Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 35: 35th

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the people on the screen without turning her eyes. She didn't know that the eldest lady next to her had already clenched her fists. She even had a hostile spirit rising from the bottom of her heart, which drove her to stand up and grab Mu Xiao very much. Xiao's mobile phone was thrown on the ground and stepped on it.

But the identity of the eldest lady was there, which prevented her from doing such an act of disobedience.

What makes Qin Yi most powerless is why she loses her temper? Why does she lose her temper?

She likes Mu Xiaoxiao, but Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't like her. Now in her heart, she is just a good sister.

How kind of a sorrowful taste spread in the eldest lady's heart, making her uncomfortable, but there is no way to vent, and she can only swallow it forbearingly.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know how much she had done to look at a photo. The young lady next to her had already taken a trip to the sea of ​​bitterness, and her heart had already kicked her and her phone was crushed. She lightly tapped the screen with her fingertips. I zoomed in and zoomed in on this photo, especially the position of her eyes, she watched it repeatedly.

Qin Yi took a deep breath.

She thought, if Mu Xiaoxiao is really that great, then ask her to keep it, and never look back to see her.

If one day, she turns around, the eldest lady must let Mu Xiaoxiao taste the bitterness of today.

"Oh, Miss, look at her eyes." Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know how old she was, a hat of "will be retaliated", she looked at the photos intently, not the opposite of beauty. The appreciation is mainly due to occupational diseases.

Qin Yi looked at her coldly.

What to look at?

What status and status is she, no matter how beautiful a woman is, is she worth seeing?


Mu Xiaoxiao is still magnifying and zooming in his eyes, just like a p-picture expert, he must see something in the eyes.

Unable to help, Qin Yi looked at the people on the screen. She frowned. Isn't this an artist from Nanyang?

This person is Xue Manlan. She is the most popular model of the company, but she has not been popular because she is too strong and public. She does not look like an ordinary artist or model. She works hard. According to the company, she is the kind of carelessness. There are people who are drunk today, who have made today's money and don't want tomorrow. No one, including her economic man, should want to sway her. She is wild and famous in the company. In addition, his family background was pretty good, but he just came out to play tickets, but he was so casual, and he also gained a bit of fame, which made people helpless.

Qin Yi had an impression of her because when she went to Nanyang, she parked the car and was about to walk upstairs, and heard people shouting all the way.

"Ohhhhh, don't go!"

"Wait for me, Manlan, why are you drinking drinks again! You are a model, dear! Are you kind of consciously okay?"


Immediately afterwards, a tall woman in a leather jacket, holding a cup of coffee in her left hand, and arrogant red kombu on her nails, with a child-like smile on her mouth, she walked out, and after seeing Qin Yi, she Startled, his lips still biting the habit, he took a hard breath, his eyes were very round.

Qin Yi is wearing a black woolen coat with a slim fit. She is already tall, and the black lined body is slender and slender. The slightly retracted waist is solemn to highlight a hint of femininity. With her temperament, Xue Manlan can't turn her eyes. Chu, pondering, isn't this the leader who is going to check?

Until the economic man rushed out, seeing Qin Yi was shocked, "Miss!"

She pulled Xue Manlan, her hair was about to stand up: "Hurry up and call someone!"


"She doesn't look like she's sick." Mu Xiaoxiao was still analyzing it in an orderly manner, "Look at her eyes, the quiet and far-reaching ancient costume style of this photo is not suitable. she."

Her hand moved back quickly, and she looked at another daily photo of her, "Look, this eye is so clever, what trouble can she have?"

Seeing that Mu Xiaoxiao's mind was really at work, the eldest lady's cold face eased a little.

Mu Xiaoxiao pondered: "If you have to say to see something strange, this elder sister should... be fighting against something. The corners of her eyes and the expressions in her eyes all highlight her unhappiness."

Qin Yi:...

elder sister? ? ?

Your sister so soon?

Just look at a picture of your sister?

Mu Xiaoxiao admits that her sister is too casual, right?

Is her sister worth two cents?

At this moment, after the analysis, Mu Xiaoxiao finally felt the sluggish aura of the eldest lady, she quickly turned around: "Don't look at it, miss, eldest lady, can I help you walk around?"

Ah bah bah.

What kind of sister is she calling nonsense.

It's all because I used to see older girls called sisters, and older girls called brothers.

Qin Yi didn't even look at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao explained: "I'm used to it, Miss, usually we do this job. Seeing a 60 or 70-year-old aunt will also call her sister, otherwise people will be unhappy."

Qin Yi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, firing the knife with a cold look piupiu.

What does she mean?

Are you implying that she is old?

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Come on, if the eldest becomes sharp, nothing will happen to her.

Seeing that she didn't explain anymore, Qin Yi turned her head away, turned around, and left the wheelchair slowly.

Inexplicably angry.

Inexplicably ignoring people.

Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a long time, and she followed up to the third floor.

The door has been closed.

And this time, it wasn't a concealment, it was locked tightly.

Until noon, the eldest lady didn't come down, only the sound of the guzheng faintly pierced through the third floor.

The eldest lady knows how to play Guzheng, but Mu Xiaoxiao knows that she doesn't play it easily. She listened to it for a while, only to feel that the tune was a bit familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

Xiao Cui, who was cooking downstairs, heard it too. She hesitated for a moment and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao: "Don't you know what song this is?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "What song?"

Xiao Cui glanced at her and shook her head: "I don't know either."

Isn't this "Actually You Don't Understand My Heart"?

——You said I'm like a cloud and unpredictable

In fact, you do not know my heart

You say I'm like a dream suddenly far away and nearer

In fact, you do not know my heart


Xiao Cui had always felt that Miss Mu Xiaoxiao was different from Mu Xiaoxiao before, but she was not sure. Now, this song is like a seed coming out of the ground, deepening her guess.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't think much, she picked up the phone and recorded a section, but the sound was intermittent because of the sound insulation effect.

At noon, Xiao Cui made a meal, and when Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to serve it, he received a message from Missy.

——Take a day off for you.

Give her a day off?

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it, she tossed over and read the information that day many times.

--why? I also want to take a stroll with you.

Qin Yi was cold.

——Are you insulting a person in a wheelchair?

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips as she watched the message, and soon the eldest lady came with another message.

——You can go for a walk with the model.


Mu Xiaoxiao understood that the eldest gave her a day off to let her see Xue Manlan recommended by Teacher Wang, right?

It's not that she can't see through Miss's heart.

In Mu Xiaoxiao's cognition since childhood, nothing is more unbreakable than sisterhood.

She believed that Qin Yi was her sister, and she couldn't help but think of her for Qiuqiu.

If Qiuqiu is eighteen years old, has the ability to work, and has a good opportunity, she will definitely introduce it to her.

She doesn't think much about it at all.

This is like a straight girl, no matter how nice you are to her, as long as you don't directly say the layer of window paper that you pierced, she will not want to be crooked if there is no actual action.

What's more, it is Mu Xiaoxiao who thinks he is magnanimous and single.

In the afternoon, before Mu Xiaoxiao left, he prepared some snacks for the eldest lady and gave it to Xiaocui: "Then I will leave first."

Xiao Cui nodded and looked at her hesitated for a moment: "Are you coming back tonight?"

Mu Xiaoxiao casually said: "I won't come back, I'll go to the hospital to see my sister, and you can help me talk to the eldest lady."

The eldest lady was in a bad mood and gloomy. Mu Xiaoxiao was used to it. In the morning, she tried to knock on the door, but in the end she received a vicious warning message from Qin Yi.

——Don't bother me anymore.

Qin Yi had been sitting in a wheelchair, she watched Mu Xiaoxiao talking to Xiao Cui through the curtains, watched her look upstairs, watched her turn and leave.

She closed her eyes.

Not long after Xiaoxiao left, Liu Wannian came over. When he came, the eldest lady was sitting in the living room looking out the window.

There is no one in the room, and Xiao Cui and the others don't know where they are.

When Liu Wannian saw this posture, he knew that Miss was in a bad mood.

Usually at this time, Liu Wannian wouldn't dare to come over and disturb the eldest lady, but after all, Qin Yi personally ordered to report on Qiuqiu's situation every day, and he could bite the bullet.


He looked at the eldest lady, feeling her eyes so empty, staring blankly at the fallen leaves outside the window, there was no light.

Qin Yi turned to look at him.

Liu Wannian looked at Miss Liu's pale face and sighed. He lowered his head: "Qiuqiu, an examination was conducted early this morning. The preliminary results are all out. There is no major physical problem, but to ensure that Wan One, surgery will take place after a week of recuperation. This afternoon, there will be an expert consultation."

Qin Yi nodded and raised her hand.


Liu Wannian: "According to your request, I checked the school. Indeed, Qiuqiu was at school because he was a transfer student and his family, and he was bullied by students in the same class. I asked the school to retrieve the video. There is substantial evidence."

The eldest squinted her eyes.

Liu Wannian's heart jumped suddenly, and here came, he hadn't seen Miss Qifaner for a long time!

Qin Yi was not a good-tempered person.

Over the years, she abandoned everything in the outside world and gave up on herself. This kind of her has been gone for a long time.

She looked at Liu Wannian, her eyes cold.

——Go to Wang Ren and tell him I arranged it and don't let her be bullied.

Wang Ren is the leader of the various departments of the Qin family's external public relations agencies, and he is very familiar with the people in the Education Bureau.

Liu Wannian nodded. He looked at the eldest lady and felt that she still had something to say, "Should we transfer her to the shift?"

Such a thing is just a sentence to the eldest lady.

Qin Yi stared at her.


Why adjust?

It's not Qiuqiu's fault, why did she run away?

Qin Yi stared at Liu Wannian with a pair of dark eyes.

-Nurturing without teaching, teach them some lessons.

Master the scale.

Why does campus bullying repeatedly nourish the school soil? It is not because of the indulgence again and again, saying that the child is small and needs to be forgiven, and it cannot affect the future of the flower.

But is this relaxation really for their tomorrow?

When children make mistakes, if they don't give a small punishment or a big punishment, they may be like accomplices and truly ruin their tomorrow.

Liu Wannian looked at the eldest lady and nodded like this, "Yes."

It's okay, Liu Wannian should have pushed it out, but he couldn't bear to see the eldest lady like this, so he plucked up the courage to ask, "Should you tell Xiaoxiao?"

Tell her that she will know what the eldest has done for her silently, and she should be moved.

If you like someone, you should let her know, right?

Only when the word "Xiaoxiao" came out of Liu Wannian's mouth, he felt that the eldest lady was a little different, and his eyes brightened, and then quickly darkened.

Qin Yi turned around, looked at the leaves falling on the ground, and waved her hand.

--No need to.

Xiaoxiao's self-esteem is so strong, she always feels owed to her when she knows it.

She loves her sister so much and can't wait to use her life to protect her. If she knew that Qiuqiu had been bullied at school, she would be furious.

Neither result was what she wanted.

She doesn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to feel owed to her.

What she wants is her likes.

She doesn't have her in her heart, it's all her sister and family.

She can wait.

No matter how long.

What she wants is clean likes, not mixed with others.

That way, she would rather not.

She said that in love, she would rather lack than abuse, never give up.

Not wanting to get too much thoughts entangled in it, Qin Yi raised his hand and handed a piece of paper to Liu Wannian.

Liu Wannian respectfully accepted it, he opened it to see that it was a person's name, and he looked at Qin Yi.

The eldest lady raised her slender hand.

——Go check her relationship with Qin Shuang.

Time is urgent.

Mu Xiaoxiao called Teacher Wang when he was out of the house, told him, and was going to Xue Manlan to see what was going on.

One is that she really needs money, and the other is, after all, Teacher Wang explained that she does not look at the face of the monk but also the face of the Buddha. Even if this person is really unreliable, she has to meet and deal with it.

Teacher Wang is kind to her. Since Mu Xiaoxiao went to university, she has been helping him out and secretly after knowing her family situation.

The most important thing is that he knows Mu Xiaoxiao's heart to be strong. He never puts these favors in his mouth. He doesn't have a mentor's air every day, joking with Mu Xiaoxiao, like a friend and a brother.

Back then, he still wanted to match his son with Mu Xiaoxiao. After being rejected by Mu Xiaoxiao, his son scratched his head and asked his father, "Although this girl is a little more beautiful, but she..."

He sees that Mu Xiaoxiao is particularly skilled at sharing bicycles every day, and the bags on his back are also the kind of Taobao goods, estimated to be no more than 100.

Young people are more concerned about brands.

He felt that although Mu Xiaoxiao was pretty, he seemed to be busier than the leader every day, and his clothes were too poor.

Teacher Wang's face sank when he heard his son's words. He looked at his son coldly, "Don't bully the young man."

He is very optimistic about Mu Xiaoxiao, always feeling that she is not like a normal girl, she is like an eagle on the horizon, waving her wings, there is infinite power.

She is burdened a lot, but she never tells others.

He suddenly felt that Xiaoxiao was right to look down on her son. In contrast, that little **** was just a straw bag.


Mu Xiaoxiao arrived at Xue Manlan's house more than two hours after arriving on the subway.

She stood at the door of the villa and looked at it, shook her head, she couldn't help but tsk tsk in her heart.

Why are people in the entertainment industry so rich?

Didn’t you say that it’s not a very popular model?

Do you live in a villa?

No, after going home, she has to talk to the eldest lady, and see if she can pack it up and enter the entertainment industry too? Even if you don't sing, you can go to a psychological interview program and be a guest guest.

The heart of Mu Xiaoxiao, a wealthy fan, was about to move. She sent a message to Qiuqiu-my sister is going to see you at night.

She tidyed up her clothes and went to knock on the door.

The doorbell was pressed for a long time before it was opened. After opening the door, a strong floral scent came out, and there was no one.

"Wait a moment! I'm still taking a shower, just sit down!"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Is it so wild?

Better than her, and not just too short-handed?

A beautiful woman opens the door in the shower? After opening the door, let the other person go directly to the living room and sit? Is she not afraid that she is a bad person?

Mu Xiaoxiao bent over with complicated thoughts, and she put on shoe covers. This was her basic rule after getting started.

It's just this... She feels that she wears shoe covers a bit too much.

The house is very big, but it is filled with express delivery everywhere, it is a paradise for express delivery.

Pile from the door to the living room.

Then, on the sofa she was sitting on, there were all kinds of colorful clothes, piled up one by one, and many of them were unlabeled.

Chaos became a mess.

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at it, and had a general judgment in his heart, is this a rebellious girl?

In the room, the girl was still taking a bath, and she was still humming a song in the bath.

"Hi, happy gongs and drums strike out joy every year..."

That tune.

Mu Xiaoxiao's face hurts a bit. She feels that she has reached the point, and the other person's voice is like pressing something sharp against the ground and rubbing.

The patter of water rang for a long time, but it finally stopped.

The bathroom door was opened, bringing out a damp and sweet fragrance. Out of politeness, Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and gave the other party room to wait for her to change clothes. She thought of her eldest lady, Qin Yi was also fragrant, but it was not such a deliberate perfume smell, it was the kind of light sandalwood mixed with body scent, which smelled very good.

People obviously don't need this space.


Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao turned her head in embarrassment, Xue Manlan, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, laughed: "It's really pure and pure."

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated, she raised her head and looked at the person in front of her.

Xue Manlan's hair didn't dry, and the water droplets slid down her neck. She was really tall, and Mu Xiaoxiao was also a few seven meters tall, but she felt that she was a Hobbit dwarf. Her appearance, big red lips, Danfeng eyes, sharp eyes, gave Mu Xiaoxiao the intuitive feeling that this was a fairy who crawled out of a hole in the silk hole?

When we first met, Xue Manlan was not at all polite. She wiped the water from her hair with a towel, walked to Mu Xiaoxiao's side, leaned forward, and stretched out a hand: "Hello."

The slender snow-white fingers are scarlet cotan.

Xue Manlan looked at her straightforwardly.

It was the first time that Mu Xiaoxiao saw such an enchanting and mature woman. She turned her back and did not reach out her hand, "Hello."

Seeing her like this, Xue Manlan smiled, her smile was presumptuous, and she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with straight eyes.

Such eyes were so sharp as to be able to strip Mu Xiaoxiao's clothes one by one, making her frown instinctively.

She patiently thought, "Can you change clothes and talk again?"

The tone was already somewhat forbearing.


Xue Manlan nodded, and then she unbuttoned her, and the bath towel slid down her slender body.

Just change clothes live.

Her eyes looked straight at Mu Xiaoxiao.

She is very proud of her figure, even among the many models, she is not inferior.

Even back then, her painter friend once said that her body was designed according to the golden ratio. If a man saw it, he would definitely be unable to restrain his impulse, and a woman would definitely feel ashamed if she saw it.

She is quite confident.

In these few minutes of confrontation, Mu Xiaoxiao probably knew the character of this sister.

As a professional psychologist, would she be afraid of this?

Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa and raised Erlang's legs. She looked at Xue Manlan openly, the meaning in her eyes was obvious and direct.


Such a look made Xue Manlan startled. She smiled confidently on her face. Mu Xiaoxiao smiled at her, very lady: "Put it on, I've seen better ones."

Psychologist Mu is not easy to make a move. Once he makes a move, in a nutshell, he will kill the heart.

Xue Manlan's eyes widened suddenly, filled with anger. what? impossible! When did you see it, compare it with her!

Under Xue Manlan's angry gaze, Mu Xiaoxiao took out a timer hourglass from her bag, and put her backhand on the table, showing a polite smile: "I charge by the minute."

Xue Manlan:...

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