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Chapter 251: The Way of Exaltation

He lowered his hands, and Ming Yang Qi continuously washed over his body, filling every cell in his body with masculine energy.

The surging feeling brought by this energy even made Lu Ren feel that his power seemed endless.

Where is the limit after breaking the limit for the second time?

Lu Ren's eyes are bright, and this big grievance can be used to test it!

"How can it be!!"

Stumbling out of the dusty rubble, the Grudge looked at his palm with disbelief on his face.

"Obviously already so strong, those monsters will definitely be killed easily!"

"I'm not a monster."

The quiet voice of Lu Ren, who walked quietly behind Yuanzhong, made Yuanzhong's expression suddenly ferocious, and his body did not intend to twist at all. His arms were turned around, and his neck was twisted 180 degrees.

The terrifying airflow driven by the fist directly made the surroundings seem to be crushed, and it froze for less than half a second in a short period of time. When Resentful Seed borrowed force from his feet, he forced the surrounding ground to be pressed down by a few inches.

Seeing such a strange figure of Resentment, Lu Ren kicked out first, and directly kicked the opponent out again, smashing countless buildings, making the whole street rattling non-stop.

Withdrawing his foot, Lu Ren's eyes brightened. The other party was indeed a very good sandbag, and the strange way of attack just now opened his mind. He didn't expect to be able to do this.

He bowed slightly and stepped forward.


The whole street seemed to be shaken, and the sound barrier had been broken in an instant, and he came to the sky above the Resentment Seed. He just got up, when he raised his head, he saw a big hand suddenly rushing towards him.


Pressing Resentment Seed heavily into the ground, Lu Ren's expression was serious, his right hand was only pressing on the opponent's front door, and the remaining three arms were fully fired.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The sound of fists piercing the flesh was so dense that it was accompanied by the metal-like movement due to horizontal training.

The whole Chentai City seemed to be boiling because of this.

At this moment, his blood seemed to be fueled, and it was burning fiercely, and the sharply rising temperature distorted the air within three meters around him.

Qi and blood like a dragon!

The monsters that have been surrounding him have disappeared at this time, it seems that these guys who have not lost their minds have also felt the brutality and violence from Lu Ren.

If you get too close, you may be burned to death yourself.

After hammering for nearly thirty seconds, Lu Ren stopped attacking, gasped, and stood upright.

Each of his punches is full of great strength, accompanied by the true qi of Mingyang, and the combination of his own energy and spirit, as if the mountains that were condensed to the size of a millstone fell down.

The ground has sunk ten meters deep, and the ground has been tamped down by his fist until it is almost as hard as steel.

The chest of the resentful species has collapsed, and there is no breath in it.

Lu Ren looked calm, stood up straight, looked at the other person who was speechless, and said lightly: "Since I am practicing both Buddhism and Taoism, the resentment of the people in the city has been aggregated into strange things. It's lamentable.

That being the case, let me rescue you. "

When Yuan Zhong heard Lu Ren's words, he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak.

The collection of resentful species, which has the memories of countless people, is obviously a little confused. The transcendence in his memory does not seem to be like this.


Seeing that Resentment had nothing to say, Lu Ren nodded with satisfaction: "The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you will be right when you turn back. Although the Buddha is old and becomes a devil, he is always kind when he is young."

He stretched out his hand lightly from the air, reciting the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra in a low voice.

This is the chapter of transcendence in the real Tathagata True Kung Fu. Combined with the sixth manifested Bodhisattva fruit status, coupled with the magnificent and upright Ming Yang Zhen Jue, the miraculous power burst out can be described as unimaginable.

Numerous Buddha seals emerged and surrounded Lu Ren as he spat out each word.

In the end, Lu Ren swayed at the resentment, spread his five fingers, and all these Buddha seals penetrated into the resentment.

At this moment, the powerful Buddhism-exclusive powerful ability to kill evil and overcome demons has been perfectly expressed.

The source of the resentment seed was directly scalded, it couldn't help howling in pain, its eyes widened, and its face was distorted.

It was as if the body was melting, and with Lu Ren's last word, it had completely disappeared into nothingness.

"Ding, you have saved the collection of resentful species, because of your compassionate behavior, you have gained a little skill point."

Lu Ren stood there for a long time, with a hesitant expression on his face, this should be regarded as a supersedation, after all, he had put in a lot of effort just now.

But it is clear from the records of Buddhist literature that when those great demons were saved, they all had peaceful smiles on their faces, holding flowers in their hands to mean Buddha, as if they put down their butcher knives and became Buddhas immediately.

How come he is here, the other party is so overwhelmed, as if he has been tortured by endless pain.

After a while, Lu Ren simply didn't bother to think about it, after all, the system reminded him that he was super successful, so he was still wondering why.

A little skill point obtained is not bad.

With his current level of strength, due to the changes in his physique and spirit, the function of attribute points has long since disappeared, leaving only skill points available.

After confirming that there were no traces left in Chentai City, Lu Ren left the city with a bag of gold on his back, and galloped all the way towards the sunny place between heaven and earth.

In the yin world, the yang world point is the most yang place in the environment of the big magnetic field of heaven and earth.

Moving at high speed, it took Lu Ren six hours to finally reach the edge of a yang membrane.

Even Lu Ren couldn't help but be moved when he saw this male film.

This yang film is extremely thick, far beyond what Chen Taicheng can compare to, it is roughly estimated that it is not as thick as thirty miles, it is simply exaggerated to the extreme.

Looking at it with the mind's eye, the yang membrane presents an orange-yellow radiance, like a scorching sun, shooting straight into the sky. In the entire underworld, it is like a hydrogen bomb that has been burning and exploding, continuously releasing these hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature.

"Who brought the sun here."

Lu Ren couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Ten knots, seal.

During the change of body shape, Lu Ren had returned to his tall body, looked down to see that the shorts he was wearing were not damaged at all, and then plunged into the penis.

Warm, soaking.

As if returning to the amniotic fluid of the mother's womb, the gloomy mood that made Lu Ren enter the underworld was instantly washed away.

This is the baptism of positive spirit and energy.

It also proves that this place is definitely a lively world!

It seems that the previous prediction was wrong. This place is probably the last place where human beings will live in the underworld.

There is already a preliminary social organization structure in the Yin world, with top-level ghosts supported by the Yin Emperor. I don't know what this side of the world relies on to deal with it.

And that Guang Chengzi, he saw that the other party was also fleeing in this direction when he was in the gap, and he didn't know if he entered this underworld.

(Thank you for your rewards, thank you for your support!! Thank you for the original version, thank you!)

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