, Monk Shi Yong stopped talking about this topic. Some things can be left to the end. Everyone understands that there is no need to go into too much, which is not beautiful.

"Hand in hand?" Monk Shi Yong asked, "I really want to experience your Dharma appearance of the Bodhisattva of the tenth stage."

He looked up and down, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "I can only see it in the spiritual world. I didn't expect that you are so talented that you can bring it to yourself. Old man Ji may have misjudged this set of true skills." , to be so able to give it to you, he must have wiped away all the above understanding after knowing your situation now."

More than just erasing it, when I called Lu Ren at that time, I wanted to take the real book back and study it carefully, thinking how could I understand the opposite.

Moreover, the old man was very stubborn, and insisted that his own understanding was not wrong at all, but Lu Ren's path was wrong.

It's just a sideways attack.

It is indeed a mistake, the Dao of Dacheng Golden Body Bodhisattva of the tenth stage may have existed in the first class in ancient times.

But no one can tell. After all, Kuzhu Temple has become history, and everything inside has been burned with a fire, and there is no way to trace the source.

Perhaps Kuzhu Temple had a huge code hidden in it back then.

"Okay! That's exactly what I mean."

Lu Ren's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Monk Shi Yong is definitely a formidable opponent, and he has gone extremely far in practicing martial arts with his body.

The two immediately found a venue not far from the base.

Heavy snow fell from the sky, and the ground was covered with snow, like a thick layer of velvet.

"The Vajra Body of My Fudo King, which I cultivate, emphasizes that the heart is like a diamond, and the body has the meaning of immovability in all directions. It is similar to the way you practice the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of the Great Achievement of Ten Grounds. The Buddha has anger. It can be turned into King Ming."

Shi Yong continued to speak slowly: "Fudoming King, what he pays attention to is anger. Use anger to suppress the world's foreign demons, cleanse everything, punish evil and kill demons."

He stepped forward with one step, and with his footsteps as the center point, the rear snow within a range of nearly fifty meters was shaken.

The blood boiled so vigorously that it melted the accumulated thick snow around him.

Under the extremely high level of spiritual and spiritual cultivation, it seems that he has transformed into a real Fudo Myoyo Bodhisattva, carrying the sun upright, possessing the meaning of infinite light, and can sweep away everything.

Lu Ren couldn't help being moved by this scene.

The opponent's strength is definitely the first among the four guards.

And the person has been shot out like a cannonball, and under the ground, the surging air waves directly drive away the snow below like white waves.

Seeing this, Lu Ren's pupils shrank suddenly, but he didn't dare to push it too far, but he didn't have the slightest intention of retreating.

He opened and closed his legs, his muscles suddenly stretched between the iron horses on the bridge, he took a step forward, and his elbow collided with Shi Yong's fist in an instant.


There was a clear and crisp explosion, facing the astonishing force transmitted by Monk Shi Yong, Lu Ren's non-retreating and domineering body buffs in the Ten Lands resisted this blow forcefully.

However, the power contained in Monk Shi Yong's fist is like a mountain that is concentrated and collapsed, so Lu Ren has no choice but to relieve his strength.

The ground under his feet immediately cracked.


Seeing this, Shi Yong couldn't help admiring, his expression was angry, and his heart was aroused like fire.

Every punch is filled with the anger of King Mo Daming, who vowed to subdue and kill the evil spirits in the world.

This is not a merciful Buddha, but hates the filth of the world, wants to clean up everything, and defeats the Buddha in a murderous fight.

The fist is heavy.

Even if Lu Ren took it, his arms felt slightly numb.

But he didn't intend to back down at all, instead, he was hard-pressed, hard-pressed and hard-pressed, without retreating or giving in.

The two fought back and forth, all fighting from fist to flesh.

Vigorously flying down, the accumulated snow fell away, and the heavy snow that fell around was blown far away.

The masters in the military headquarters in the distance were watching this scene, and they also found it inconceivable.

They were amazed that Lu Ren was born in a fast boxing technique such as Feng Falcon Boxing, but after Mingjue, he practiced horizontally all over his body and was no better than Shi Yong.

"Ding, your physique has finally made a breakthrough under the fierce battle. You have a great understanding of the direction of your body and physique. Your physique level has been improved, and it is currently at the first level and third level."

Lu Ren's mind swiped the screen for a long time, and the proficiency notification sound finally gave feedback.

At this moment, strands of heat suddenly emerged from Lu Ren's limbs and bones, and began to crazily wash his whole body.

Monk Shi Yong's complexion changed a little. He could easily feel that every punch and kick of Lu Ren was getting heavier, and the attack speed was getting faster.

The fist attacked rapidly due to the accumulation of strength, and this layer of pure white qi mask appeared.

In the end, even his arms were really sluggish and slightly numb.

What the hell?

Is this really not long after entering enlightenment? !

Why do I always feel that my foundation is thicker than him!

The four punches were alternately staggered, and the air ripples visible to the naked eye swayed down. With the two of them as the center point, the swaying air waves cleared a circular area.

Shi Yong suddenly withdrew his fists and retreated, Lu Ren could only stand with regrets when he saw this.

He also wanted to try his physical strength, which was still changing and improving.

The upgrade has been a little fast recently, which makes him feel a little unreal.

Or is there still a period of rapid growth after I set foot in Mingjue.

But obviously every master of Mingjue told him that every step Mingjue takes is ten times more difficult than reaching the realm of Mingjue with a perfect boxing technique.

But how can it be upgraded so easily.

At this time, under the battle between the two, the surrounding area was nearly one meter thick and cleaned up.

"Okay, if you continue to fight, you can only do it for real."

Shi Yong said calmly.

While speaking, he emitted high-temperature steam all over his body. Due to the intense activity in his body, he needed to release a lot of heat. The temperature seemed to distort the air around him.

He showed a look of admiration: "You are so powerful, you can even challenge me in strength."

Monk Shi Yong practiced Fudoming King Body continuously day and night for eighty-five years, and Lu Ren caught up with Monk Shi Yong in just four or five years.

This astonishing speed of improvement made everyone look sideways.

Lu Ren sighed: "The guarding power is terrifying. In order to catch your fist, I have to unload my strength."

The opponent's strength was unimaginable, every punch seemed to collapse a mountain.

What's more, when the anger erupts, it seems to be able to increase the strength of his body without limit. The more angry he is, the stronger he is.

The Buddha was angry and turned into King Ming.

Shi Yong is worthy of the title of King Fudo.

When it comes to pure power, who is higher and who is lower, I am afraid that it really needs both parties to release their full strength to know.

Furthermore, the highlight of the fifth extremely difficult bodhisattva's dharma is not strength, but the further improvement of the body structure, although it combines the special effects of non-regression, great strength, and hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period.

However, under the leading integration of the system, the fifth extremely difficult place is still the leading factor, further changing one's own body structure, making one's body potential stronger, and his overall quality greatly improved.

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