Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 258 Doyegala's Gaze

Although he doesn't know much about martial arts, before he came, boxing martial arts had been popularized by the Huaxia Martial Arts Association. As a social animal, despite his busy work schedule, he still signed up for a crash course in boxing organized by the Martial Arts Association.

I also understand how incredible it is to turn a wall into powder.

"You, you are the master Mingjue?!"

Li Tianming's face was flushed, his breathing was short of breath, and he couldn't believe it.

Although martial arts has not been popularized in the world for a few years, the powerful power possessed by those who can enter the enlightened world is very clear.

One man becomes an army!

Modern weapons, apart from nuclear weapons, have no other conventional weapons at all. Even hypersonic missiles can be avoided by extraordinary martial artists of this level.

Lu Ren turned his head to look at Li Tianming, although he was surprised by the other party's emotional changes, he still nodded and said, "I have stepped into Mingjue."

thigh! !

This is really thigh! !

Although he didn't know the real high-end military power in this world, Li Tianming knew that professional martial arts masters in the real world were not weak in this underworld.

It's just that the Qi and Blood Martial Arts in this world have extraordinary powers, which can increase one's body, and even have a scorching attribute, which can cause huge damage to evil things with Yin attributes.

But warriors of that level cannot be easily hit by just throwing a brick on the street.

What caught Lu Ren's eyes was an altar of about 100 square meters. Because the wall was silently shaken into powder, there were even more than a dozen people in black robes who didn't notice it, but worshiped devoutly. among.

The entire altar was built with piles of skulls, and the flesh and blood turned into mud and turned into countless weird symbols.

Li Tianming's face was pale with fright, he bit his lips tightly, not daring to speak out, his expression collapsed.

God knows what these people were doing when I went down to the cellar.

"It seems that there is another exit to the outside world."

Lu Ren's expression was natural, he looked around and found that there was a passage behind the altar, obviously that was the place to come in here.

The magnetic field above the altar is quite chaotic. Years of research in the real world have shown that where the magnetic field is chaotic, there are considerable fluctuations in the points connecting different spaces.

That is to say, the disordered and fluctuating magnetic field is one of the preconditions for the opening of the different space channel.


The leader, a tall man in a black robe and hood, stood up, turned his head to look at Lu Ren, and stared at Lu Ren and Li Tianming with slightly scarlet eyes.

The emotions revealed in the eyes are definitely beyond human expression, and the pupils have become vertical pupils.

"They, they are worshiping evil gods!"

Li Tianming blurted out tremblingly.

"Presumptuous, dare to insult Doyegala, you need to use your own soul to wash away your crimes."

The eyes of the leading tall man shot a light red light.

The aura emanating from his body is quite evil, full of extreme negative energy.

Evil, eerie, and full of the worst of extremes.

Lu Ren's eyes narrowed slightly, the name of this evil god was somewhat familiar.

Seeing more than a dozen men in black robes turn around and attack the two of them, Lu Ren's expression was indifferent, and he did not move. With the slight movement of the Mingyang Qi in his body, he tapped out more than a dozen in an instant with his sword finger.

In an instant, more than a dozen men in black robes who flew over fell to the ground with a sound of plop.

In the whole space of the altar, only the tall man in the black robe was left, and he stared at Lu Ren with a gloomy expression.

"A faded martial artist in the realm of refining and holding alchemy?"

"Refining gangsters and holding pills?" Lu Ren thought for a while, "You can say that."

"Dare to ask your Excellency, I, Liaoyuan, seem to have never provoked a master like you."

Seeing that the other party's tone softened, Lu Ren was quite surprised, even this could be endured, but it aroused the murderous heart in his heart.

This son must not stay, once he goes out, it will definitely be a disaster.

The black-robed man suddenly turned his back to Lu Ren, raised his hands high, and shouted.

"Almighty Doyegala, please grant me..."


A half-broken brick dragged a terrifying airflow, smashing the black-robed man in the middle. Under the powerful force, his head exploded like a watermelon.

The whole body fell straight down.

At this moment, the magnetic field above the altar suddenly became disordered.

"Ding, there seems to be a space channel ahead."

Lu Ren didn't hesitate any more, he stepped forward with big strides, his body rushed forward, and he came to the altar in an instant, raised his fist, and then fell in the air.

Boom! !

A powerful force erupted at this moment, and the air flow in the entire room was poured backwards and violently, and the fist force carried the fierce Mingyang zhenqi and bombarded the altar in the air.

The altar made of skulls suddenly shattered and scattered, and the space channel that was about to be formed could only be eliminated due to the lack of conditions.

"It's you."

A piece of spiritual information suddenly passed through the turbulent magnetic field, and then a powerful spiritual force rushed in, rushing towards Lu Ren's head.

"Ding, it was detected that the original evil god Doyegala launched a mental attack on you, and the data stream is deriving... the interception was successful."

"Ding, you have suffered the spiritual impact of the original evil god Doyegala, and the high-dimensional information flow is pouring into... Transformation... The transformation is successful, and you have suffered a spiritual brand."

"Ding, you are being watched by the original evil god Doyegala, do you block it?"

Lu Ren, with a bit of pain on his face, didn't hesitate.


"Ding, the shielding is successful, and the mental imprint has been erased."

"I'll find you, funny little one."

As the magnetic field disturbance calmed down, Doyegala left a message and disappeared without a trace.

Lu Ren let out a long breath, and the blood boiling all over his body slowly fell silent.

At this moment, Li Tianming was completely lying on the ground, his eyes rolling around unconsciously.

Although the original god and evil god mainly targeted Lu Ren just now, it was just a slight flow of high-dimensional information. As an ordinary person, Li Tianming couldn't bear it. It's the greatest luck not to become an idiot.

Lu Ren searched left and right, and finally found a strange metal key in the arms of the leading tall man in black robe.

"Ding, you have obtained the key item in the underworld, the key to the door to rebirth."

The key to the door of death?

The system's reminders for objects are extremely rare, and only when some extremely rare things are obtained, there will be a message reminder.

Lu Ren carefully put it in his arms, turned around and walked to Li Tianming, shaking him awake slightly.

"Are you okay?"

Li Tianming, who was suffering from a splitting headache, stood up slowly while holding his head against the wall.

"Boss, boss, what happened just now? I feel like my head has been hit by a dull hammer."

"The spiritual impact of the evil god worshiped on the altar accidentally spread to it."

"There really are evil gods?!"

"You have even traveled through the world."

"That's true."

Then Li Tianming became excited: "Boss, do you know how to go back? I have an 80-year-old mother, and I have children who are waiting to be fed and are still in the real world!"

Having said this, Li Tianming choked up again.

"It's all my fault. I sneaked up and went to sleep all night. On the way back, I fell over a rock and came here."

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