This suit gave Lu Ren quite strong protection, otherwise, even if his strength was higher than now, he would not be able to rush out.

Enemies rushing in from all directions like a tide, it is really too terrifying, if you are not careful, you will be completely trapped.

Breaking into the battle is a matter of life and death.

"Great hero, spare your life!!"

The big man's voice trembled, and the feeling of death had never been so close as this moment.

The little man was trembling all over, unable to speak.

Lu Ren looked at the two of them: "Are you alive?"

"Living people? Yes, yes, we are Yangshi people!"

A minute later, Lu Ren, who had put away his sword, sat on the ground, took out a highly concentrated nutritional pill from his hip bag, and swallowed it.

"Is there any water?"

"Yes, yes!"

The extremely cautious big man took off the water bag from his waist and handed it to Lu Ren.

After Lu Ren took it, he took out an object the size of a pen from his personal backpack and inserted it into the water through the mouth of the water bag.


Seeing the green light on the detector, and then turning the detector around the mouth of the water bag to make sure there is still nothing abnormal, the vigilance in my heart eased a little, and then handed it back to the other party.

Seeing this, the big man was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted. After hastily taking a sip and swallowing it, he handed it to Lu Ren in a fawning manner.

Lu Ren raised his chin, and the big man was very sensible to let the little man take a sip as well.

After confirming that it was all right, Lu Ren took it over.

After putting the detector into the backpack on his back, he gulped down the water.

He hadn't drank water for nearly a day and a night. When he broke through before, he was in a state of high tension. In order to maximize his own strength, the blood in his body rushed, and a lot of water evaporated during strenuous exercise.

After drinking most of the water in the water bag, Lu Ren returned the water bag to the big man named Zhang Yan.

As for the little guy named Chen Ling, she was actually a girl about fifteen years old, her body was dirty and her face was smeared with unknown paint, but judging from the shape of her face, she should be quite handsome.

Lu Ren pondered over the routine and asked: "You said you are from the Yang world, why did you come here?"

Zhang Yan replied honestly: "There is Han Ningcao growing in the Chenshan Ghost Creature Battlefield nearby, which is a very precious medicinal material, so we want to come here to try our luck."

"Where is Yang Shi?"

Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't dare to ask Lu Ren who looked indifferent.

"It's about eighty miles north of here."

After nearly an hour of asking, Lu Ren finally obtained the basic information of this world from the people in this world.

In this alien space called Yinshi, the whole world is almost endless in Zhang Yan's mouth, and no one has explored it to the end so far.

The yin world occupies 99% of this world, and the rest of the yang world is like raindrops, big and small.

The big ones are like lakes, and the small ones are like puddles.

After death, the body will be absorbed by the underworld, and both the soul and the body will mutate horribly, turning into strange and evil spirits.

Covering the yang world is a thick membrane like the amniotic fluid of a mother's womb, which can filter the mysterious yin energy of the yin world and prevent the yang world from being immersed and assimilated.

"In other words, Yangshi is the safest place?"

Zhang Yan shook his head slightly: "It can only be said that it is relatively safe."

Chen Ling leaned over and said, "I heard that the yang world was very big in the past, and they were all connected together, but it has been eroded by the yin world, so it has become what it is now. Clear up the weirdness that happened in the Yang world."

Lu Ren's expression moved slightly, "Zongmen, what do they practice?"

Zhang Yan and Chen Ling looked at each other in confusion, why the person in front of him didn't know anything, he couldn't be a monster.

But people are knives and I are fish, so they have to answer honestly.

"Of course it's martial arts." Zhang Yan replied

"How did they eliminate those weird changes, or the evil spirits in the underworld?"

"Warriors exercise their bodies, boil their qi and blood, and when the body activates the qi and blood, they can make the body's yang qi stronger, and what can fight against evil spirits is yang qi, which forms the inner breath of blood qi."

Yang Qi?

It means that you can also study it yourself.

Lu Ren cheered up, but he didn't know if this world was also reproductively isolated from him. Many times, because of the different living environment, although the appearance is not bad, the organ structure and underlying genes in the body will have different levels. As a result, the way of practice in this world may not be applicable.

"Will you two?"

Zhang Yan had no choice but to say, "Hero, if the two of us knew each other, we wouldn't just be captured like this."

"Take me back."

"Ah... well."


In many cases, Lu Ren is actually just a victim. Just like now, coercing Zhang Yan and Chen Ling can be just a stopgap measure. If Yang Shi is really like Zhang Yan and the two said, it is a place where living people gather. If the yang qi of countless people strengthens the yang membrane to resist the invasion of the yin world, then it can be said that it is much safer than the yin world.

"By the way, you said that you want to find Hanningcao."

Zhang Yan lowered his eyebrows and looked pleasing to the eye: "Yes."

"Does it work?"

"Han Ning Grass is extremely cold in nature. As long as it is formulated, it is a high-quality medicine that assists warriors in their cultivation. As the so-called cathode yang is born, it is a precious medicine that blindly reconciles yin and yang, and is very popular among warriors."

"Yes, yes!" Chen Ling interrupted: "If we get a plant, maybe we can change to a big yard, and we won't have to squeeze into the dilapidated nest. We are also forced to do nothing. I took the risk to go out of the world to explore."

Zhang Yan sighed: "In this world, just to survive is already very desperate."

Lu Ren pondered for a while, and asked, "That's why you are at the edge of that ghost battlefield?"


"Is it this one?"

Lu Ren took out a handful of grass from the gap in the backpack. This is a place where there were weeds and he rolled down on the spot to avoid the sword and gun. When the long sword passed across the ground, the weeds flew down. Some broken blades of grass got into the gap between his pack and his back.

When Lu Ren took out a bunch of broken Hanning grass in his hand like he was catching weeds, Zhang Yan felt distressed and excited: "Yes, that's it, my god, what's the matter?" It's like this!!!"

Chen Ling was even more heartbroken, almost fainting from heartache.

"Hero, are you treating this as a weed!"

Lu Ren: "... Isn't this just a weed, and it's a bit cold."

This thing really didn't have time to deal with it. He had observed it before, and it seemed that this grass appeared simultaneously after the appearance of the ghost battlefield.

The two herbal pickers, Zhang Yan and Chen Ling, watched the precious medicine being grabbed by Lu Ren like a mowing grass, leaving only a few broken leaves and branches, a mess that had been swept over by a wild boar.

Zhang Yan didn't know where to put his hands, and looked at Lu Ren eagerly.

"Hero, do you want me to handle it?"

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