Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 276: Supreme Inspiration Residing in the Heart Sutra

"Waiting for death?" Chen Guanzhen smiled faintly, and proudly said: "I'm waiting for the best opportunity, right now is not an opportunity, you understand, when a formation is formed, the power is the fact that the formation has already been formed, and the power of the formation is at its peak At that moment, when the peak power falls, the whole formation will have a huge flaw."

Chen Guanzhen pointed to the sky above and said: "Like this, across the great world of heaven and earth, tens of thousands of miles away, through the distant connection of spiritual will, as long as there is a mistake in one formation, then everything will stop, and the thousand-year-old road will be exhausted in one day."

Lu Ren didn't hesitate, "How?"

Hearing this, Chen Guanzhen couldn't help laughing, and stroked his goatee.

"It's just waiting. When the strange force in the sky takes shape, I think that piece of flesh and blood will be greatly affected. This is an excellent opportunity."

As he said that, Chen Guanzhen rubbed his hands and said: "I just made a fortune for myself in the cellar, saying that I will have noble people to help me in this catastrophe. I didn't expect this to come. Fellow Daoist, if you want to destroy the big formation."

He pointed to his head.

"But I need to talk to you, wait for me for a while, fellow daoist, please follow me."

Chen Guanzhen turned around and entered the cellar.

Lu Ren was not in a hurry to follow up, but squinted his eyes, opened his mind, checked after a while, and made sure there was nothing abnormal, so he opened his mouth and said.

"The entrance is too small, if you want something, just come out and say it."

"Yes, it seems that Rong Pindao has been tired."

Chen Guanzhen was not surprised either. After all, he had arranged the cellar a lot, otherwise, how could he resist the sinister aura in Juliu City, as well as the evil ghosts that began to slowly appear.

If Lu Ren really agrees to follow up without hesitation, he will be nervous instead, thinking that the other party is plotting something wrong.

Although the two of them didn't talk much, they were testing each other and didn't dare to take it lightly.

Lu Ren looked at Chen Guanzhen's back as he entered the cellar, submerged in the darkness until he couldn't see clearly, then looked away.

Just now he had an idea of ​​wanting to subdue him, but when he was about to make a move, there was no warning in his mind. If he really made a move to take the opponent down, the opponent might give him a pleasant surprise.

It's not that Lu Ren cares, it's just that in this environment, instead of accidents, it's better to do everything possible to unite useful forces to deal with Guang Chengzi.

Taking history as a mirror, we can know the truth.

Historically, only a few of those who wanted to achieve Taoism and transcend life, and use countless living beings to fight across the other shore, were able to achieve it.

This is a humane counterattack.

Qi Luck only said that although it is mysterious, it does exist in Lu Ren's current state of strength and from the perspective of his observation.

When a world is more popular and there are more people, the luck will be stronger.

Just like in the yin world, gathering millions of people, casting a big city, and strengthening the yang membrane in this way is the use of this factor.

If there is no accident, the larger the population of the Dagan Dynasty, the thicker and larger the yang membrane, and sooner or later, this yang membrane will cover the entire Yin world.

As a result, the world is turned upside down, and the yin world turns into a yang world, becoming a universal world.

It's a pity that dreams are beautiful, but this world is quite cruel.

Those evil spirits and weirdness in the underworld have become a system, and such expansion will never be tolerated.

While thinking about it, he saw Chen Guanzhen coming out carrying a big bag of small flags. The surface of the flags was covered with golden lacquer runes, and spontaneously emitted a faint halo, revealing a miraculous aura.

Bright and vast, it seems that a light wave can inspire a blazing flame.

And there are probably nearly a thousand such small flags in Chen Guanzhen's backpack.

Lu Ren raised his eyebrows: "Do you want me to insert these small flags into the city?"

"That's right." Chen Guanzhen nodded slightly, and said with a little excitement: "It took me nearly 30 years to build this, let's give him an array, and then give him a ruthless one."

Lu Ren pondered, he was weighing whether what the other party said was true, and whether he should cooperate with Chen Guanzhen.

Although he took the initiative to find the other party, the other party revealed quite happily that he had a way to break the situation, as long as he followed what he did.

Lu Ren's eyes were deep.

"Tell me your method of permanent residence."


Without any hesitation, Chen Guanzhen readily agreed.

He also understands that if he doesn't give Lu Ren a thorough explanation, he will never agree so easily, and based on the information he has observed, the other party can definitely get away, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm.

It can be said that Lu Renneng stayed here to find a way to destroy this place. Observing with his mind, countless disordered magnetic fields here are connected to each other. Although the strange energy fluctuations are messy, it can be regarded as a preliminary understanding of the idea.

Chen Guanzhen put down a large bag of small flags and became a Taoist inspector with a solemn expression.

"Chen Guanzhen, the poor Taoist, is also my Taoist name. I am a disciple of the Lingxiao lineage of the Shangqing. This lineage specializes in thunder, suppressing strangeness, and killing evil spirits. It has the power to exterminate and kill everything in the world."

Lu Ren listened with a blank expression on his face. Although the words were really pleasant, in Lu Ren's opinion, that was the case. Whether it was Taoism or Buddhism, most of them would speak better.

It seems that it is really impossible not to give some dry goods.

Chen Guanzhen had no choice but to spit out nearly a thousand words of mantra, and spent nearly an hour explaining it simply and straightforwardly.

The mantra of more than 800 words, under the explanation of Chen Guanzhen, has a content of nearly 50,000 words. It took an hour and a half for Chen Guanzhen to finish speaking.

Talking dryly, he took out the gourd from his waist, opened the stopper and poured a sip of wine into his mouth, smashed his mouth, and then said: "This "Sutra of Supreme Inspiration Residing in the Heart" is the I have read Dao Zang thoroughly, and created it with the innovation of life-prolonging techniques from a hundred schools of Taoism, I hope it can help you."

This can almost be regarded as a tortoise breath exercise, which circulates one's own vitality internally, and uses one's own will combined with the life magnetic field to construct an anti-blocking mechanism.

Just like the Ten Land Knots, which took a lot of time to develop, this is an extremely complicated and innovative cutting-edge resident technique that integrates the longevity of hundreds of schools of thought.

But in this way, let yourself block the interaction with the outside world, and carry out internal self-circulation, thereby stimulating your own body cells to undergo self-circulation division, and when the body is used to nourish the spirit, the spirit will also be nourished, so that there is no leakage .

Strictly speaking, this is the real golden body.

It's just that this golden body isolates itself from everything, so it cannot be supplemented by the outside world, and if you tap your own potential body, it will also destroy the entire lock-like structure and make this resident method invalid.

The conditions are extremely harsh, but for a long-term stay, it is quite worth it.

It's a pity, for Lu Ren, it's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to discard it.

Those ordinary people who want to practice this method, even if they study for a lifetime, may not be able to enter the door.

And those evildoers, who should have a bright future, can't see such a way of staying in such a surviving way.

It took nearly two hours, and he didn't stop until he heard the system remind him that he had some insights into the Supreme Inspiration Residing Heart Sutra.

If judged by the system, it took so long to confirm that what Chen Guanzhen gave was true.

Lu Ren, who was sitting cross-legged, got up slowly, looking at Chen Guanzhen, who was carefully examining Xiaoqi, with a trace of regret on his face.

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